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49 responses

  1. Cat Rehbock
    July 25, 2017

    INFJ Aries here…upon checking my natal chart, I have a Cancer ascendant (Mars in Cancer, too) with a Libra moon. Basically, I’m a walking contradiction. I’m ambitious but cautious. I have lots to say but keep to myself. I mostly act based on intuition more so than instinct. I rather stay home than go on an adventure, although the idea seems nice. I’m highly creative, especially with music and writing. I feel everything, and I’m so hard on myself because of high expectations of myself. I often worry about making others happy rather than myself. Im often misunderstood in more ways than one. I’m such a perfectionist…In social settings, I prefer one-on-one rather than a group. I hate small talk. I don’t like to be rushed. I only get mad when provoked (a rare sighting of an Aries that can control their temper)…yeah, I would like to think I’m a rare gem considering my type and sign combination.

    I’m a little hurt there’s not much information regarding this combination because it is so conflicting. Take what you will with my comment. I doubt anyone will respond…


    • Nora Qu
      August 29, 2017

      I am an Aries INFJ with a Taurus Moon and Cancer Rising. Taurus baring some similarity to Libra as they both share Venus as a planetary ruler. I definitely feel like a contradiction of a person due to the diversity in my chart. The lazy perfectionism of Aries and stubbornly loving traits of a Taurus, and the emotional and ambitious Cancer. It’s a lot t handle in one personality sometimes.


  2. Avelina
    July 30, 2017

    Cat, I’m also an INFJ Aries with a Libra moon. I can relate to most of your comment. I believe that my experiences as a child have guided me to the personality type of INFJ. Aries+INFJ? just another INFJ paradox! 🙂


  3. Sana
    October 5, 2017

    Very interesting article! I am an infj who is a Sagi sun with Virgo moon and Taurus rising with a stellium in Scorpio.


  4. Sana
    October 5, 2017

    I am curious about infj connection with the moon sign. Would love to get some insight


  5. tomato
    November 21, 2017

    aries infj with moon in cancer, ascendant sagittarius


  6. JeAnna Roeper
    March 19, 2018

    I am an INFJ/Aries and I have to agree with Cat Rehbock – That is exactly how i am, as well !!


  7. Norman Sparrow
    April 2, 2018

    I am a INFJ/Cancerean with a Libra moon and Libra Rising. Talk about over emotional geeez


  8. Chayla
    April 24, 2018

    I’m an INFJ Pisces, Moon in Aries and Rising in Scorpio. So i kinda think my signs are built to be an infj, i swear that if i wasn’t Aries moon i’d be less extraverted and be a full introvert instead of an ambivert.


  9. Destiny Ditzy Morris-Mitchum
    August 19, 2018



  10. Ava
    August 19, 2018

    This article is pretty interesting…i m an INFJ with sagittarius sun and Scorpio moon…and it was so true about the scorpio infj…?


  11. Ava
    August 29, 2018

    INFJ/Scorpio. Everything that was said was spot on and i’m really glad i’m not the only one out here in this mysterious galaxy. 🙂


  12. Ava
    August 29, 2018

    I’m an INFJ/Scorpio. After reading this article, i finally feel understood. It feels good to be not so alone in this very alone galaxy we live in.


  13. Jasmin.
    August 31, 2018

    I’m an INFJ with a Scorpio sun, Libra moon, and Cancer rising…lol could someone explain what all this means??


  14. Marianne
    September 15, 2018

    Im a Cancer sun sign with Pisces Moon sign. Both are water signs and Pisces ruled by neptune. I have a personal planet venus aspecting neptune the planet of spirituality and sensitivity. I am an INFJ. Reading my natal chart is about the same as reading the description of an INFJ. Highly sensitive people can be seen in Astrology. I believe we are born our personality type.


  15. Johanna
    March 31, 2019



  16. Riley
    May 16, 2019

    I am a INFJ Sagittarius, and I feel that most of what was said was true. The only thing that isn’t that true about me is the optimism. I usually am fairly negative and expect the worse naturally, and I hope that I’m not he only one who feels this way. Sometimes I feel like I’m half Sagittarius and half Cancer, because I feel very deeply and am a pretty sensitive person.


