Mercury in House Eight
Mercury in the 8th House Overview:
When Mercury, the planet of communication and rational thought occupies the 8th house, which is the house of transformation, the result is deeply psychological and intellectually powerful. The power of the mind is emphasized here and even is magnified. It can manifest as extreme perspectives, obsessive and sometimes destructive thoughts especially with regards to our most primal needs and wants.
With Mercury in the 8th house there may be a heightened interest in exploring things like sexuality and death in a rather scientific and intellectual way. This placement can manifest strong psychological insights but also perhaps sometimes nosy and invasive tendencies. In the 8th house, mercury serves to dig beneath the surface and understand the nature of reality on a deeper, more abstract level. It compels a desire to attain knowledge for the sake of control and sometimes manipulation. Here now is a look at mercury in the 8th house and how it manifests itself as both a natal chart placement and transit.
Mercury in the 8th House key Traits: investigative, neurotic, perceptive, obsessive thoughts, psychologically astute, shrewd, insightful, wily.
The 8th House:
The 8th house is the house of transformation and debt. It corresponds with the sign of Scorpio and its ruler, the former planet Pluto. Like the Chthonic god after which it is named, Pluto is associated with death and the underworld. This, by extension, is part of what the 8th house encompasses. The business of the 8th house pertains to power shifts and changes in our lives that we must grapple with. It has to do with resources that are shared, rented, leased and lent to us.
Possessions that we have but do not officially or exclusively own. It is about joint ownership such as that between a husband and wife. It is not about the relationships themselves as covered by the 7th house, but rather the power and resources shared between them. Although it does also cover the sexual aspect of intimate relationships. The 8th house also covers other people’s money, inheritance, debt, alimony and divorce. It deals with how we possess, control and wield power over others.
The Planet Mercury:
In astrology, Mercury is a very important planet and essentially represents the intellectual mind, the way we think and communicate. It is the fastest planet in our solar system and also the smallest and closest to the sun. It is named after the ancient Roman’s mythical messenger of the gods. Mercury signifies our rational side, our use of language and our ability to think on our feet, solving problems or processing information. Where Mercury is placed within a chart can indicate something about the style and form of communication an individual is likely to display or prefer.
When Mercury is afflicted or blocked in some way, it can give rise to willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, misinformation, propaganda, unsound thinking and anger based on misconceptions. Wherever Mercury is placed, will signify the manner of intellectual interest or mental activity associated with that area. In the sign of Leo for example, it can indicate someone who is more fixed in their thinking and may be somewhat intellectually pompous. At the same time, they may have a flare for communication that makes them very captivating and dramatic speakers.
Mercury in the 8th House Natal:
Those who have Mercury in the 8th house of their birth charts will have an inherent interest in getting to the bottom of things. They have a perceptive and probing mind with a penchant for reading between the lines and detecting the truth behind the lies. For them, research is a pleasure and they enjoy digging up the type of information that only a savvy and clever investigator such as they could ever find.
People with Mercury in the 8th house are interested in understanding psychological implications and meanings behind what is explicitly said. Additionally, the 8th house can highlight a lot of the neurotic and high-strung qualities of mercury. In house 8, Mercury can compel an individual to often read into things that are not necessarily true or be inclined to be ever on the lookout for double meanings and hidden motives.
Individuals who have an 8th house Mercury, may gravitate towards the occult and learning about metaphysics. They are keen on finding ways to transform and shape their circumstances, especially when they are faced with a crisis or harrowing situation. In these situations, the 8th house can either serve as a catalyst for toughening the mental fortitude of the individual or causing them to unravel and suffer a mental breakdown. Mercury in the 8th house highlights the power of the mind to change and control one’s path in life.
People with this placement are likely to feel indebted to someone who has had a transformative influence on their thinking or gifted them with a significant piece of knowledge and insight that they hold dearly. Furthermore, mercury in the 8th house may instill a sense of obligation to others in terms of teaching and spreading their valuable knowledge and insight. On the negative side, it can also foster a penchant for hoarding knowledge for the sake of consolidating power and control.
