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How The MBTI Types Approach Rules

mbti rules

Law and order is an important element of a civilized society. We all have to follow the rules and depending on what MBTI type you are, you might feel a certain way about that. Here is how each Myers Briggs type is likely to feel about rules.

INFJ Negotiates the rules.

INFJ honors the rules until they get in the way. INFJs don’t like the idea of doing everything by the book and prefer a more flexible attitude about what and how things should be done. INFJs are creative and their curiosity encourages them to break the rules from time to time to see what happens. They follow rules they consider useful and necessary but won’t likely adhere to them religiously.

INFP Follows their own rules.

INFPs do what feels right and some rules may feel wrong according to them. They resist homogenizing restrictions on their creative liberties. Rules can feel like cages and INFP likes to have a lot of options. If need be, INFP will seek escape from suffocating structures and acquire their independence as soon as possible just so they don’t have to put up with it.

INTP Questions the rules.

INTP assesses rules according to their subjective principles and what they consider to make sense. Because of their skeptical inclinations, INTPs question the necessity of many rules and may even flout them if they believe they are stupid and needlessly prohibitive. INTPs think critically about what they are told and do not readily go along with everything demanded of them and this can often get INTP in trouble.

INTJ Revises the rules.

INTJs value a structured life and so they have an appreciation for rules in general so long as they do not interfere with their agenda. INTJs require a certain amount of freedom in their environment and so they may challenge or try to circumvent certain types of rules that are blindly upheld without any real purpose. They also have a disdain for those who blindly follow and enforce them as well.

ENFJ Reforms the rules.

The ENFJ is someone who may often go along to get along and so they may be inclined to respect the rules so long as they are applied evenly with equanimity and fairness. ENFJs will advocate for rules on behalf of a group in the interest of protecting them and their values. They are keen to ensure that the rules are used as a tool for establishing order and harmony between the members of a group.

ENFP Didn’t Notice the rules

ENFPs tend not to think about the rules until after they’ve been penalized for not following them. Their idealistic minds are focused on the beautiful possibilities so you have to forgive them if they fail to recognize the prohibitory details that will bar their ideas from being implemented.

ENTJ Makes the rules.

Because ENTJs are often the cutting edge pioneers whose vision takes them into unexplored territory, ENTJs are the ones who get to devise the best means and methods for succeeding. They are good at finding and figuring out optimal solutions for the problems they encounter and because of this they end up writing the instruction manuals that ISTJs and ESTJs live by.

ENTP Debates the rules.

Do the rules truly serve their intended purpose? ENTP may have something to say about that. ENTP may dissect the philosophical basis for a rule and actually cast a shadow of doubt as to the merit of it’s existence. Everything we take for granted about the rules may be called into question by ENTP’s slick and wily dialectical tactics.

ISTJ Masters the rules.

ISTJ relies on rules to give their life structure and direction. For them, rules are necessary and helpful for the purpose they serve and ISTJs are willing to learn them and comply. They don’t care to reinvent the wheel, they just want to know everything about the wheel and become an expert on it. ISTJs like doing things according to an objective standard because it helps them sort out the chaos of life.

ESTJ Enforces the rules.

ESTJs want to win at the game of life and to do so, they endeavor to learn the rules of the game. ESTJs are strategic and so they are fine with working within a well defined and structured system of procedures. Their management instincts uses the rules like laws for maintaining order and a smooth and highly functioning team of people.

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ISFJ Adheres to the rules.

Whether they like it or not, ISFJs typically comply with the rules and get used to them. ISFJs do things the way they have traditionally been done or the way they’ve been taught and they will nary stray from that. If the rules do change, ISFJs may be among those likely to decry the upheaval to what they are accustomed to.

ESFJ Promotes the rules.

ESFJ bends over backwards to uphold and represent that which is considered acceptable. They do not want to be the rebel who defies the rules and becomes shunned by the group. ESFJ wants to be in line with the current mores and standards because they want to be above reproach and to be valued like a dutiful cub scout.

ISTP Ignores the rules.

ISTP understands the rules but may wantonly flout them at will when they can get away with it. ISTPs may be on good behavior most of the time, but may impulsively bypass the rules when they become an impediment to their immediate gratification. ISTP is probably a bit of rebel but they’ll follow the rules if they make sense.

ISFP Reduces the rules.

ISFPs dislike too many strictures and prefer to be free to do what they want when they want to do it. They like to have fun and to be spontaneous and many types of rules can seem like nothing more than killjoys to their happiness. ISFP likes to keep the rules to a minimum and even then have them loosely enforced.

ESTP Breaks the rules.

ESTP knows how to play the game and how to game the system. They are often savvy enough to discover the loopholes or workarounds to bypass rules and regulations that threaten to spoil their objectives. ESTPs are daring and impulsive so they will not likely let most rules keep them from seizing a significant opportunity when given the choice.

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ESFP Manipulates the rules.

ESFPs want to have fun and have a disdain for overly rigid and strict environments and policies. They advocate for freedom and artistic liberty. ESFPs get stressed out by having to abide by too many rules and schedules and they may utilize their charm and personality to get away with rules they get caught breaking..

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