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Why Each Myers-Briggs Type Likely Quit Their Job

mbti quit job

A good job can be hard to come by, but sometimes a good career can be spoiled by unfortunate circumstances. Here is a look at why each Myers-Briggs type is likely to quit their occupation.


INFJ likely quit their job because they felt humiliated or seriously disrespected by a colleague or supervisor. INFJs are known to attract sociopaths who prey on their empathic nature. INFJs are able to work through or resolve most conflicts but once they recognize toxic people polluting their environment, they know that sooner or later, somebody’s got to go. INFJ’s will walk away from any job where their dignity and personal boundaries are violated.


INFP likely quit their job because the people they worked with were backstabbing a-holes. INFPs lament the cutthroat dog-eat-dog world we live in and job environments full of two-faced employees will leave an INFP disillusioned and disheartened. INFPs can’t stand working with people they view as fake and untrustworthy and the petty drama that often comes along with those types is something INFP will want to get away from asap.


INTJ likely quit because they became fed up with the management. INTJs are cooperative and professional employees who take their jobs seriously, and they expect anyone who presides over them in the workplace to demonstrate competence worthy of their title. If an INTJ doesn’t respect their employer’s leadership, it will result in a contentious rift that will inevitably lead to INTJ’s departure.


INTP likely quit because they feel they learned all there is to learn about the job and it’s become an exercise of routine that no longer interests them. INTPs will find it difficult to stick with an occupation that doesn’t intellectually enrich them, allow them to be creative or provide a steady stream of new challenges and problems to solve.


ENTJ likely quit to start their own enterprise. It is likely that ENTJs are more comfortable in positions of control and so when working under someone else, their “will to power” may lead to opposition and strong disagreements with co-workers and employers alike. ENTJs may simply be biding their time until they can branch off and do their own thing. Any subordinate position they occupy will be merely a bump in the road toward their path to the top..

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ENTP likely quit because they found a job elsewhere where they may work only a few months before they find a new one. ENTPs may be serial job hoppers until they settle on a stable career. ENTPs are rolling stones who are likely to tire quickly of most jobs. Switching it up and getting to work in a variety of venues is typical of the ENTP’s desire to be a well rounded jack-of-all-trades.


ENFJ likely quit because they anticipated they would be fired for whatever reason. ENFJs have a sixth sense for trouble coming ‘round the bend and so they will have connected the dots well in advance of the arrival of bad news. If they can foresee an impending termination, ENFJs would likely prefer to jump ship with their dignity in tact so as to spare themselves the embarrassment and make it happen on their terms..


ENFP likely quit simply because their job doesn’t make them feel fulfilled. ENFPs will move from career to career until they find one that satisfies their need for creative freedom and lifestyle freedom. They do not want to be chained to routine. ENFPs want to be inspired by what they do and they want their job to be a vehicle for their own spiritual enrichment as well as a robust source of revenue.


ISFJ likely quit because they felt exploited, unappreciated or taken advantage of at their job. ISFJs can be self-sacrificing to a fault and this can make them an attractive target for sociopaths and narcissists to use like a tool. ISFJs are not likely to be happy anywhere they feel that their conscientiousness and generous helpfulness is taken for granted. They may find it difficult to leave on those terms, but will ultimately need to for their own emotional wellbeing.


ISTJ likely quit their job because their employer reassigned them to a new position that requires an entirely different set of skills. ISTJs often do not take well to abrupt changes to their way of life. They are very loyal and tend to be long term employees who will stick to what they are familiar with and concentrate on becoming super proficient at it. While they are able to adapt to new challenges when they are called to, they may otherwise opt to just seek employment elsewhere using the skills they are already adept with.

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ESFJ likely quit because they feel persecuted and unsupported by their peers or employer. ESFJs may sometimes play the victim in response to criticism they receive from others. With Ti being their inferior function, they struggle with objective assessments of their own behavior which is necessary for self-improvement. ESFJs may rather move on to find another job where more like-minded people work.


ESTJ likely quit because their job didn’t pay enough. ESTJs are statistically the highest earning personality type in the MBTI. This suggests that ESTJs are highly ambitious and motivated by money or at least careers that generate a lot of money. ESTJs are inclined towards positions of responsibility and they have the ability to work their way up from the bottom to a lucrative profession. They will likely quit many jobs simply because they were temporary stepping stones on their path to success.


ISTP likely quit because they felt bored and hemmed in by too many rules and policies. ISTPs aren’t crazy about restrictions and censorship of what they regard as truth regardless of how inconvenient it may be. They desire a fair amount of variety and mental challenge from their job and also freedom to move and do some physical work. Tedious office jobs or standing behind a cash register all day is not something an ISTP will likely stick with for long.


ISFP likely quit because they felt it was time to broaden their horizons. ISFPs desire new experiences and every so often will feel the need to shift careers or quit to take an extended break. Perhaps to travel and see the world or pursue what they are truly passionate about. ISFPs do not want to settle and they will be on a constant journey to grow and advance themselves and their understanding of the world.


ESTP likely quit because they were denied the promotion they asked for. ESTPs are enterprising and they will be ever on the lookout for the next big thing or adventure they can embark on. They want to advance and progress in life and do not want to feel stagnant or dead in the water within their careers. ESTPs want to acquire freedom and status and if they can’t acquire it through their current job, they will seek it elsewhere.

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ESFP likely quit because they felt too restricted or that their work environment was too repressive. ESFPs have a strong zest for life and they want to be able to express their creativity and instinct for beauty and visual impact. Their impulsive nature may get them into trouble with their employers and so ESFPs may go through a number of jobs until they acquire a career that grants them the freedom to channel their wildness.

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One thought on “Why Each Myers-Briggs Type Likely Quit Their Job

  1. This is so absolutely spot on! I’m an INFJ and just quit a good job with a toxic supervisor. I’m stunned at how accurate this is.

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