
ESTP and ESFP in love: 6 Dynamics of Their Relationship
ESFP and ESTP are the two extroverted members of the Artisan temperament group. This group, defined by David Keirsey in his book “Please Understand Me”, is characterized by its optimism, spontaneity, and generosity. They, along with ISTP and ISFP are united in their shared focus on the present. Rather than the abstractions and theories that…
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ISFP and ISTP in love: 5 Dynamics of their Relationship.
The MBTI types, ISFP and ISTP are the introverted half of the temperament group classified as “the Artisans”. This grouping, as defined by MBTI analyst David Keirsey, is distinguished by its generosity, impulsivity, excitement and adventurousness. They, along with the ESTP and ESFP are types who are concrete in their use of language, trusting in…
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ISFJ and ISTJ in love: 5 Essential Dynamics of their Relationship
The MBTI types ISFJ and ISTJ are members of the guardian temperament group defined by David Keirsey, author of the book “Please Understand Me”. These two personalities are noted for their modest commitment to duty and responsibility. (more…)
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ENTP and ENTJ in love: 6 Critical Dynamics of Their Relationship.
ENTP and ENTJ are a pair of rational extroverts who share a mutual interest in novelty, innovation and intellectual challenge. By virtue of their shared preference for intuition over sensing, they are bound to have little trouble understanding and communicating with one another. Plus, according to a survey on thoughtcatalog.com, most ENTJ and ENTP participants…
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ESTJ and ESFJ in love: 4 Key Aspects of their Relationship.
The ESTJ and ESFJ are two of the 16 MBTI personality types. The ESTJ cognitive functions are Te, Si, Ne and Fi in contrast to the ESFJ functions Fe, Si, Ne and Ti. While they differ in judging preference (thinking vs feeling), these types share common ground in their Si (introverted sensing) perceiving preference. Moreover,…
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ENFP and ENFJ in love: 5 Aspects That Make This Relationship Work.
In the world of dating, the MBTI can be helpful when trying to understand how people relate and why they either get along or don’t get along with one another. When it comes to romantic compatibility, the dynamics between an ENFP and an ENFJ can be exciting and complex. (more…)
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Taurus and Libra in Love: Romance and Friendship Compatibility
When it comes to love and romance, Taurus and Libra are a fine match. On paper, they have a lot of chemistry. With Venus as their mutual planetary ruler, they share a common interest in romanticism, art and beauty. Conflicts or disagreements that arise between them are likely to be resolved in a non-contentious manner.…
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33 Signs You Haven’t Gotten Over Your Ex (and what to do about it)
image credit: Olaia Irigoien If you're anything like the average person, your break-up was probably pretty tough. And even though it's been a while, you might still find yourself thinking about your ex from time to time. But how can you tell if you're really over them? Here are 33 signs that you haven't quite…
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Using Astrology to Find Your Soulmate
How to use astrology to find love Love is something that everyone is looking for and desires. People get confused on love and lust; however, you can find all the answers in the stars. Have you ever went online and seen if you and your partner are compatible by looking at your signs? Ever wonder…
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75 Strong Quotes About Love and Life
List of poignant Quotes about Love Finding the words to describe the love you feel for your future husband or wife does not always come easily. However, the following quotes, by world-renowned authors, poets and philosophers, prove the most earnest and simplest words are often the most poignant. The following is a comprehensive list of…
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ENTJ and INTP Relationship Compatibility
ENTJ and INTP Relationship The ENTJ and INTP relationship is a pairing that would be described as “mindmates”. ENTJ and INTP belong to the temperament group known as the “Rationals”. They, along with ENTP and INTJ are lumped together based on their use of impersonal logical and powers of analysis. ENTJ and INTP are also…
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INTJ and ENTP Relationship Compatibility
ENTP and INTJ Relationship ENTP and INTJ are two of the 4 “Rational” types categorized as such by MBTI theorist and author, David Keirsey. In relationships, Rationals are described as loyal mates who are also uncomplaining, honest and non-possessive. Although, they can make for wonderful partners, establishing a close relationship with them can take more…
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How To Break up With A Narcissist or Sociopath
Ending a relationship with a malignant narcissist can be difficult and dangerous. Being discarded or rejected by their partners can cause them narcissistic injury which can enrage them and trigger violent situations or malicious payback. Furthermore, narcissists have ways of roping you back to them and deceiving you with their manipulations. It is important therefore…
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Numerology Compatibility
Numerology іѕ аn ancient science оf numbers. Wіth numerology, one seeks tо explain hіѕ basic impulses аnd drives, bу converting details ѕuсh аѕ thе name аnd thе date оf birth into numerical values. Thіѕ іѕ аlѕо used tо explain compatibility wіthіn relationships. All numbers have certain characteristics аnd аrе friendly оr unfriendly wіth оthеr numbers.…
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The art of Seduction – How To Flirt (4 Simple Tips)
Many people believe that the art of flirting is something that you either have or you don’t. This isn’t true at all. The art of flirting is something, which can be mastered by anyone with an interest in learning how to flirt. It’s a practice-makes-perfect skill, which is learned from the inside out.
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