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The Planets and Luminaries

planets and luminaries

In an astrology chart, various planets, luminaries, asteroids and mathematical points are used to map out a detailed and nuanced picture about an individual. These celestial bodies and theoretical points help reveal a story about the personality, relationships and experiences at work in the individual’s life.

This page is meant to lay out the fundamental meanings of each planet, luminary, point, and asteroid in astrology. From the dignified Sun to the enigmatic Pluto, each celestial entity symbolizes unique traits and aspects of our psyche. Luminaries like the Sun and Moon offer insights into our core identity and emotional landscape, while planets represent diverse facets of our character. Points and asteroids add nuance, uncovering hidden desires and personal growth opportunities.

Table of planetary dignities:

Planet Symbol Rulership Detriment Exaltation Fall
Sun ☉ Leo Aquarius Aries Libra
Moon ☽ Cancer Capricorn Taurus Scorpio
Mercury ☿ Gemini & Virgo Sagittarius & Pisces Aquarius Leo
Venus ♀ Taurus & Libra Scorpio & Aries Pisces Virgo
Mars ♂ Aries & Scorpio Libra & Taurus Capricorn Cancer
Jupiter ♃ Sagittarius Gemini & Virgo Cancer Capricorn
Saturn ♄ Capricorn & Aquarius Cancer & Leo Libra Aries
Uranus ♅ Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus
Neptune ♆ Pisces Virgo Cancer Capricorn
Pluto ♇ Scorpio Taurus Pisces Virgo

Descriptions of Each Planet/Luminary and its Meaning:

Jump to explanation of:

  1. sun
  2. moon
  3. mercury
  4. venus
  5. mars
  6. jupiter
  7. saturn
  8. uranus
  9. neptune
  10. pluto
  11. juno
  12. chiron
  13. vesta
  14. pallas
  15. ceres
  16. north node
  17. south node
  18. pars fortuna
  19. lilith

Sun ☉:

The Sun is the radiant heart of the astrological chart, representing the core essence and animating spirit of an individual’s identity. Often regarded as the ego, it symbolizes the central self, the conscious self, and the life’s purpose. The Sun’s placement in the birth chart signifies a person’s fundamental nature, what motivates and drives them. It represents the spiritual self or soul behind the personality.

Furthermore, the Sun governs vitality and life force, influencing your physical well-being and overall energy levels. When well-aspected, it can bring confidence, self-assurance, and leadership abilities. However, challenging aspects may manifest as egocentrism or a struggle to define one’s identity.

The Sun is also a key factor in understanding a person’s life purpose and direction. It sheds light on your calling, the path to self-fulfillment, and the ambitions that drive you. Aspects to other planets and points further refine the Sun’s influence, providing a deeper understanding of how your core identity interacts with various facets of your life.

Key terms for the Sun: Will, vitality, individuality, spirit, ego, dignity, consciousness.

Read More about the Sun:

Moon ☽:

The moon represents the inner world of our subconscious desires and feelings. It also stands for the personality as a product of our physical being as opposed to the spiritual identity represented by the Sun. The moon describes our emotional nature, our reactions and responses to life experiences.

Where it is placed will dictate how moody or dispassionate we might be. In a sign like Aries, the moon signifies a dynamic, sanguine and sometimes aggressive emotional nature. In Taurus, it indicates a more calm and stable disposition. Taurus moons are less emotionally reactive and more reflective by comparison.

Additionally, the moon concerns our habits, past life, inner life and also the need for security and comfort. What we need in order to feel secure and happy can be revealed through our moon. This luminary influences your relationships with family, home life, and the nurturing qualities you offer and seek. It also plays a crucial role in understanding how you process and express your feelings, as well as your receptivity to change and intuition.

The Moon’s phase at the time of your birth (New Moon, Full Moon, etc.) can add another layer of information about your emotional tendencies. Understanding your Moon sign is vital for a deeper comprehension of your inner self and emotional needs.

