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Saturn in the 2nd House – Conservative Spending

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Saturn in House Two

Saturn in the 2nd House Overview:

Saturn in the 2nd house is a placement that fosters a conservative attitude about resources and a reluctance to overspend needlessly. The appetite for material wealth is dampened by a more simplistic and moderate sensibility. Aesthetically, people with this placement are likely to prefer more modest fashions. Even if they manage to acquire substantial means, they are not likely to flaunt it or show off. Rather, they are more conscious about holding onto what they have and protecting it as best as they can. Additionally, they may harbor an affinity for relics, antiques and objects of historical value. Collectors items with value that is tied to its oldness and provenance are bound to be of more appeal than say the latest and greatest gadgets and fashion trends. 

When it comes to money, Saturn in the 2nd house confers as you might expect, a sometimes miserly and parsimonious way with finances. They however, may exhibit good responsibility with managing their bills and making payments on time. In the 2nd house, Saturn may bestow a great capacity to earn money through means that make use of an eye for detail and professionalism. People with this placement may do well working in security, or accounting, or as a bank loan officer. Furthermore, with Saturn in house 2, there is an ability to really get the most for one’s money. They tend to stay within budget and rarely splurge impulsively. Here is a look at Saturn in the 2nd house in both the natal chart and as a transit.

Saturn in the 2nd House key Traits: miserly, connoisseurship, conservative values, good with money, minimalistic, moderate in appetite, wealth accrued over time, smart investments

The 2nd House:

The 2nd house in astrology is known as the house of possessions. This house corresponds to the sign of Taurus and its ruler Venus. This is the house of our values and material possessions. It represents our finances and economic status. It is about the things we own and value in this world. Having neptune in the 2nd house for example, may indicate a person who places less value on material wealth and instead focuses on building karmic wealth; and doing things that make them feel more connected with the divine and the universe. The planets and signs that occupy this house can indicate something about what we need or desire to feel comfortable and happy. It also shows in what ways we are likely able to attract money, good luck and prosperity.

The Planet Saturn:

The planet Saturn in astrology represents limitation, restraint, discipline, hard work, ego development, authority and consequences. Its influence fosters a desire to conserve resources, pull back and exercise caution. Saturn is regarded as a malefic planet meaning that its presence often carries negative effects on an individual. It can manifest an overly serious demeanor and a tendency to miss out on some of the joy and pleasure of living life. Saturn is also connected with karma, especially negative karma that comes back to bite us when we’ve made stupid or foolish decisions. Furthermore, Saturn engenders a respect and reverence for authority and hierarchical structures. Its focus is to restore order and minimize chaos. Additionally, Saturn is associated with isolation and self reliance. 

Saturn in the 2nd House Natal:

For those who have Saturn in the 2nd house, financial prosperity may not fall into their lap, but over time and through smart investments, they can build a sustainable and comfortable lifestyle for themselves. Saturn however, can indicate that financial hurdles, especially early in life, may need to be overcome. In astrology, Saturn is known as the great teacher and as such will subject the individual to adversity and possibly destitution in order to instill an appreciation for the value of things. With such experiences, knowledge and wisdom can be gained and in the end, individuals can become savvy in the ways of making and keeping money as well as understanding the value of objects. Consequently, this along with their appreciation for things of traditional and historic value, can draw them to professions as appraisers, museum curators and auctioneers.

See also  Saturn in Astrology

With Saturn in the 2nd house, there may be fears and anxieties about losing what they have that drives them to work all the harder. In astrology, Saturn represents negative karma from a past life that has created a karmic deficit in this one. Therefore, it is necessary for the individual to work at developing the weaknesses and shortfalls that Saturn in the 2nd house reveals. Among those shortfalls is a penchant for stinginess and over cautiousness for fear of going broke. For this reason, the individual must make a concerted effort to exercise greater generosity and charity when possible. People with this placement can take pride in objects that serve as tokens of their achievements but they may need to avoid being too attached to them.