Mercury in the 8th House Transit:
When Mercury transits the 8th house, it can stimulate a heightened interest in understanding other people’s motives and also investigating things that are taboo and mysterious. During this time curiosity will be piqued and there will be a penchant for not taking anything for granted. Your ability to manage obligations to others and also manage finances on their behalf will be strengthened. Your attention and focus will help in dealing with problems and crises that might arise.
Your words hold more power and influence and there is conviction behind what you say that commands other’s attention and respect. People may entrust you with their assets either to manage and keep them safe or as collateral in exchange for a loan. Conversely, you may find it easier to obtain loans and borrow money if needed, thanks in part to your ability to persuade and convince your creditors that their money is in good hands and will be used smartly.
Mercury in the 8th House in Each Astrology Sign:
Mercury in the 8th House in Aries – With Mercury in the 8th house in Aries, there will be a penchant for being able to think fast and respond quickly during an emergency or crisis. People with this placement can be both courageous and technical in handling life or death situations. They embody a lot of the warrior ethos and can be MacGuyver-like in their ability to find a smart solution to a life-threatening problem. Whatever they pursue they pursue with passion and a lot of mental energy. They may suffer a lot of losses and mistakes on account of their lack of patience.
Mercury in the 8th House in Taurus – Mercury in the 8th house in Taurus is a placement that manifests a very practical and empirical thinker who is not easily budged from their perspectives. They tend to be good at managing resources but they may have to be careful not to lose money through bad investments, and legal troubles. People with this placement may be gifted with an inheritance or trust fund that must be shared with siblings or other relatives. They take their time deliberating so as to avoid making costly mistakes. They deeply dislike having to give up resources or lose money and they do everything they can to hedge their risk and maximize gain.
Mercury in the 8th House in Gemini – Having Mercury in the 8th house in Gemini can foster a very cerebral individual who is curious about the dark and mysterious side of life. They question the purpose of life and they read in between the lines of people’s words. People with this placement can sometimes flip between being personable and friendly to being high strung and temperamental especially when under stress. Although they are often bright and perceptive, they can nonetheless run into financial and personal issues mostly likely a consequence of saying and doing controversial things.
Mercury in the 8th House in Cancer – In the sign of Cancer, Mercury in the 8th house is a placement that can bring about a deeply probing mind. Someone who internalizes much and reveals little. Their thoughts and emotions can sometimes scare them and they may take measures to ensure their security needs are met. People with this placement are ever wary of their mortality and risk of losing things they care deeply about and are attached to. They make shrewd moves and can leverage a natural insight into human psychology to their advantage. Manipulation and skullduggery are sometimes on the menu when needed.
Mercury in the 8th House in Leo – With Mercury in the 8th house in Leo, there is a lot of style and flair in the way in which they communicate. They are bold and creative with language and they have the capacity to use it in powerful ways. People with this placement can sometimes toy with others in a cat and mouse game of intellectual dominance. They however, can be decisive and capable in dealing with emergent crises. There may be a penchant paying a price for intellectual hubris and their compulsion to speak from their mind and heart in an unfiltered fashion.
Mercury in the 8th House in Virgo – Having Mercury in the 8th house in Virgo is a placement that may bring about a strong analytical mind and an exacting nature. People with this placement can become demanding and controlling when things don’t go their way. They may have a tendency to sometimes overreact and stress out about troubling situations. They like to feel in control over their affairs and they wisely seek to avoid being in debt to others. People with this placement may do well as accountants and being in a position of managing other people’s assets and property.
Mercury in the 8th House in Libra – With Mercury in the 8th house in Libra, social intelligence and interpersonal savvy is highlighted. These individuals tend to be inoffensive and tactful with their words. They try to get along and they are often able to use their way with words to get them out of trouble or negotiate a debt. They have the capacity for Machiavellianism and using their charms in unscrupulous ways. They don’t like to deal with conflict directly and are inclined to utilize psychological tricks and tactics for managing other people’s expectations.
