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ENFJ and Astrology Signs: Zodiac and the MBTI

No two ENFJs are completely alike. Everyone of us has a unique experience and that experience has a seismic impact on how our personalities develop along with the panoply of psychological issues that may arise out of them. The Myers-Briggs is a great tool for sketching out a profile of who we are based on our self-reported behavior preferences, but the picture it paints is not a complete one.

The Myers-Briggs does not account for all the idiosyncratic personality traits that are too specific or simply outside the bounds of what the 8 cognitive functions could accurately encompass. The MBTI cannot explain for example, why one INTP enjoys baseball and another INTP loathes it, or why one ENFJ is way more family-oriented than another.

The zodiac is similar to the MBTI but is a typology that seems to emphasize slightly different dimensions of personality. The 12 zodiac signs of western astrology are definitely caricatures, but they at least offer another interesting side to the story even if it is not entirely accurate or supported by scientific evidence. Any credibility or authority astrology might hold seems to stem entirely from it’s ancientness.

Nevertheless, whether by coincidence, cognitive bias, or cosmic truth, many people find some validity to what astrology says about them. It’s possible that the zodiac when combined with the MBTI, can form a more detailed portrait of ourselves. It’s worth considering, I think.

There is more to astrology than just your sun sign though. If you want to find a more complete picture of who you are according to astrology, you can generate your birth chart for free on a number of sites. Here is a look at how the ENFJ personality type may vary by zodiac sun sign.


ENFJs are considered to be natural leaders and so is the sign of Aries. An ENFJ Aries person may therefore be a rather courageous individual who is able and willing to initiate bold new endeavors that others may be too timid to begin. They want to improve the world as a positive force for good, and their bravado inspires others to follow their lead and learn from them. People are likely to be attracted to the ENFJ Aries’ enthusiasm, drive and competitive edge. They have a positive attitude and candid nature that engenders trust and loyalty. They enjoy and appreciate the contributions of other people and they also desire to be admired by them.

Their ego is tempered by their need for approval and acceptance by a group. Despite their forceful nature, they rely on charm and wit, rather than brute aggression to get what they want. Aries is known for having a short fuse, but an ENFJ Aries may be better able at managing their intense and impulsive energy more constructively. The ENFJ Aries likely has high regard for people of strong character and principles who are also reliable and hard-working. As a leader, the ENFJ Aries may also be very personable and good at delegating people according to their individual abilities and strengths.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

— Maya Angelou (ENFJ Aries born April 4)


The ENFJ Taurus probably has an understated confidence and charm that others are attracted to. They are likely to be especially popular and admired for their physical beauty or sparkling charm. The ENFJ Taurus may have a more calm temperament than that of the Aries ENFJ who is more impulsive and fiery. This ENFJ probably has some very attractive features though thanks to Taurus’ ruling planet Venus – the planet of aesthetics. The ENFJ Taurus likely places a special premium on harmony and cordiality and they utilize tact and diplomacy like a politician.

They are visionary and good at long term planning, and insuring themselves against disasters especially financial ones. Security is likely to be very important to them, and so they are likely to be more prudent about the risks they take and are inclined to exercise more caution than the ENFJ Aries might. The ENFJ Taurus may have a taste for luxury and comfort and are likely motivated by the acquisition of material wealth but also to empower others to do the same. They may also have a a bit of vanity and a preoccupation with maintaining their youthful appearance. This might lead them to taking a number of preventative measures such as getting botox and facelifts as well as a number of other weird unorthodox techniques they might swear by.

“No decisions should ever be made without asking the question, is this for the common good?”

— Michael Moore (ENFJ Taurus born April 23


The ENFJ Gemini is bound to have a gift for gab and a sparkling wit. They are popular and magnetic and they love attention and social activity. Their personality is likely to be that of an especially histrionic people-pleaser who wants to spread the love and be loved. The ENFJ Gemini may be a social chameleon who seems able to blend in just about anywhere and get on well with people of all types. They’re respectful, compelling and highly likeable and are likely to be rather erudite and well read and possibly take a special interest in theological studies, mythology and fiction.

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The ENFJ Gemini may possess strong communication skills and a highfalutin vocabulary with which they may enchant and impress listeners. Geminis are known to be a bit coquettish and prone to changing their minds suddenly but as an ENFJ, this Gemini may be more resolved and committed to their decisions. Their moods can switch very suddenly as well, from congenial and friendly to imperious and bossy. They are likely to be noble of heart however and they probably consider themselves a work in progress. The ENFJ Gemini is likely to be young at heart and may maintain a youthful, spirit and active mind even when they become ripe in old age.

“I think my mouth just opens and I spontaneously say things that occur to me.”

