INFP vs ENFP Comparison: 5 Qualities in Which INFP and ENFP Differ
image credit: Matheus Ferrero Are you an INFP who thinks you might really be more of an ENFP, or vice versa? Maybe you're trying to type someone you know and they seem like they could be one or the other. Well, I'm here to help! I can clarify how they are different quite simply: one…
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Why Do INFPs Have a Hard Time Making and Keeping Friends? (Here Are 6 Reasons)
image credit: Barry The INFP cherishes meaningful, close relationships, but like most introverts, they can struggle to form and maintain those special, rewarding connections with others. There are certain barriers they impose on themselves that make it not so easy for others to get to know them. On the surface, INFPs are generally kind, easy…
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18 Signs an INFP Likes You.
image credit: Ivan Kazlouskij With INFP, it can be hard to tell when they like someone. They're introverts, so they won't always show their feelings on the outside. But there are some tell-tale signs that an INFP likes you. Here are 18 of them: (more…)
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These Are the 3 Most Dangerous MBTI Types
image credit: Sebastiaan Stam It's a well-known fact that some MBTI types are more dangerous than others. When it comes to the most dangerous MBTI types, there are three that stand out above the rest. Here are the three most dangerous types, according to my completely unscientific and entirely personal opinion: (more…)
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INFP Strengths: 7 Areas Where INFPs Shine.
The INFP male or female is a sensitive and creative introvert with an openness to possibilities and a yearning for romance. They are sincere and seek to be authentic in their self-expression. They have emotional depth but despite their strong feelings and values, INFPs tend to keep a lot of themselves private. As with other…
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INFP Paradoxes: 5 Contradicting Quirks of the INFP Personality
The INFP personality is noted as an introvert who is receptive, sincere, imaginative and highly sensitive. These types are preoccupied with moral values, self identity, and personal fulfillment. They are also fond of romance and cherish the bonds they manage to form with people who understand and value them for who they are. One of…
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INFP vs INFJ: 5 Features That Set Them Apart
As introverted idealists, the INFP and INFJ share many similarities. They are both introverted, abstract and imaginative. They also share a stronger regard for their humanity than for technical knowledge and cold logic. Because they are both INFX types, they appear very similar but in fact share none of the same cognitive functions. Each of…
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INTP vs INFP Similarities and Differences
Ti and Fi dom types like the INTP and INFP personality types are similar with regard to the personalized and independent way in which they think and make decisions. However, sometimes the lines distinguishing their “T” and “F” preferences can seem blurry. Despite what their type might suggest, some INFPs may enjoy and perform well…
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INFP Shadow: The Dark Side of INFP
The shadow type of INFP is ENFJ. Each MBTI type consists of 4 cognitive functions but in truth, every person utilizes all eight. The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th functions are considered shadow functions. Jungian analyst John Beebe conceptualized the functions in terms of archetypal roles. The 1st being the “hero”, the 2nd; the”good parent”,…
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INFP Personality Type: the “Mediator”
If you are an INFP, it means that you are an introvert who is passionate, idealistic, sensitive, curious, adaptable and imaginative. For you, what you feel is what’s real and important. You tend to let your heart be your guide in your decisions. You seek to be authentic and true to what you feel is…
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7 Major Weaknesses of the INFP Personality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV_-vqVttS8 With each MBTI personality there are a number of associated strengths and weaknesses. For the INFP, this is no different. Everything is not always peaches and rainbows and there are a number of challenges and struggles that come with being an INFP. Here are 7 of the major weaknesses of the INFP personality type.…
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6 Best Paying Careers for the INFP Personality
The INFP is an introverted personality that prefers quieter and more intimate work environments where they can concentrate. They are not very interested in detail work and tedious routine tasks but rather work that involves creative thinking and discovery. Furthermore, in a national sample, INFPs reported "independence and achievement" and "variety of tasks" as being…
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6 Reasons Why INFP and INFJ Fall In Love
On the question of compatibility between Myers Briggs types, it is generally accepted that in matters of romance and friendship, idealists pair best with other idealists. This notion is supported by a study published in the book “Just Your Type” by Tieger and Barron-Tieger (2000). Idealists in the sample reported a higher satisfaction rating with…
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12 Shades of INFP: MBTI & the Zodiac
12 Types of INFP: Astrology and the Myers Briggs Before the Myers Briggs gained traction in the world, astrology was king. Perhaps it still is, but it looks as though the MBTI may be in a position to dethrone the ancient pseudoscience in the near future. The Myers Briggs has been growing more mainstream in…
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33 Struggles of Being An Introvert
In recent times it's become more fashionable to be an introvert. A spate of pro-introvert books including Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, probably had a large role in catalyzing this cultural shift in attitude. That still doesn't change the fact that the world is dominated by and mostly catered…
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