Key terms for the Moon: Personality, subconscious, matter, emotion, sensitivity, security, impressions, prejudice, intuition, past, habits, attachment.

Read More about the Moon:

Mercury ☿:

Mercury represents the mind and intellect. It governs communication and thought processes and also the capacity to learn and absorb information. Mercury’s position shapes your speaking and writing style and it influences how you express ideas, solve problems, and connect with others mentally.

This planet also plays a crucial role in your interactions with others, as it influences how you listen, communicate, and exchange ideas. Mercury is adaptable and curious, driving you to seek knowledge and share information. Its aspects to other planets can offer a nuanced view of your communication strengths and weaknesses.

In essence, Mercury is the celestial messenger of your astrological makeup, reflecting your mental processes, speech patterns, and how you engage with the world intellectually. Understanding your Mercury sign is essential for enhancing your communication skills and harnessing your mental potential.

Keywords of Mercury: Mind, link between conscious and subconscious, intellect, communication, curiosity, language, memory, commerce, news, information, neighbors, siblings, education.

Read More about Mercury:

Venus ♀:

The significance of Venus in astrology encompasses love, beauty, and relationships. It indicates your willingness to cooperate and foster cohesion. It also governs your approach to romance, your ability to attract others and also what you find attractive. It concerns aesthetic preferences, and your capacity to connect with others on an emotional and sensual level.

The placement of Venus in your birth chart offers insights into your personal values, desires, and how you express affection. It is associated with your taste in art, fashion, and the things that bring you joy and pleasure. It also reveals your attitudes towards money and material possessions, as well as your social and romantic preferences. Venus influences your ability to form intimate connections, as well as your sense of harmony and compromise in relationships.

Essentially, Venus is a celestial muse, shaping your interactions with the world through the lens of beauty, sensuality, and love. Understanding your Venus sign is essential for enriching your romantic life, appreciating aesthetics, and fostering fulfilling relationships based on shared values and emotional connection.

Key terms for Venus: Personal values, affection, comfort, harmony, art, music, love, money, pleasure.

Read More about Venus:

Mars ♂:

Mars represents your passion and capacity for action. It is also associated with assertiveness, aggression and combat. It signifies your fighting spirit, courage and tolerance for risk and danger. Your appetite and approach to challenges. Where it is placed in a chart will indicate what you are passionate about and willing to fight for. It is the opposite of Venus and will invariably clash or undermine the harmony and cooperation it seeks to build.

Mars influences your energy levels and the way you pursue your desires. It is fiery and competitive, inspiring you to pursue your goals with enthusiasm and vigor. It governs your physical energy, as well as your capacity to take initiative, make decisions, and assert your will. This planet also symbolizes your approach to conflict and the ways in which you express anger or passion.

Mars is the quintessential warrior, shaping your approach to life with boldness, verve, and the determination to achieve your objectives. Understanding your Mars sign is essential for harnessing your energy effectively, taking charge of your life, and channeling your desires constructively rather than destructively.

Key terms for Mars: Energy, courage, aggression, passion, activity, initiative.

Read More about Mars:

Jupiter ♃:

Jupiter is the largest of the planets and so it is befitting that it represents abundance, expansion and big ideas and perspectives. Jupiter is also associated with good fortune, prosperity and moral authority. It is a benefic planet meaning that it’s influence is highly beneficial and positive. Wherever Jupiter is placed will indicate an area that has auspicious possibilities and high chance of success. With Jupiter comes growth, positive potential and bountiful harvest.

Jupiter encourages optimistic outlook, personal development, wisdom, and a broader perspective on life. The placement of Jupiter in your birth chart offers insights into your belief systems, personal philosophies, and areas of life where you’re likely to experience luck and opportunity. It inspires an open mind, generosity, and a sense of moral and ethical values.