  17. Joni Rovio
    May 30, 2019

    I am a INFJ Capricorn.


  18. blueribbonfair
    May 31, 2019

    I am an INFJ Leo and you are corrrect with the way you wrote how I am. I can be very intimidating at times.


  19. blueribbonfair
    May 31, 2019

    Interesting personality I would think. Leo INFJ here.


  20. Shannon Remanda
    June 4, 2019

    We are twinsies Girl! I have the exact same as you! Cancer ASC, Aries Sun, Libra moon. Very rare from what I’ve read. I’m INFJ too!


  21. Emily
    June 5, 2019

    INFJ GEMINI here yes the mood swings and flightiness is real haha


  22. Jae
    July 7, 2019

    This is for Cat – I too am a walking contradiction
    Aries sun sign with a Libra rising sign and a cancer moon sign….. I have wishy washy thoughts and feelings alot !!


  23. Mone D
    July 20, 2019

    Wow, I’m a INFJ Sagittarius. I never met another INFJ. I understand you completely. Its very cool knowing someone else is experiencing the same thing. I,also, feel everything, so much so it’s overwhelming. It’s like I know people better than they know themselves, especially my family.


  24. V
    July 31, 2019

    I’m a INFJ Aries. I have never related to Aries, but I do have Aquarius rising and I relate to my rising so much more! I have felt different my whole life and does not like trends, but I do not dress weird or anything.


  25. Jules
    September 12, 2019

    I am an Aries INFJ with a Cancer moon and Cancer ascendant.

    Yep, my family, work, and many friends think of me as an extravert and are quite surprised when I tell them I am a definite introvert. Haha. I have been told I can be forceful or arrogant. Though as I reached my twenties, I mellowed and became more balanced with my softer sides. I’m now in my early 30’s. I am not the most empathetic INFJ, though I can be quite empathetic. I can be somewhat impulsive, and prone to working mostly in energy bursts. I can be dramatic (lol) and insist my emotions be acknowledged or validated, and can be pretty simple that way. I like awards, prizes, and recognition, but also don’t want the limelight and often feel burdened with responsibilities. I struggle with having ambitions, but then lacking motivation to do them. I’m learning to integrate the contradicting facets of my personality.


  26. Kitty
    September 18, 2019

    I’m an Aquarius INFJ &have to admit it is pretty spot on . I also have a obsession nearly with MBTI &a mild interest in Astrology as I find it intriguing &accurate to a point ,I also take it with a grain of salt.


    October 18, 2019

    I am a INFJ (Cancer♋/Dog in Chinese Zodiac) I am 80% Introverted 20% a social butterfly. If I am not exasperated. As such, I love my alone time. Faith, Family & Finances are pivitol to me. I am witty, observant, and very opinionated. I am a creature of habit with hint of random. My love language in sequential dominance order are as followed; 1.Gifts, 2.Acts of Service, 3.Quality Time, 4. Physical Touch & 5.Affirmation.I do not believe in astrology however, I do utilize it as a tool to understand people/sterotype them. I am a compartimentalist….hmmm? lmbo? I think I just made up my own word. In other words, I categorize absolutely everything including people.I love order, logic and analyze everything. I can conquer being a INFJ is by far isolating. I frequently feel misunderstood.Although I attract the rejected,the lost sheep, the misfit, weirdos, or the outcasts I love the mystery of getting to know them.Adds a little excitement to my life. ?I am magnetic in nature.People are always drawn to me because of my energy, ora, joy or the God in me.#Annointing People always tell me your so easy to talk too! ?Meanwhile, in my head I had 50 other conversations with this person ALL by myself. I love stability but Im spontaneous enough to take a drastic risk.My motto is live and let live, whats the worse that can happen? Someone else always has it worse. I am very resilient. I am very complicated to understand hence why I am single have yet to find my ENFP ?. I am a nerd/hippie at ❤. ??/?? Female.(Florida)


  28. Wellow
    October 19, 2019

    Hey Kitty, I’m also INFJ/Aquarius, and I also have a mild obsession with MBTI lol. Feels pretty contradictory that INFJs are very emotional when Aquarius are pretty unemotional, kinda confusing.


