ENFP and ENFJ in love: 5 Aspects That Make This Relationship Work.
In the world of dating, the MBTI can be helpful when trying to understand how people relate and why they either get along or don’t get along with one another. When it comes to romantic compatibility, the dynamics between an ENFP and an ENFJ can be exciting and complex. (more…)
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Astrology Profiles of 22 Famous ENFJ People
The overlap of MBTI type and astrology sign is an interesting topic to explore. Regardless of how you feel about either, embracing both can add an extra layer to your sense of individuality. ENFJs, being a type that is both intuitive and interested in interpersonal connection, may be more amenable to the mystical meanings and…
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ENFJ Shadow: The Dark Side of ENFJ
The MBTI is largely based on the work of Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, and each of the 16 Myers briggs personality types represent what he referred to as the "conscious ego". Jung believed that over the course of each person's personality development, the conscious ego will naturally determine what it does and does not accept…
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ENFJ Personality Type: the “Protagonist”
Warm, altruistic, magnetic, persuasive and talkative, the ENFJ personality is an extrovert who oozes charisma and social savvy from their pores. With an estimated population of around 2 to 3%, the ENFJ is also one of the rarer mbti types. Despite their relatively small numbers however, they have the capacity to influence and impact the…
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ENFJ Weaknesses – 7 Struggles of Being ENFJ
The ENFJ is a type described as the “Diplomatic Teacher”, “Giver” and “protagonist”. These labels offer a clue as to the leadership, idealism and charity associated with this personality type. However, for all their virtues and strengths, the ENFJ type also contends with its share of problematic areas. Here is a look at 7 weaknesses…
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6 Best Paying Careers for ENFJ
ENFJs are extraverts who enjoy working with people and are often found in careers fields related to religion, the arts, and teaching. In a national sample, ENFJ people report that "variety of tasks", independence and achievement", teamwork" and "clear structure" as being the most important work environment characteristics for them. Furthermore, ENFJs report a high…
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ENFJ and Astrology Signs: Zodiac and the MBTI No two ENFJs are completely alike. Everyone of us has a unique experience and that experience has a seismic impact on how our personalities develop along with the panoply of psychological issues that may arise out of them. The Myers-Briggs is a great tool for sketching out…
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99 Struggles Intuitive Types Will Understand
"beyond life and death" by TheSameLie Being an intuitive type isn't always a rosy chalice of cherry wine cooler. Comprising roughly 25% of the population, intuitives are a minority in a world dominated by sensors. And yet, intuitives account for the majority of the world's most brilliant and influential trailblazers and visionaries. Einstein (INTP), Newton (INTJ), Zuckerberg…
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