mbti list

6 Best Paying Careers for ENFJ
ENFJs are extraverts who enjoy working with people and are often found in careers fields related to religion, the arts, and teaching. In a national sample, ENFJ people report that "variety of tasks", independence and achievement", teamwork" and "clear structure" as being the most important work environment characteristics for them. Furthermore, ENFJs report a high…
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6 High Paying Jobs For ISTJs
ISTJs are detail-oriented introverts who are dutiful and responsible in nature. In a national sample, ISTJs reported "clear structure", "independence and achievement", "loyalty & security", and "variety of tasks" as being the most important features desired of their work environment. They are good at following the rules and doing things by the book. They can…
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6 Best Paying Careers for the INFP Personality
The INFP is an introverted personality that prefers quieter and more intimate work environments where they can concentrate. They are not very interested in detail work and tedious routine tasks but rather work that involves creative thinking and discovery. Furthermore, in a national sample, INFPs reported "independence and achievement" and "variety of tasks" as being…
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6 High Paying Careers For ENTJ
ENTJs are tough-minded analysts who are inclined to take on leading roles. For this reason, the ENTJ person is often drawn to careers in management and leadership. A national sample showed that ENTJs prefer jobs that feature a variety of tasks, independence, clear structure and teamwork. Additionally, ENTJs rate high in job satisfaction and high…
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6 Best Paying Careers For the INTP
As one of the most academically proficient MBTI types, the INTP personality has great potential for scoring a high earning career. According to a national sample, INTPs report a preference for jobs that provide a variety of tasks, allow them to work independently and distinguish themselves through achievement. Additionally, INTPs express the highest rate of…
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The Freudian Complex That Best Describes Each MBTI Type
The concept of a psychological complex was born out of the work of Jung and Freud. It refers to an abnormal pattern of emotions, memories, and perceptions that manifest as certain impulses, desires and drives. Here is an assessment of the Freudian complex that most characterizes each MBTI type. (more…)
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Why You’re A Bad Person Based On MBTI Type
Regardless what Myers Briggs type you are, you have your good qualities and your bad. There are no saints among you (although ENFJ might beg to differ). Here is a look at what is likely to make you a “bad” person based on your MBTI personality type. (more…)
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The Ideal Dog Breed For Each MBTI Type
Oh, how happy life would be if we could take home every dog in the world. Sadly, such a noble goal is not humanly possible, so we must be careful when picking our fuzzy best friend and companion. While some people report feeling an instant click with the right dog, some other folks struggle to pick…
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Crimes of the MBTI Types
When it comes to criminal masterminds, one might think of the suave gentleman thief or the cold-blooded killer. But what about the quiet bookkeeper who seems benign but is actually cooking the books? Or the talkative con artist who can manipulate anyone with a few choice words? The 16 personalities can be found in all…
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The Worst Enemy of Each MBTI Type
Here is a an account of what the worst enemy for each Myers Briggs type probably looks like. INFJ The arch nemesis of the INFJ is the toxic family member, friend or loved one who has a foothold on INFJ’s heart and knows how to manipulate them well. INFJs may be prime targets for sociopaths…
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The Intelligence Each MBTI Type Displays
Myers Briggs personality types are not a direct reflection of intelligence, but it just so happens that some types statistically perform better than others on standardized intelligence tests (cough INTP). Even though people of any type can be really smart, there may be certain types of intelligence that each MBTI type specializes in more than…
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Each MBTI Type When Defending A Loved One
Here is a look at the way in which each Myers Briggs personality is likely to protect and defend their loved ones. INFJ INFJ tries to take an impartial and middle ground stance that is not blatantly biased, but will likely downplay when their loved ones are at fault. Although peace loving and reserved, INFJ…
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The MBTI Types As Super Villains
Villainy has many faces and forms. Some are maniacal like the Joker or calculating like Lex Luthor. Here is the type of diabolical super villain each Myers Briggs type is likely to be. INFJ The INFJ villain is the tragic character who, due to an extremely unfortunate and traumatic set of events, has their view…
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The MBTI Types As Senior Citizens
Here is a take on how each MBTI is as a senior citizen. INFJ INFJ is the senior with too many pets including a squirrel abandoned by it’s mother, a cockatoo and multiple cats and dogs. INFJs are considered to be old souls and so in their later years, they are naturally the sapient sage.…
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The 5 Stages of INTP Anger
INTPs have emotions like everyone else, but managing them effectively can be challenging to them. They tend to bury and ignore negative emotion because they scarcely understand what they are feeling and have almost no comfortable way of expressing it. When INTPs become angry, it is likely due to an issue they have avoided, or…
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