Jupiter is the celestial teacher, guiding you towards personal enlightenment, enrichment, and a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries. Understanding your Jupiter sign is essential for expanding your horizons, embracing opportunities, and finding meaning and purpose in your journey.

Key terms for Jupiter: Expansion, good luck, wisdom, growth, abundance, morality, worldly, benevolence, philosophy, higher education.

Read More about Jupiter:

Saturn ♄:

In astrology, Saturn symbolizes austerity, restriction, order and solitude. It is a malefic planet and the opposite of Jupiter. Where Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts. This planet offers no free lunches or easy victories. It represents the need for discipline and temperance, caution and strategy. Where this planet resides in a chart will indicate an area in which struggles and difficulties will likely be had. Saturn emphasizes the importance of hard work and sacrifice. Important life lessons may be learned but often at a price.

Saturn is the taskmaster, the stern parent. It punishes you for karmic transgressions from either a past life or the current one. Saturn’s placement indicates where you may face challenges, but also where you can develop endurance, responsibility, and maturity. It encourages the establishment of solid foundations and the need for order, rules, and structure. This planet is also associated with the passage of time, which brings both challenges and opportunities for growth.

Saturn’s influence can manifest as obstacles, limitations, or delays, but it also offers the potential for building character and the development of inner strength. It guides you in confronting your fears, embracing responsibility, and building a sense of achievement through patience and persistence. In essence, Saturn is the celestial mentor, teaching you the value of discipline and providing the tools to navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom.

Key terms for Saturn: limitation, structure, discipline, restriction, order, laws, hard lessons, bad luck, isolation, solitude.

Read More about Saturn:

Uranus ♅:

Uranus is the planet of sudden changes, upheavals and revolutions. It is also the planet of technology, innovation, discovery and invention. It is cold and detached with a radical and rebellious energy. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and as such, represents intuition that transcends intellect. Uranus is the planet of eureka! moments and brilliant revelation. It constitutes eccentric, outside the box thinking and groundbreaking developments.

Uranus is also a generational planet, meaning that it’s effects have less significance where individual personality is concerned. A broad swath of the living population will share the same Uranus sign and so the aspects it forms with other planets and the house it is placed in will be of more importance in a natal chart. Uranus can indicate the current spirit of the zeitgeist and the collective pulse of society. Where it is placed can indicate where a seismic change or shift is taking place in the world. In this area, traditions and societal norms are bound to be challenged or turned on it’s head.

Depending how prominent in the chart it is, Uranus’ placement provides insight into the nature of your individuality, as well as the areas of life where you’re inclined to challenge convention and seek personal freedom. It encourages forward-thinking, creative problem-solving, and a quest for innovation. This planet often brings unexpected events. In essence, Uranus is the celestial disruptor, shaking up the status quo and pushing you to evolve and adapt. Understanding your Uranus sign is essential for embracing change, fostering your creativity, and carving your own path in life.

Key terms for Uranus: Independence, originality, invention, upheaval, revolution, genius, breakthrough, sudden change.

Read More about Uranus:

Neptune ♆:

Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. It represents divine selfless love as opposed to romantic love. It is also associated with divine wisdom and the universal brotherhood. It is about the connection to our higher selves free of the material constraints and selfish pursuits. Neptune governs our dreams and fantasies and overall capacity for imagination. Where it is placed in the chart can indicate what inspires us and stimulates our creative juices. Neptune encourages empathy and spiritual awareness. It is associated with all things mystical and magical.

Neptune also has the potential to deceive or mislead. It concerns chaos, illusions and delusional thinking. Idealism but also unrealism. Neptune tends to see things as it wishes them to be, not as they truly are. In response to harsh realities and bitter truths, Neptune turns to escapism as a refuge. Its perspective is abstract and prone to confusion. Those who have a prominent Neptune may favor metaphor over literal facts. They may also possess a penchant for developing artistic expressions and profound insights.

