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The Worst Traits of Each Zodiac Sign

zodiac worst traits


  • Talking too loud
  • Being mean and insensitive to others.
  • Sometimes too blunt and tactless.
  • Tendency to put their foot in their mouths.
  • Tendency to leap before they look.
  • Lack of impulse control and emotional restraint.
  • Impatient.
  • A lack of discipline and consistency.
  • Lack of persistence and follow-through.
  • Seeks after quick rewards and low-hanging fruit.
  • Overconfidence and inflated ego.
  • Can be know-it-alls
  • Tendency to need lots of positive affirmation in order to feel good about themselves
  • Prone to outbursts of anger when over-stressed
  • Tend to have difficulty with long-term commitments
  • May intentionally stir things up to create the excitement they long for
  • Tend to get bored easily
  • Are often rule-breakers– do not necessarily respect or abide by the rules of the “system” (can be positive and negative)
  • Tendency to be bossy
  • May be easily agitated
  • Can be somewhat unscrupulous when it comes to getting what they want
  • Though great at getting things started, they often struggle with following through


  • Not hearing out other people’s opinions.
  • May have a hard time branching out to new territory.
  • Have a hard time leaving an unhealthy relationship
  • Tendency to dislike change
  • May have a hard time accepting the end of a relationship
  • Has a hard time accepting/acknowledging difficult truths about those close to them
  • Can seem overly rigid to others
  • Can be materialistic
  • Can be insensitive and inadvertently hurt others
  • May become overly indulgent and overlook long-term consequences of actions
  • Dislike impersonal, logic-based reasoning (can be positive and negative)
  • Can be stubborn
  • Often not good with highly detailed tasks – will either avoid these tasks or go to other extreme and become so enveloped in detail that they lose sight of big picture
  • Dislike having to ask for help


  • Geminis change their minds so often it’s really hard for anyone to believe what they have to say.
  • Not giving other people a chance to speak.
  • Lack of Focus.
  • Being two-faced and back stabbing.
  • Unpredictable sudden mood swings.
  • Scatterbrained and capricious.
  • They talk too much.
  • Tendency to partake in gossip
  • May fall into trap of being a “guilt tripper”
  • May intentionally stir things up to create the excitement they long for
  • Tend to get bored easily
  • Can be know-it-alls
  • May abandon relationships quickly once/if they become bored
  • Can be reckless/frivolous with money
  • Always excited by something new and may frequently change partners
  • May have a hard time listening to others
  • My be overly logical when responding to situations that require emotional support
  • May have difficulty giving others the level of intimacy they need
  • Tend to jump from one idea/plan to another, but many times will not finish what they start
  • Can be impulsive
  • Can fall into trap of becoming egotistical and overly self-absorbed
  • Doesn’t always think things through sufficiently before acting/speaking
  • Can be scatterbrained, disorganized, absent-minded
  • Tendency to be chameleon-like in their interactions with others (can be positive and negative)
  • Their enthusiasm may cause them to be unrealistic



  • Overreacting and being overemotional.
  • Have a hard time leaving an unhealthy relationship.
  • Have a hard time moving on after the end of a relationship
  • Strongly dislikes criticism and conflict – can be overly sensitive
  • Can be manipulative, passive-aggressive and controlling
  • Has a hard time accepting/acknowledging difficult truths about those close to them
  • May neglect their own needs and be overly self-sacrificing
  • Tendency to hold back part of themselves and be overly private
  • Intensely dislike having personal space invaded, tending to need lots of it
  • Tendency towards immaturity
  • Tendency to ignore or try to escape from conflict rather than deal with it
  • May have explosive tempers when under stress
  • Can be restless and temperamental
  • Tend to either ignore conflict situations or blow up in heated anger in response to them
  • Can be smothering and over-protective
  • Can, at times, be overly anxious and worrisome
  • Can appear to be irrational and illogical, especially in conflict situations


  • Need positive feedback and may become discouraged or depressed if they do not receive it.
  • May be prone to struggle with insecurity stemming from their strong desire to be liked
  • Tendency to need lots of positive affirmation in order to feel good about themselves
  • Can be overly status-conscious and too concerned with what others think of them
  • Can be dramatic
  • May have a hard time accepting the end of a relationship
  • Can be stubborn, inflexible, unreasonable, and overly rigid
  • Tendency to be bossy
  • When frustrated, can become/come across as arrogant, elitist  
  • Can fall into trap of becoming egotistical and overly self-absorbed
  • May be prone to feelings of over self-importance
  • Can be stubborn
  • Prone to hold onto bad relationships for far too long


  • Prone to struggle with insecurity, are often too hard on themselves
  • Intensely dislike conflict and criticism
  • Have a hard time leaving an unhealthy relationship
  • Tendency to place others’ needs above their own
  • May fall into trap of being a “guilt tripper”
  • Can fall into trap of putting themselves in the “victim” role
  • Can be dramatic
  • Tendency to be extremely judgmental
  • Can be cheap/stingy
  • Tend to believe they’re always right
  • Impatient with sloppiness and inefficiency
  • Often do not handle criticism well – tendency to take things very personally
  • Tend to be too hard on themselves and not give themselves enough credit
  • Because they tend to take life so seriously, it may not be easy for them
  • May appear aloof, reserved and rigid to others who don’t know them well
  • May become overly critical, sarcastic and cynical
  • Can be fussy – tendency to be “neat freaks”
  • Rarely at complete peace with themselves – always doubt they are living up to their full potential
  • May be prone to struggle with insecurity


