ESFP and ESTP couple

ESTP and ESFP in love: 6 Dynamics of Their Relationship

ESFP and ESTP are the two extroverted members of the Artisan temperament group. This group, defined by David Keirsey in his book “Please Understand Me”, is characterized by its optimism, spontaneity, and generosity. They, along with ISTP and ISFP are united in their shared focus on the present. Rather than the abstractions and theories that…
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estp traits

35 Signs You’re An ESTP

ESTPs are one of the 16 MBTI personalities and are estimated to comprise roughly 4 - 7% of the general population. They belong to the temperament group known as the artisans and have been christened as the “tactical promoter” by MBTI theorist, David Keirsey. ESTPs are noted for their energy, spontaneity and courage. Here are…
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