At best, Neptune is the celestial mystic, inspiring you to explore the divine, the intangible, and the boundless realms of imagination. Understanding your Neptune sign is essential for connecting with your spiritual self, nurturing your artistic talents, and cultivating a sense of compassion and interconnectedness with the world.

Key terms for Neptune: Compassion, chaos, universality, idealism, fantasy, selfless love, illusion, mysticism, confusion, visionary.

Read More about Neptune:

Pluto ♇:

In astrology, Pluto is the higher octave of Mars and is regarded as malefic. It evolves the animalistic aggression of Mars into a more covert and efficient form. Pluto is the planet of transformation, power and the occult. It is also associated with healing and regeneration. The deeper parts of the psyche are under its purview. Where it is found in the chart will indicate an area in which power and control is typically sought. Pluto often serves as a catalyst for change and transformation through crisis or tragedy. It also governs the beginning and end phases of life.

Pluto encourages you to confront your inner demons, uncover hidden truths, and experience personal growth through intense experiences. It symbolizes the need for empowerment, self-discovery, and the shedding of old, worn-out patterns. It represents turbulence and instability that eventually leads to destruction and reconstruction. This planet is associated with themes of life, death, and rebirth, and its influence often leads to significant life-altering events. Pluto is the celestial transmogrifier guiding you through the fires of profound change and rebirth. Understanding your Pluto sign is essential for personal evolution, healing, and embracing the transformative power of the universe.

Key terms for Pluto: Regeneration, destruction, rebirth, death, coercion, obsession, debt, crisis, reproduction, transformation.

Read More about Pluto:

Descriptions of the Asteroids & their meaning:

Juno ⚵:

In astrology, Juno is an asteroid that represents partnership and committed relationships. Named after the ancient Roman goddess of marriage, Juno’s placement in your birth chart offers insights into your desires, needs, and expectations when it comes to long-term, significant partnerships.

Juno embodies the qualities you seek in an ideal mate and the dynamics you tend to experience in committed relationships, particularly marriage. It touches on themes of balance, equality, and unity within partnerships. This asteroid encourages you to find fulfillment and growth through meaningful connections and shared values.

Understanding your Juno sign can help you navigate the complexities of partnership, providing clarity about the qualities that matter most to you in a life partner and how you can cultivate harmonious and enduring relationships. Juno’s influence encourages mutual respect and balance within relationships, helping you to create more fulfilling and equitable unions.

Chiron ⚷:

Chiron in astrology is often referred to as the “wounded healer.” This celestial body represents inner wounds, vulnerabilities, and the potential for healing and growth. Chiron’s placement in your birth chart offers insight into the areas of life where you may have experienced past pain, emotional scars, or unresolved issues.

Chiron symbolizes the journey from woundedness to wholeness. It encourages you to confront your inner wounds and transform them into sources of strength and wisdom. This asteroid is associated with deep emotional and psychological healing, often through self-awareness, therapy, or helping others who face similar challenges.

Vesta ⚶:

Vesta, in astrology, is an asteroid that represents devotion, focus, and service. This celestial body’s placement in your birth chart offers insights into your capacity for dedication and commitment in various aspects of life.

Vesta embodies the qualities of dedication and single-minded focus. It represents your ability to concentrate on tasks, projects, or causes, often with a sense of duty and devotion. Vesta also signifies your desire to serve and care for others, particularly in familial or nurturing roles.

Understanding your Vesta sign can help you enhance your ability to commit and contribute meaningfully to your chosen causes or professions. It empowers you to find purpose and fulfillment in your service to others and in the pursuit of your goals.

Pallas ⚴:

Pallas is an asteroid of wisdom and strategy. It’s connected to problem-solving, intuition, and the ability to plan and make sound decisions. Pallas influences your approach to intellectual challenges. Its placement in your birth chart provides insights into your capacity for innovative and strategic thinking

Pallas embodies qualities such as foresight, wisdom, and keen perception helping you find elegant solutions to complex challenges. This asteroid is also associated with the aptitude for recognizing patterns and connections that others might overlook. It fosters the ability to synthesize information and approach problems from various angles, often with an artistic or creative flair.

