ESFP and ESTP couple

ESTP and ESFP in love: 6 Dynamics of Their Relationship

ESFP and ESTP are the two extroverted members of the Artisan temperament group. This group, defined by David Keirsey in his book “Please Understand Me”, is characterized by its optimism, spontaneity, and generosity. They, along with ISTP and ISFP are united in their shared focus on the present. Rather than the abstractions and theories that…
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isfp and istp in love

ISFP and ISTP in love: 5 Dynamics of their Relationship.

The MBTI types, ISFP and ISTP are the introverted half of the temperament group classified as “the Artisans”. This grouping, as defined by MBTI analyst David Keirsey, is distinguished by its generosity, impulsivity, excitement and adventurousness. They, along with the ESTP and ESFP are types who are concrete in their use of language, trusting in…
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entp and entj couple

ENTP and ENTJ in love: 6 Critical Dynamics of Their Relationship.

ENTP and ENTJ are a pair of rational extroverts who share a mutual interest in novelty, innovation and intellectual challenge. By virtue of their shared preference for intuition over sensing, they are bound to have little trouble understanding and communicating with one another. Plus, according to a survey on, most ENTJ and ENTP participants…
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intp vs intj compare

INTP vs INTJ Comparison: 3 Key Differences Between the Logician and the Architect

image credit: Afif Ramdhasuma On paper, the INTP and INTJ are easy enough to tell apart. Both types are introverted, logic oriented and creative, but one is decidedly more systematic and organized than the other. However, in the real world, INTPs can often appear like INTJs because either due to ambition or circumstance, they may…
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girl with hands

Why Do INFPs Have a Hard Time Making and Keeping Friends? (Here Are 6 Reasons)

image credit: Barry The INFP cherishes meaningful, close relationships, but like most introverts, they can struggle to form and maintain those special, rewarding connections with others. There are certain barriers they impose on themselves that make it not so easy for others to get to know them. On the surface, INFPs are generally kind, easy…
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young woman peering from behind shrubbery

The Secret Life of INFJ: 23 Things INFJs Wish People Understood About Them

image credit: Allef Vinicius The INFJ is often seen as the archetypal 'old soul.' We're the introverts who prefer deep conversations, the ones who always have a book on hand, and the ones who find 16 things that we're passionate about and stick with them for life. We're also the ones who are constantly misunderstood.…
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