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Sun Square Saturn Aspect

sun square saturn

Here is a description of the Sun square Saturn planetary aspect. To find out if you have this aspect in your chart, you can use this widget to generate your own comprehensive natal chart with detailed info on all your planetary placements. You can also read about other planetary aspects here.

Sun Square Saturn Natal Aspect

Individuals with Sun square Saturn aspect in their natal chart may experience difficulty in regard to structuring their lives. Clashes with authority and antisocial behavior may be something they contend with throughout childhood and young adulthood. Their need for self expression may often feel inhibited or discouraged by the powers that be. They may find themselves in places and positions where their creativity or authentic sense of self is stifled, not appreciated or allowed to come through.

There may also exist some kind of rift between the individual and the parents particularly the father. They could struggle with a desire to make the father proud but often feel unable to do so. A sense of failure could be a persistent bane that haunts them throughout their lives in respect to living up to the expectations placed on them by others especially those they look up to. The father may have been an imposing presence – perhaps a staunch disciplinarian or authoritative figure. Individuals with Sun square Saturn may be driven to come up from out of the shadow of the father especially if the father is a prodigious and highly accomplished person.

People with this aspect may undergo many hard lessons in life. Personal growth and development may come at a costly price and it may threaten to break them if they cannot absorb the lessons of prudence and organization. In the course of the tribulations they go through, their self esteem and confidence can sustain serious damage and become scarred by it. They may feel frustrated by setbacks and obstacles that thwart them and prevent them from doing what they want to do and becoming who they want to be.

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The Sun square Saturn woman or man may be a person who possibly limits themselves with self imposed rules or suffers from self doubt, or feels not at liberty to express their true selves. They may also feel boxed in and forced to conform to a standard that represses their true personality.

Saturn Square Sun Transit Aspect

During a Saturn square Sun transit, run-ins with the law and legal troubles may become an issue. It may feel like society has it out for you and is always blowing the whistle on your every move. Nothing seems to go right, even well organized plans manage to break down and unravel. During this period, individuals may feel oppressed and held back particularly in regard to their personal growth and any progress they are working towards.

Their confidence may be hampered and their sense of identity put into question. Perhaps they will suffer the consequences of having been overly confident and arrogant and now face a humbling lesson by the universe. Or it might be that they have been over-working themselves to the bone without adequate rest and and now they are suffering from the effects of stress and burnout.

They may experience excessive weight loss and malnutrition due to over restriction in their diet and lifestyle for whatever reason perhaps from poor advice. Resolutions may be achieved during this period although they may not be satisfactory to everyone involved.

Sun Square Saturn Synastry Aspect

In a relationship where one person’s sun is square with the other’s saturn, there may exist a type of turbulent mentor-like or tutelary dynamic between the two individuals. The Saturn person may be seen as being overly conservative and overbearing from the perspective of the Sun person. The Saturn person may be attempting to shoe horn the other person into their prescribed way of doing things, or trying to shape their way of thinking and living in general. The Sun person may feel their sense of integrity is being compromised by this person and will likely push back against Saturn’s restrictive attitude.

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They may feel Saturn is too rigid and stodgy in it’s application and/or over-reliance upon structure and procedure. The Sun in part represents the ego and wants to be who it is and be true and authentic to itself and depending on the strength of how it is placed, will resist outside efforts to subjugate it’s will. The Saturn person may find the other to be very selfish or undisciplined and Saturn’s motives although usually well-intentioned may often come across too heavy-handed and domineering.

Saturn’s perspective is very risk averse and so they may be trying to protect Sun’s interests by saving them from undue heartache or trouble perhaps from similar mistakes they once made. The sun person will likely be overall unreceptive to this however and will insist on being their own person and being free to experience and make their own mistakes.

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Jetta Moon
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One thought on “Sun Square Saturn Aspect

  1. I feel that this is overly negative interpretation. The sun square saturn aspect may be difficult but it is found in strong relationships.

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