    • Jon
      February 25, 2021

      I agree. I’m an Aquarius moon and sun and got INFJ-A on my online test multiple times. I noticed that it said that INFJs tend to not think about themself to much except to better themself this I would say stays in the more introverted signs. I also have seen things that have said that INFJs tend to hide and/or suppress there emotions which can make them appear aloof which is a trait of an Aquarius. Suppressing emotions is not a thing that a cancer can do (that I have seen anyway). I do however see how a cancer might be an INFJ do to being very caring. Another thing I saw was that INFJs tend to have a smaller friend group which does match with an Aquarius and Scorpio. But all of these things are kinda mixed in with peoples opinions cause I guess people like to say they are this or that to make themselves feel special and INFJ is supposedly a rare sign. And all this kinda blurs the line for those who are actually trying to find out if it matches them. All I’m saying is that it is possible to match with most signs and use as many sources to come up with your own conclusion. My conclusion for now, is that it is possible for me to be an Aquarius INFJ.

      I do want to say that if you aren’t an INFJ it does not mean you’re not unique. And have fun with who you are don’t be restricted to these specific personalities.


  29. Brian
    October 28, 2019

    I’m an INFJ – Cancer with a Leo Rising and Sag. Moon. If there were ever a perfect storm of an INFJ predicted outcome then I think this would be it; astrologically speaking.

    I do not say this with pride. And I’d ask for a degree of humility in saying what I just said, because the path and journey have been (and still is) incredibly odious. I have cursed my own life far more than I have seen any value in it (personally). And that said, I love humanity in that, for all joy and sorrow we all face together, I can say “I and you are all human. Therefore, have courage in compassion through grit and a daring to keep moving…keep living…don’t stop…don’t stop…don’t stop seeking the loving way.” In this, I will not overtly define what “Love” is. How can I? To me, It’s what helps us “Live Together” without destroying. Are we alive? Do we struggle to live in partnership with one another? Is this demonstrated even in are greatest oppositions? Yes!

    Love as I know it is this…or at least may be a degree of love in as much as I will allow myself to define such a noble human power.

    God Bless you all.

    And Peace to you…

    In love.


  30. RunningWater
    November 25, 2019

    I am an INFJ with a Pisces Stellium (including Sun, Moon, North Node.) male ruled by Dragons. Any ideas on how to constructively exit this joy ride? Haha. However, this has been a awesome whet stone.


  31. RunningWater
    November 25, 2019

    I finally reached a point where I view my labels as a whet stone…something to help shape me and is not me and is me at the same time. Hermetic axiom…all apparent opposites can be reconciled. For me the difference between “heaven and hell” (I do not believe in either…but the concept works here) is my attitude. .


  32. Jennifer Johannsen-Grimes
    November 25, 2019

    Same here


  33. LauraR
    February 23, 2020

    Ok, I thought I was commenting here before but clicked under another one. INFJ Capricorn, on the Aquarius cusp. After reading the INFJ Aquarius description, I definitely am the behind the scenes person for a cause I hold dear. I am a mixture of the Capricorn INFJ and Aquarius INFJ for sure, not 100% of both. I do think INFJ can be hard to peg though and we are DEFINITELY misunderstood by others (that don’t know much about Myers Briggs especially) Another combo had a comment about HSP. My SIL believes I am an HSP like she and her daughter are, although she says there could be some overlap because of my PTSD. (And of course INFJ, we do not fit in so there’s that too.. =/) I also believe although some of who we are is definitely unchanging over our lifetime I also believe nurture can alter it. (Not to mention just basic maturity from what we learn as we age) I am not who I was 5 years ago, 10 years, etc. I am newly 32 and have also gone back to a bit of how I was before my PTSD, although having an adult onset of anaphylactic food allergies has added a whole new slew of PTSD triggers. Ha, anyone else struggling with overwhelming other introverts (and some extroverts- my mom mostly) and extroverts thinking you’re wishy washy? Husband is ambivert and ENTJ.. life is interesting. Parents won’t take Myers Briggs, but I am finding a couple more things in common with them now that I’m an adult. Dad is definitely introverted but a professional, sales personality that isn’t afraid of public speaking. Mom is mostly extroverted with moments of vulnerability and can be embarrassed. She cares when other people think negatively about her. Dad does not. Mom is Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp and Dad is Aquarius-Pisces cusp. (Which we JUST determined a few months ago, those descriptions of them are spot on, especially dad’s -“seemingly selfish to those not in inner circle but caring to people within” I’ve recently decided to be ‘within’ as I needed a relationship with my dad.) That sort of explains how I am similar yet different – some zodiac overlapping traits but some very different. Also, they are divorced because their differences were (understandably)difficult to be happy with. Ok, talkative introvert needs to shut up now!