— Helena Bonham Carter (ENFJ Gemini born May 26)


A Cancer ENFJ is likely to be someone who is very conscientious and caring about people. They are very warm, humorous and socially conscious. Beneath their sensitivity and compassion is the heart of a champion who draws strength from the people they fight for. There is no limit to what they can do when they have the emotional support and backing they need. The ENFJ Cancer has a vision that is unifying, and their passion burns bright. They want to better the world, their communities and their family, and are likely very to be very interested in humanitarian and altruistic activities.

They bring people together and possess a lot of tenacity and courage and are able to inspire others with their wisdom. They are vocal and communicative and people take solace in their leadership as a force for good. The ENFJ Cancer is likely to be an especially kind bellwether who is very persuasive and able to motivate and uncover the potential in other people. People love their energy and spirit and look to them as a source of comfort and guidance when times get tough and hope is dim.

“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.”

— Nelson Mandela (ENFJ Cancer born July 18)


The ENFJ Leo is likely to be pretentious and theatrical with an appetite for the spotlight. They may appear a bit histrionic and vain but beneath their bravado is a sincere person who genuinely wants to uplift people. They are creative and cheerful and are bound to be very popular. People love their energy and youthful spirit which has the capacity to infect everyone around them. They are confident but not arrogant although sometimes they can seem a little full of themselves.

ENFJ Leo may be rather sure-minded and can become set in their way of thinking at the exclusion of other’s advisement. They are egalitarian and fair but, can be a bit imperious and domineering when in pursuit of a goal. They have strong instincts and more often than not, their intuitions serve them well and are on the money. They have the ability to see the best in people and tap into their talents and strengths in order to delegate and provide roles and tasks they find meaningful and satisfying. The ENFJ Leo is an unlocker of potential and their positive outlook brightens and boosts the morale of everyone around them.

“Even as far back as when I started acting at 14, I know I’ve never considered failure.”

— Jennifer Lawrence (ENFJ Leo born August 15)


The ENFJ Virgo may be more vocal than the typical Virgo and more modest than the typical ENFJ. This person could be very perceptive and insightful especially in regards to human behavior. A Virgo ENFJ likely has a perfectionist streak and may be very self-critical and a bit hard on themselves. They place a lot of pressure on their own shoulders because they high expectations they are striving to achieve. They want to be respected and appreciated for their valuable perspective and contributions. Although they can be very demanding, they know how to deal with people in effective ways that don’t engender hostility.

They are highly conscientious and genuinely interested in understanding others and are very engaging conversationalists who are also good listeners. Their special insight into human nature allows them to pick up on what others are feeling which prompts them to act as a compassionate therapist and sounding board for their troubles. They are analytical and they actively read into the subtexture behind people’s words. They enjoy the company of others and playing the role of host at parties and events. The ENFJ Virgo is also likely to be health conscious since Virgo is a sign concerned health and well-being. Ironically, many Virgos are smokers .

“Geniuses always think it’s easier than we make it out to be.”

— James Lipton (ENFJ Virgo born September 19)


The ENFJ Libra is a classy character with a lot of charm and charisma. They are true “people persons” who thrive on social interaction and rubbing elbows with lots of interesting individuals. They are enthusiastic and sanguine with great taste and style. They are very liberal and fair but they may have a tendency to sit on the fence rather take a strong side. They have a big imagination and a lot of lofty idealistic visions of what they hope for the world. The ENFJ Libra takes great pleasure in helping others and being an advocate and champion of humanity.

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They have a bit of a hero complex and feel they can be everything for all people. The extent to which they give of themselves may come at great expense to their own needs. Their sense of self is so entangled with their external persona and the role they play in respect to their community or circle. They are super friendly and loyal to their loved ones and they  are likely to have very few enemies. The Libra ENFJ is likely to be very attractive and popular. Although they may not be materialistic necessarily, they probably have a taste for the good life and an appreciation for art and the beauty and poetry of life.

“Perhaps we’ve never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon Earth and decided there’s no sign of intelligent life.”

— Neil deGrasse Tyson (ENFJ Libra born October 5)


The ENFJ Scorpio is likely to be a deeply passionate person who does things in a big way. They possess tremendous will power and emotional strength. They have surprising resilience and resolve in light of tragedy and distressing events. The ENFJ Scorpio is able to be that pillar of strength that others depend on to help them overcome. This ENFJ may be a bit more intense than the usual and they may also exhibit more forcefulness and vigor. Although they seem always cheerful and upbeat, they may conceal deep emotional pain. They do not like to show weakness or worry others with their troubles.

