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ESTP Personality Type: the “Entrepreneur”


Persuasive, energetic and enterprising, the ESTP is an extravert with a pioneering spirit. While ISTPs are apt to develop proficiency in their operation of tools and machines, ESTPs display skill in their operation of people. They are very transactional and adept in the art of negotiation.

Dubbed as the “tactical promoter” and “entrepreneur”, this MBTI personality is someone who has a knack for initiating new ventures and getting other people onboard with their vision. They constitute roughly 10% of the population and are commonly found among salespeople, real estate developers, entrepreneurs, promoters, police officers, and in the military.

ESTPs are dynamic and action-oriented. They are attracted to high stakes, high profile endeavors where they stand to win something or gain an achievement. They are competitive and will often seek to impart their children with the winner’s mindset. The ESTP male or female is fun to be around and they enjoy being the center of attention. Bold and gregarious, these types act on their instincts and feel little need to justify themselves. They can be unapologetically candid and informal. Traditions and niceties are of less importance to them. They instead prefer to be original, authentic and charismatic.

Appearances matter greatly to them and they are often very concerned with image and fashion. Their style of dress and physical appearance is a significant part of their self expression. Additionally, they like to be around exciting people and places. They want to be a part of the action and will often position themselves to take advantage of opportunities that come their way. They like to stay busy but only doing things they view as worthwhile. People of this type can often exhibit short attention spans and have little patience for doing anything that is of no practical use to them.

They are purpose-driven but sometimes unfocused. Distractions can derail their progress and they can draw criticism for reckless behavior and lack of patience. Surrounding themselves with more diligent and systematic individuals can help compensate for some of the details and logistics they are prone to overlook. Where ESTPs shine is in their power to spearhead new projects and get things up and running. They have the wherewithal to push against resistance and fight to get what they want or think is necessary rather than give up or take the path of least resistance.

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Because of their slick communication style and magnetic qualities, ESTP can often get away with being a bit uncouth, crass or insensitive. They tend to speak their mind and express their opinions in concrete terms. They don’t really beat around the bush but they know how to be tactical and tactful in their approach if it better serves their purposes. These individuals are perceptive when it comes to reading body language and nonverbal cues. In the process of trying to persuade or make their point, they monitor people’s faces for any signs of assent or dissent. They pride themselves on their ability to win support and get others to see things their way.

Humorous and pleasure-seeking, the ESTP male or female is something of a big kid. They like to take risks and live in the moment. Consequences and ramifications are generally an afterthought and something they feel confident they can deal with when the time comes. They don’t waste time and tend to be very direct and to the point.

They like to get things done quickly so they can move on to other things. Many ESTPs have an entrepreneurial spirit because ultimately, they don’t want to be beholden to anyone. They prefer to operate with as much freedom and autonomy as possible and desire to achieve success on their terms. They are less service-oriented and are not big fans of hierarchical structures, bureaucracy and authority figures, at least when it obstructs their agenda.

These are realists who function best when they rely on their sensory instincts to guide them on a moment to moment basis. They however, can run into problems when they attempt to interpret deeper, abstract meanings behind what they observe. Because of their inferior introverted intuition, ESTPs are susceptible to ill-conceived conspiracy theories, suspicions and delusions.

Symbolism, metaphor and pattern recognition is not their forte but they can sometimes attempt to employ these things when their dominant extraverted sensing has hit a wall. Sometimes, ESTPs can be in denial of their reality and use their introverted intuition to convince themselves that their situation is not what it seems. They can become disconnected and unwilling to accept evidence at face value because it does not support the outcome they expected or wanted.

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At their best, ESTPs are lively and exciting. They are highly capable but sometimes foolhardy, undisciplined and opportunistic. They are appreciated for often saying and doing what many others are too scared and unwilling to. They display great courage and authenticity and as they learn to develop the foresight of their inferior introverted intuition and the conscientiousness of their auxiliary extraverted feeling, they will become a more complete and integrated version of themselves.

ESTP Strengths:

  • Energetic and Enthusiastic: ESTPs bring energy and excitement to social situations, making them engaging and dynamic.
  • Adventurous: They are naturally inclined to seek out new and thrilling experiences, embracing challenges.
  • Practical and Realistic: ESTPs approach problems with a practical and realistic mindset, focusing on effective solutions.
  • Resourceful: They are quick thinkers and often find creative and practical solutions in challenging situations.
  • Action-Oriented: ESTPs are driven by action and enjoy taking initiative, making them effective decision-makers.
  • Confident: They have a strong sense of self-confidence and are comfortable taking risks.
  • Good with People: ESTPs are typically sociable and skilled in navigating social interactions.
  • Adaptable: They thrive in dynamic environments and can adapt quickly to changing circumstances.
  • Charming: ESTPs often possess a charismatic and charming demeanor that can win people over.
  • Optimistic: They tend to have an optimistic outlook, focusing on possibilities and opportunities.

ESTP Weaknesses:

  • Impulsivity: ESTPs may make decisions impulsively, sometimes without fully considering the consequences.
  • Risk-Taking Tendencies: Their willingness to take risks may lead to situations where caution is warranted.
  • Difficulty with Long-Term Planning: They may focus on immediate gratification and struggle with long-term planning.
  • Impatience: ESTPs can be impatient, seeking instant results and becoming frustrated with delays.
  • Insensitivity to Feelings: They may prioritize logic over empathy, potentially overlooking the emotional aspects of a situation.
  • Resistance to Authority: ESTPs may resist authority they perceive as unnecessary or restrictive.
  • Difficulty with Routine: They may become bored or frustrated with repetitive tasks and routines.
  • Risk of Burnout: Their high-energy lifestyle may lead to burnout if they don’t take breaks to recharge.
  • Tendency to Avoid Reflection: ESTPs may avoid introspection and prefer to stay active rather than reflecting on their feelings.
  • Difficulty Accepting Criticism: They may struggle with feedback that challenges their confidence or decisions.
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Famous ESTP People:

  • Ernest Hemingway – Author
  • Madonna – Singer and Actress
  • Bruce Willis – Actor
  • Theodore Roosevelt – 26th President of the United States
  • Mila Kunis – Actress
  • Jack Nicholson – Actor
  • Mick Jagger – Musician (The Rolling Stones)
  • Donald Trump – 45th President of the United States
  • Angelina Jolie – Actress and Filmmaker
  • Muhammad Ali – Professional Boxer

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Jetta Moon
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