  • Procrastinating and taking too long to make decisions.
  • Intensely dislike conflict and criticism.
  • May have a hard time saying “no”
  • May be prone to struggle with insecurity stemming from their strong desire to be liked
  • Tendency to partake in gossip
  • Can be overly status-conscious and too concerned with what others think of them
  • Tendency to believe judgments should be made impartially and based on fact alone may lead them to ignore and even distrust their feelings
  • Can be materialistic
  • May abandon relationships quickly once/if they become bored
  • Can fall into trap of becoming egotistical and overly self-absorbed
  • Continual search for the “perfect relationship” may cause them to change partners frequently
See also  The Fatal Weakness of Each Zodiac Sign



  • Overly suspicious and distrusting of others they don’t know.
  • Have a hard time moving on after the end of a relationship.
  • Can be manipulative, passive-aggressive and controlling
  • Can be secretive/distant/closed-off
  • Tendency to hold back part of themselves and be overly private
  • Intensely dislike having personal space invaded, tending to need lots of it
  • Can seem overly rigid to others
  • Can be very demanding and critical
  • Because they tend to take life so seriously, it may not be easy for them
  • Can be challenging, confrontational, argumentative, and intimidating
  • Can be a “control-freak,” always wanting to be in charge
  • May have explosive tempers when under stress
  • May be highly protective of themselves and overly private, only sharing what they want and when they want to share it
  • Can be stubborn


  • Tendency to be extremely judgmental
  • Can be insensitive and inadvertently hurt others
  • Not good at long-range planning and tend to dislike long-term commitments
  • Often quick to judge and express judgments
  • When frustrated, can become/come across as arrogant, elitist  
  • Doesn’t always think things through sufficiently before acting/speaking
  • Often not good with managing money – tendency to be big spenders and risk-takers
  • Rarely at complete peace with themselves – always doubt they are living up to their full potential
  • Their enthusiasm may cause them to be unrealistic
  • Not good with or interested in dealing with mundane daily tasks such as paying bills, cleaning, etc.
  • Explosive outbursts when over-stressed



  • Tendency to leave feelings unexpressed, causing pent-up frustration to build up inside.
  • May avoid and ignore problems
  • Can be cheap/stingy
  • Can seem overly rigid to others
  • May not give enough praise and affirmation to loved ones
  • Tendency to be bossy
  • Not naturally good with expressing love/affection and may seem awkward/inappropriate while doing so
  • Can be a “control-freak,” always wanting to be in charge
  • May appear aloof, reserved and rigid to others who don’t know them well
  • If they do not learn ways to express themselves efficiently, out of frustration, they may become isolationists who are short with others
  • May become overly critical, sarcastic and cynical
  • Can, at times, be overly anxious and worrisome



  • Can be secretive/distant/closed-off.
  • Don’t always know how to express feelings, doesn’t come naturally
  • Are often rule-breakers– do not necessarily respect or abide by the rules of the “system” (can be positive and negative)
  • Not naturally in tune with how they affect others
  • May be easily agitated
  • Can be very demanding and critical
  • May have a hard time listening to others
  • May have explosive tempers when under stress
  • My be overly logical when responding to situations that require emotional support
  • May have difficulty giving others the level of intimacy they need
  • May provoke arguments due to their love for debating
  • May be prone towards social rebellion
  • Always seeing the possibility of what could be often causes them become bored with what actually is 
See also  Scorpio Sun Taurus Moon Personality



  • Need positive feedback and may become discouraged or depressed if they do not receive it.
  • Can fall into trap of putting themselves in the “victim” role
  • May have a hard time accepting the end of a relationship
  • Can be secretive/distant/closed-off
  • Tend to get bored easily
  • May feel uncomfortable verbally expressing affection and emotion to others – prefer to do so through actions rather than words
  • Can be somewhat unscrupulous when it comes to getting what they want
  • Not good at long-range planning and tend to dislike long-term commitments
  • May become overly indulgent and overlook long-term consequences of actions
  • Can be reckless/frivolous with money
  • Can be neglectful of their health and wellbeing
  • Often do not handle criticism well – tendency to take things very personally
  • May come off as lazy/slow-moving to others
  • Because they tend to take life so seriously, it may not be easy for them
  • Because of the non-linear nature of their ideas, they often have difficulty explaining themselves to others
  • May often find themselves misunderstood and tend to blame others because of it rather than evaluate their own difficulty expressing themselves
  • Often not good with managing money – tendency to be big spenders and risk-takers
  • May seem dreamy and distant to others because of how much time they spend in their heads
  • Tendency to be chameleon-like in their interactions with others (can be positive and negative)
  • Not good with or interested in dealing with mundane daily tasks such as paying bills, cleaning, etc.
  • May be prone to struggle with insecurity

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Jetta Moon
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