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ESFP and ESTP couple

ESTP and ESFP in love: 6 Dynamics of Their Relationship

ESFP and ESTP are the two extroverted members of the Artisan temperament group. This group, defined by David Keirsey in his book “Please Understand Me”, is characterized by its optimism, spontaneity, and generosity. They, along ...
isfp and istp in love

ISFP and ISTP in love: 5 Dynamics of their Relationship.

The MBTI types, ISFP and ISTP are the introverted half of the temperament group classified as “the Artisans”. This grouping, as defined by MBTI analyst David Keirsey, is distinguished by its generosity, impulsivity, excitement and ...
isfj and istj relationship

ISFJ and ISTJ in love: 5 Essential Dynamics of their Relationship

The MBTI types ISFJ and ISTJ are members of the guardian temperament group defined by David Keirsey, author of the book “Please Understand Me”. These two personalities are noted for their modest commitment to duty ...
entp and entj couple

ENTP and ENTJ in love: 6 Critical Dynamics of Their Relationship.

ENTP and ENTJ are a pair of rational extroverts who share a mutual interest in novelty, innovation and intellectual challenge. By virtue of their shared preference for intuition over sensing, they are bound to have ...
estj and esfj relationship i

ESTJ and ESFJ in love: 4 Key Aspects of their Relationship.

The ESTJ and ESFJ are two of the 16 MBTI personality types. The ESTJ cognitive functions are Te, Si, Ne and Fi in contrast to the ESFJ functions Fe, Si, Ne and Ti. While they ...
enfj and enfp love match thumbnail

ENFP and ENFJ in love: 5 Aspects That Make This Relationship Work.

In the world of dating, the MBTI can be helpful when trying to understand how people relate and why they either get along or don’t get along with one another. When it comes to romantic ...
taurus and libra love

Taurus and Libra in Love: Romance and Friendship Compatibility

When it comes to love and romance, Taurus and Libra are a fine match. On paper, they have a lot of chemistry. With Venus as their mutual planetary ruler, they share a common interest in ...
neptune trine pluto aspect

Neptune Trine Pluto Aspect

The Neptune trine Pluto aspect in astrology combines the mystical and transformative energies of Neptune with the intense and regenerative forces of Pluto, creating a harmonious and supportive connection that enhances spiritual insight, creative expression, ...
mercury conjunct uranus aspect

Mercury Conjunct Uranus Aspect

The Mercury conjunct Uranus aspect in astrology signifies a fusion of two cerebral planets resulting in bright and potentially ingenious mental energies. This aspect amplifies the intellectual and communicative qualities of Mercury and elevates it ...
uranus conjunct pluto aspect

Uranus Conjunct Pluto Aspect

The Uranus conjunct Pluto aspect is a union of powerful forces and signifies a period of intense and transformative change on both individual and collective levels. This planetary alignment occurred during the 1960s, a time ...
enfj astrology profiles

Astrology Profiles of 22 Famous ENFJ People

The overlap of MBTI type and astrology sign is an interesting topic to explore. Regardless of how you feel about either, embracing both can add an extra layer to your sense of individuality. ENFJs, being ...
famous intp astrology

Astrology Profiles of 22 Famous INTPs

Of all the 16 personality types, the INTP is arguably the most intellectually inclined. People with this personality type are highly represented in the arts, the sciences and other professions that provide stimulating creative and ...

narcissist abuse

7 Tactics To Combat Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissists are people defined by the DSM as having an excessive sense of self-importance, rampant grandiosity, and a lack of empathy for others among other things. Narcissistic abuse is a topic around which many online ...
narcissist breakup

How To Break up With A Narcissist or Sociopath

Ending a relationship with a malignant narcissist can be difficult and dangerous. Being discarded or rejected by their partners can cause them narcissistic injury which can enrage them and trigger violent situations or malicious payback ...
mbti grief

How Each Myers Briggs Type Deals With Grief

Grieving is one of those unfortunate things that most of us will eventually experience at some point in our lives. The grieving process varies from person to person so here is a look at how ...
25 INTJ Statistics | Facts About INTJ

25 INTJ Statistics | Facts About INTJ

The INTJ,  also known as "the mastermind" and "the architect" is one of the more mysterious and difficult to get-to-know personalities in the MBTI. Here are 25 statistics about the INTJ that you might find ...
clock with post-it notes

Why Do INTPs Procrastinate?

Time management is a skill that some people are adept at. Such individuals tend to be prompt, organized and reliable in most aspects of their lives. They follow through on their commitments and adhere to ...
horrible figures zodiac

The Most Horrible People in History of Each Zodiac Sign

Our world has seen tragedy come in many different forms: from wars and genocides to riots, killing sprees, famines, serial killers, etc. Unfortunately, throughout history some criminal minds got so corrupted that they advocated crime ...


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