Ceres ⚳:

Ceres, an asteroid in astrology, represents caretaking, motherly qualities, and our relationship with the natural world. It is named after the Roman goddess of agriculture and the harvest. Ceres’ placement in your birth chart reveals something about how you express care, nourishment, and the ways in which you receive and offer love and sustenance.

Ceres encourages you to understand the importance of nurturing, whether it’s nurturing yourself, others, or the environment. It signifies your capacity to foster growth, both in a physical and emotional sense, and the need for balance in your life. Understanding your Ceres sign can guide you in embracing your nurturing instincts, cultivating a harmonious environment, and creating a sense of abundance and well-being in your life.

Descriptions of Astrological Points & their meaning:

North Node ☊:

In astrology, the North Node, also known as the “Dragon’s Head,” is a symbol of your life’s purpose and the path you’re meant to follow. It represents your soul’s evolutionary journey and the qualities you need to develop in this lifetime. It encourages you to move beyond your comfort zone, embrace challenges, and cultivate the character and experiences that will lead to personal fulfillment and spiritual evolution.

Understanding your North Node sign provides valuable guidance on your life’s direction, highlighting the lessons you’re here to learn and the potential you have yet to unlock. It encourages you to develop the qualities associated with its sign, which often lie in the opposite direction of your South Node, representing your past tendencies and comfort zone. Ultimately, the North Node is the celestial compass, pointing you toward personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of your life’s mission.

South Node ☋:

In astrology, the South Node, also known as the “Dragon’s Tail,” represents your past experiences, ingrained habits, and karmic tendencies from previous lifetimes. It embodies your comfort zone, where you have a strong sense of familiarity and competence.

Understanding your South Node sign is crucial for recognizing your inherent strengths and also the potential pitfalls or challenges that stem from overreliance on those traits. It invites you to acknowledge past patterns and karmic influences that may be holding you back from fulfilling your life’s purpose, as indicated by the North Node.

The South Node is the celestial reminder of your past, providing insights into the qualities you bring from previous lifetimes and the areas where you might need to consciously release old behaviors and embrace new directions for your soul’s evolution.

Pars Fortuna ⊗:

The Pars Fortuna, or Part of Fortune, is a fictional point in the chart that enhances the auspices of whatever planet or house angle it is close to. It’s calculated by adding the longitude of the moon and Asc and then subtracting the longitude of the sun. Pars Fortuna is often considered an indicator of luck and opportunity. Its placement in your chart highlights the areas of life where you may find the greatest fulfillment and where you’re likely to experience positive outcomes. This point can provide insights into your natural talents, strengths, and potential for achieving harmony and prosperity.

read more about Pars Fortuna:

the lots of fortune

Lilith ⚸:

In astrology, Lilith, often referred to as the “Dark Moon,” “Black Moon,” or “Lilith’s Moon,” is a point that represents the hidden, suppressed, and often misunderstood aspects of the self. Lilith is associated with raw, primal instincts, desires, and taboos that society may consider inappropriate or unconventional.

Lilith encourages the exploration of one’s innermost desires, the pursuit of autonomy, and the embrace of one’s unfiltered, authentic self. It symbolizes the wild, untamed aspects of the human psyche and often relates to sexuality, power dynamics, and personal liberation.

Understanding your Lilith sign can provide insight into the aspects of your personality and life that you may have repressed or concealed. It encourages you to confront your deepest fears and desires, shedding light on the hidden forces that shape your behavior and choices. Lilith’s influence can empower you to embrace your true self and live more authentically, often by challenging societal norms and expectations.


These celestial bodies and points in astrology collectively create a rich tapestry of insights into an individual’s character, relationships, and life journey. Each one contributes a unique layer to the astrological portrait.

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