  34. Francisco
    February 23, 2020

    Wow I am also an INFJ/Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon! I suggest looking more into the INFJ side of things since MTBI is more reliable than astrology IMO. I have a learned a tremendous amount about myself through the Myers Briggs test and it definitely explains a lot about my struggles in life. Look up the “SE Grip,” basically it is how INFJ’s deal with stress, we overindulge in the sensory world more often than not in a negative way. Pretty interesting stuff.


  35. D Poernomo
    April 5, 2020

    I am virgo rising, libra sun with INFJ…


  36. David Costello
    April 18, 2020

    I’m an aquarius infj okay sounds kinda weird but the similarities are amazing I know aquarius is unemotional and aloof but infj’ aren’t known for smiling needlessly either neither likes idle chit chat both want to solve big world issues both are kind hearted loving individuals both can see through your soul and determine if you are good or bad in a micro second both have few people in there close circle of friends both are miss understand by the majority both almost have an uncanny perception of future events that they themselves can’t get there own heads around both love solitude both feel isolation especially in crowds both are highly intelligent both yearning for that special loved one (AKA who isn’t lol) both have quirky sense of humor both can appear childish because they question everything in life as would a young child and finally both are always right in what they say and believe in
    Did I miss anything out?


  37. Joseph Santos
    January 14, 2021

    Infj/cancer. Libra moon year of the cock. 1981.


  38. Emily Tabor
    February 11, 2021

    INFJ Aries, with virgo moon and leo rising lol…. I dont make much sense at all


    • Freya
      May 11, 2021

      same here sort of. Im an INFJ aries with gemini moon and leo rising. I’m just always lost tbh


  39. Margarita
    March 11, 2021

    Infj, A, pisces sun, leo moon, cancer asc. Strong and soft….


  40. Pokemon
    March 15, 2021

    INFJ Gemini here( but not really sure about it ). The mood swing is real. Still trying to understand my personality. I guess I will never fit in any type because I’m like a chameleon.


  41. Freya
    May 11, 2021

    Help!! I am an INFJ with Aries sun and mercury, gemini moon and mars, leo rising. I am so confused all the time about what i should be how to control my emotional state but it feels like it changes every minute. I am very in tune with my INFJ/Empath traits and am trying to learn how to control that. But i am also very similar to my zodiac readings… i dont know where I stand


  42. Lizi
    May 16, 2021

    I’m an INFJ Aries (with an Aries stellium, actually) + a Virgo Moon and Taurus Rising. My chart ruler is my Pisces Venus and my strongest placement according to the natal chart lines is my Jupiter in Pisces. This article’s explanation makes a lot of sense, since Pisces and Virgo are the two signs most associated with INFJ. I often feel conflicted with what sign I relate to most since sun signs are given such dominant attention, but emotionally tend towards Virgo and on a deeper level, the spirituality of Pisces. This was really interesting to read! Especially since there are a lot of Aries here…


  43. Alia M
    June 8, 2021

    I’am an INFJ with Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon and Cancer Rising, still standing even I’am too sensitive and emotional.


  44. Bailey Pike
    August 2, 2021

    I’m a cancer sun scorpio moon leo rising and INFJ


  45. Lucy
    August 22, 2021

    I‘m an INFJ with sun, moon and rising Aries. I‘m an aries/pisces cusp tho. I feel like I feel 100% INFJ and I also feel like a perfect aries/pisces mix. I can be an extrovert for a day but it tires me sooo much that I usually need a couple of days to recover hahahaha


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