Saturn in the 2nd House Transit:

When Saturn transits the 2nd house, it will signal a time to cut back on spending and be more conservative with your time and resources. On a larger scale, it could signal an economic recession or even a depression where financial fears are stoked by downward trends. Saturn in the 2nd house transits bring a heightened sense of caution that can lead to a restoration of balance where chaos and instability may have previously reigned. When it comes to money, Saturn can put a spotlight on imprudent spending habits and force us to deal with the negative consequences of our behavior. Improprieties we may have been getting away with for some time may now have to be reckoned with. Saturn warns us to get our finances under control or we will suffer. The lessons to be learned will entail responsibility with money and also the calibration of moral values and personal values in general.

Saturn in the 2nd House in Each Zodiac Sign:

Saturn in the 2nd House in Aries – Saturn in the 2nd house in Aries brings about a tension between impulsive spending and the desire to save money. This placement can foster great drive and motivation to go out and take on a lot of tasks that earn money as well as spearhead projects that bring personal gain. People with this placement tend to earn money in exciting ways and spontaneous ways and may also be motivated or hindered by a persistent fear of failure and falling into a state of restitution. Such a person may develop great powers of resourcefulness through the challenges and difficulties they must overcome. 

Saturn in the 2nd House in Taurus – Saturn in the 2nd house in Taurus is a placement that fosters a strong ability to save money and acquire resources as needed. They think about the long term and plan accordingly. They can sometimes have a scarcity mindset and feel the need to stock up or save money whenever they can. They appreciate the value of things and can be really good appraisers and connoisseurs of quality and value. Even if they are wealthy, they are not likely to flaunt their wealth and tend to have modest sensibilities. 

Saturn in the 2nd House in Gemini – With Saturn in the 2nd house in Gemini, there will be a penchant for collecting books and material that is mentally stimulating in nature. Such a person may tend to invest their resources in things that can win them respect and status in the eyes of their neighbors, peers and siblings. People with this placement can also become ingenious in finding ways to make money with limited resources. They can often get themselves out of a financial pinch using cunning and manipulation.

Saturn in the 2nd House in Cancer – Having Saturn in the 2nd house in Cancer will foster a desire to seek after possessions that provide emotional security. Material wealth and valuable objects are only as valuable as the amount of security and comfort they provide. The general attitude is conservative and moderate with finances. Excessive spending is often due to emotional imbalance and insecurity. With this placement, there is a strong desire to build wealth for the sake of passing it on to posterity.

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Saturn in the 2nd House in Leo – With Saturn in the 2nd house in Leo, there is a tendency to be attracted to flashy things and fancy possessions. Saturn represses some of these impulses and keeps the individual mindful of moderation and necessity. People with this placement like to have nice things that others would envy but also take pride and appreciation in the amount of hard work and effort it took to acquire it. They look at their possessions as trophies and tokens of their accomplishments as an individual. 

Saturn in the 2nd House in Virgo – Saturn in the 2nd house in Virgo is a placement that brings about a very moderate and practical attitude about material possessions. They have a discriminating eye for quality and are very selective when making purchases. They tend not to get carried away with excessive expenditures and are very responsible about managing their budget. They like to invest in things related to health and fitness. People with this placement may especially like having pets and are likely to be very responsible and caring owners.  

Saturn in the 2nd House in Libra – With Saturn in the 2nd house in Libra, there is a taste for elegance and simplicity that influences their consumer choices. Regardless how much or how little they possess, these individuals know how to make the best of it and keep their things looking nice. It is likely that these individuals have a tendency to purchase items in pairs or even-number quantities. Although they may resist the urge to indulge in too much materialism, they like to surround themselves with beautiful things when they have the opportunity. 

Saturn in the 2nd House in Scorpio – Saturn in the 2nd house in Scorpio is a placement that manifests a desire to wield a lot of control and ownership. Possessions for them are associated with power and they tend to acquire objects over which they can exercise executive control and judgement. They may be stubborn and miserly to some extent since they can equate giving things away to giving up power. When denied what they feel they are entitled, people with this placement can be vindictive and wrathful.