Mercury in the 8th House in Scorpio – In Scorpio, Mercury in the 8th house may yield a sharp and perceptive mind that is fascinated with matters of life and death and paranormal phenomena. ESP and the dark arts are likely to hold some allure for them. People with this placement are inclined to form a strong inner belief in themselves and their power to shape their reality and overcome negative forces that threaten to take what is theirs. They can be very controlling in nature and don’t take kindly to others challenging their knowledge or sabotaging their bottom line. Being underestimated will often spark their impulse to prove themselves in a dominant fashion.
Mercury in the 8th House in Sagittarius – With Mercury in the 8th house in Sagittarius, there will be a penchant for thinking big and having a grand vision that can extend into dangerous territory. These individuals think heavily about existential concerns and they are apt to develop a philosophy for managing their relationship with the mysterious and unknown. They care about truth and they are often inclined to explore the darker, esoteric spaces and places of knowledge for keys to understanding the world more deeply.
Mercury in the 8th House in Capricorn – People who have their Mercury in the 8th house in Capricorn are bound to have a stable, serious and practical thinking style. They say what they mean and they mean what they say. They like to gather information that serves a practical purpose. They are very mature in their thinking and display a sense of competence and control in dealing with crisis situations. Those who have this placement are likely to have a higher tolerance for distressing circumstances and not being phased by many types of trauma. They may find themselves overseeing the management of trusts and deeds to other people’s property. They may also do well as morticians, funeral directors and undertakers.
Mercury in the 8th House in Aquarius – Individuals with Mercury in the 8th house in Aquarius are “ideas people” and they can be very bright and inventive. They however, may gravitate towards a curiosity in things that are weird and macabre. They are often interested in changing and transforming things, reshaping them into something new and intriguing. People with this placement are often good at finding thrifty ways to repurpose or recycle something that is old or broken.
Mercury in the 8th House in Pisces – Those with Mercury in Pisces in the 8th house are bound to have a mind that may often be highly influenced and affected by the words and perspectives of other people. Negative circumstances and crisis can have a drastic and damaging effect on their psyche. Because of their impressionable nature, it is important for them to steer clear of negative and exploitative people. People with this placement may have difficulty being objective in their thinking and not letting their feelings and imagination get in the way of recognizing the dangers and risks that are in front of them.
Mercury in the 8th House Celebrities:
Lana Del Rey(June 21st, 1985) mercury in the 8th house in cancer
Tom Cruise (July 3rd, 1962) mercury in the 8th house in Gemini
Monica Bellucci (September 30th, 1964) mercury in the 8th house in Virgo
Sharon Stone (March 10th, 1958) mercury in the 8th house in Pisces
Natalie Portman (June 9th, 1981) mercury in the 8th house in cancer
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29th, 1917) mercury in the 8th house in Taurus
Kylie Jenner (August 10th, 1997) mercury in the 8th house in Virgo
Emma Watson (April 15th, 1990) mercury in the 8th house in Taurus
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (September 15th, 1984) mercury in the 8th house in Virgo
Mark Zuckerberg (May 14th, 1984) mercury in the 8th house Aries
Demi Moore (November 11th, 1962) mercury in the 8th house in Scorpio
Chris Evans (actor) (June 13th, 1981) mercury in the 8th house in cancer
Michael Jordan (February 17th, 1963) mercury in the 8th house in Aquarius
Sylvester Stallone (July 6th, 1946) mercury in the 8th house in Leo
Matt Damon (October 8th, 1970) mercury in the 8th house in Libra
Adam Levine (March 18th, 1979) mercury in the 8th house in Aries
Sean Connery (August 25th, 1930) mercury in the 8th house in Virgo
Rafael Nadal (June 3rd, 1986) mercury in the 8th house in Gemini
Nolwenn Leroy (September 28th, 1982) mercury in the 8th house in Libra
Kobe Bryant(August 23rd, 1978) mercury in the 8th house in Leo
Bruno Mars (October 8th, 1985) mercury in the 8th house in Libra
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