They rely primarily on themselves for coping with emotional turmoil and they do so effectively. They love to include their loved ones in what they do and they make a concerted in supporting them in their endeavors and interests. The ENFJ Scorpio will likely take a very active role as a parent and devote a lot of their energy in steering and rearing their children up to be well-rounded and upstanding citizens and humans.

“One of the things I’ve never been accused of is not caring about people.”

— Joe Biden (ENFJ Scorpio born November 20)


The ENFJ Sagittarius person is someone who likely speaks their mind and is probably a bit sassy. They are very open minded yet opinionated and they are prone to getting into arguments and debates over their ideas. As a Sagittarius, this ENFJ is definitely a seeker of higher meaning and self actualization. They are likely to have a strong intellectual bend and also a spiritual side that believes in metaphysical truths beyond the empirical scientific ones. The ENFJ Sagittarius is fun and humorous with an optimistic outlook.

They are a hopeless idealists who never give up hope and hold on dearly to their faith in humanity. They want to see and experience much and are truly students of the world. The curiosity they have is insatiable and throughout their lives, they never stop learning. Higher education is likely to be of interest to them but they may also be self-driven autodidacts who satisfy their intellectual appetites outside of conventional academia.


A Capricorn ENFJ suggests someone who takes themselves rather seriously. A person who may have been very precocious as a child and exhibits a sense of maturity and responsibility that is distinct to their character. They are likely very ambitious and plan their futures far in advance. They develop a picture of what they want and devise a way to go about achieving their lofty goals which may at least in part revolve around public service and human interests.

The ENFJ Capricorn may be a workaholic and have a tendency to bury themselves in their work at the expense to family life. They are probably excellent if not slightly austere parents who try to instill character and virtue into their progeny. They are excellent leaders who know how to instruct and inspire with their vision and virtuous ideals. They have a sense of humor that is probably dry and subtle but hilarious. The ENFJ Capricorn is highly respectable and likely to be admired for the aire of sophistication and suave they exude.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr. (ENFJ Capricorn born January 15)


The ENFJ Aquarius is bound to be free spirited and innovative. It is likely this ENFJ is especially clever and outside-the-box with their thinking. They may appear a bit eccentric and unique in both appearance and in the ideas they generate. The Aquarius ENFJ is probably inventive and interested in working on ambitious projects that are centered around advancing and improving society. At the same time they may have a rebellious streak that motivates them to fight the system and attempt to reform it. They themselves are highly independent and are proponents of individual freedom which fuels their desire to empower others.

“Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the meanings we give to situations.”

— Alfred Adler (ENFJ Aquarius born February 7)


The Pisces ENFJ is highly imaginative and prone to flights of fancy and escapism. They are truly idealistic with a kind and sensitive temperament that makes them such sweethearts. They are very selfless and have a hard time saying “no” to others. They don’t want to feel like they’ve let others down and consequently place a lot of pressure on themselves to meet their needs. The ENFJ Pisces is fun and full of life and they brighten the lives of everyone around them.

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They are eternal optimists who despite their demons are always able to find the silver linings in the clouds. They keep the storm clouds of depression at bay with relentless positivity and idealism. Sometimes their commitment to their ideals may cause them to be in denial blinding them from the harsh reality. They have a dark side and may suffer from self doubt but they coach themselves to stay strong. They never want to lose faith and they fight to uplift themselves and those around them to reach their true potential.

Want to know your astrology placements? You can generate your astrology chart here with our free birth chart generator tool.

“Someone once said about me that I talk to everyone the same, no matter what age they are. I don’t see kids and adults. I see everyone the same.”

— Dakota Fanning (ENFJ Pisces born February 23)

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4 thoughts on “12 SHADES OF ENFJ | MBTI & THE ZODIAC

  1. Honestly sounds like a bunch of crock. It’s like you mainly focused on Zodiac type rather than genuinely taking the time to incorporate the aspects and dynamics of MBTI. I’m an ENFJ Leo, and nothing much like you described. True, my disagreement could be a lack of internal perspective- but drama queen is the last thing I’d be described as. I’ve been called caring, empathetic, detailed, and oversensitive- and seeing as I hold great pride in getting along with others and meeting people’s needs- that sensitivity is both a gift and a curse. But I’m not one for drama or the spotlight. I do like to be the center of attention if I’ve put in a great effort to do something (because I essentially want it to be appreciated and well-received)- and I love teaching people things so yes, to some degree I enjoy it- but not to the point that I put on theatrical displays to garner it. Zodiacs in general are generalizations of people’s personalities based on (of all things) the stars and our limited knowledge of cosmic mysteries.

  2. You’re up there too baby….
    Didn’t u see it??

    4th from the bottom & just above Capricorn & before Scorpio …
    Hope that helps!!! ?

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