Saturn in the 2nd House in Sagittarius – Saturn in the 2nd house in Sagittarius fosters a penchant for splurging on exotic items and collecting memorabilia and mementos from pop culture and foreign culture alike. On the other hand, people with this placement may have particular ideas and attitudes about material possessions. They have a philosophical bend and reflect on the meaning and significance of the things they value. They try to differentiate the possessions that have true value in this world from those that do not.

Saturn in the 2nd House in Capricorn – Those who have Saturn in the 2nd house in Capricorn, are driven and happy to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They value structure and order in their life, and they tend to acquire possessions that are of utility to them rather than just vanity. People with this placement have a mature attitude about money and managing their budget. They are not disposed to overspending or impulse buying and instead tend to plan their purchases well in advance.

Saturn in the 2nd House in Aquarius – Saturn in the 2nd house in Aquarius is a placement that can foster a spirit of generosity and altruism. People with this placement feel obligated to help others and share their resources when they can. They themselves may have experienced periods of scarcity and meager means that cultivates empathy for others who may be stuck in a rut. With this placement, friendship is one of their most prized possessions and those they call friends gain will have access to a lot of what’s theirs.

Saturn in the 2nd House in Pisces – With Saturn in the 2nd house in Pisces, there will be less emphasis on material possessions and more emphasis on spiritual and emotional wealth. However, there may be a number of things that must be overcome before these individuals can attain the feeling of contentment and peace that they value. With some difficulty and challenges, money and resources can be attained through creative endeavors that utilize their imagination and good business sense.

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Saturn in the 2nd House Celebrities

  • Taylor Swift (December 13, 1989) – Saturn in the 2nd House Scorpio Rising
  • Brad Pitt (December 18, 1963) – Saturn in the 2nd House Sagittarius Rising
  • Ariana Grande (June 26, 1993) – Saturn in the 2nd House Capricorn Rising
  • Kanye West (June 8, 1977) – Saturn in the 2nd House Cancer Rising
  • Jodie Foster (November 19, 1962) – Saturn in the 2nd House Sagittarius Rising
  • Mahatma Gandhi (October 2, 1869) – Saturn in the 2nd House Libra Rising
  • Brigitte Bardot (September 28, 1934) – Saturn in the 2nd House Sagittarius Rising
  • Grace Kelly (November 12, 1929) – Saturn in the 2nd House Scorpio Rising
  • Justin Timberlake (January 31, 1981) – Saturn in the 2nd House Leo Rising
  • Prince (musician) (June 7, 1958) – Saturn in the 2nd House Scorpio Rising
  • Jennifer Lawrence (August 15, 1990) – Saturn in the 2nd House Sagittarius Rising
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (July 30, 1947) – Saturn in the 2nd House Cancer Rising
  • Elizabeth Taylor (February 27, 1932) – Saturn in the 2nd House Sagittarius Rising
  • Mark Zuckerberg (May 14, 1984) – Saturn in the 2nd House Virgo Rising
  • Meryl Streep (June 22, 1949) – Saturn in the 2nd House Leo Rising
  • José Bové (June 11, 1953) – Saturn in the 2nd House Virgo Rising
  • Jessica Alba (April 28, 1981) – Saturn in the 2nd House Leo Rising
  • Avril Lavigne (September 27, 1984) – Saturn in the 2nd House Libra Rising
  • Joseph Stalin (December  18, 1978) – Saturn in the 2nd House Capricorn Rising
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (July 28, 1929) – Saturn in the 2nd House Scorpio Rising
  • Clint Eastwood (May 31, 1930) – Saturn in the 2nd House Scorpio Rising
  • Katie Holmes (December 18, 1978) – Saturn in the 2nd House Leo Rising
  • Milla Jovovich (December 17, 1975) – Saturn in the 2nd House Cancer Rising
  • Friedrich Nietzsche (October 15, 1844) – Saturn in the 2nd House Scorpio Rising

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