Students can be expelled for many different reasons and the range of rules vary from school to school. Here is a look at the violation for which each astrology zodiac sign is likely to get expelled from school.
Aries likely got expelled for fighting and insubordinate behavior. Aries is a fire sign that is prone to being impulsive and temperamental. Their fiery emotions can sometimes get the best of them and land them in hot water with figures of authority who try to keep them in check. An undisciplined Aries may be inclined to fly off the handle without considering the consequences but with maturity, they may learn to exercise more restraint and utilize more diplomacy and tact.
Taurus likely got expelled for smuggling or selling doobies and other banned substances on school grounds. Taurus is a sign that is resourceful and business savvy. Even at a young age, many of them will likely be ahead of the game in terms of their hustle and they might even dabble in some risky money making ventures. Taurus knows a lucrative opportunity when they see one and wherever there is a demand, they can find a way to supply.
Gemini likely got expelled for disruptive behavior. Geminis are known for their gift of gab and energetic enthusiasm, but sometimes this quality can get them in trouble when they don’t know when to stop. Geminis are most likely to be the ones who teachers have to repeatedly chastise for talking in class. They get caught whispering or thoughtlessly blurt out inappropriate statements and even use profanity sometimes just for the sake of shock value and getting a laugh out of their classmates.
Cancer likely got expelled for getting caught being very “intimate” with their girlfriend/boyfriend on school grounds. Cancers are very lovey dovey with their beloved and a part of them may want their romantic canoodling witnessed by others. As a result, they may make only a half hearted attempt at finding a secret pocket of the campus to do the deed before Romeo and Juliet eventually get caught and suspended indefinitely.
Leo likely got expelled for violating dress code. Leos are often dramatic and attention hungry and they may sometimes dress in provocative or flamboyant ways to grab people’s eyeballs. Most schools may have a dress code that prohibits and clothing that is too revealing, offensive in some way, or poses some type of security risk. Leos may for whatever reason decide to flout those guidelines to wear what they want in the name of their self-proclaimed right to self expression.
Virgo likely got expelled for viewing age-restricted material on school computers or on their own phones while in class. Virgos are associated with being prudish and analytical but apparently it turns out a lot of Virgos are repressed pervs. During their youth, they may have to battle to keep their impulses in check but sometimes their curiosity will likely get the best of them. Maybe this is why some Virgos develop weird fetishes later in life.
Libra likely got expelled for having an inappropriate relationship with the teacher. Libra may sometimes act mature for their age and in some cases may be able to charm the socks off of their teacher. Before you know it, they’re having secret liasons and crossing boundaries so that they can consummate their unsanctioned relationship. The gig will go bust when they slip up and accidently send a salacious text to the wrong recipient.
Scorpio likely got expelled for hacking school computers and accessing classified data. Scorpio is the sign most associated with a love of secrets and an ability for uncovering them. If a Scorpio wants to find out something, there’s a strong possibility that they will find a way to do so. Scorpio might hack into school servers to download academic papers and make them available to the public like the late hacktivist, Aaron Schwartz did. Or they might just try to fraudulently alter their grades.
Sagittarius likely got expelled for cussing out their teachers. Sagittarius is known for having mouth on them and that mouth can get them in trouble. They are inclined to speak their minds and say sometimes controversial or provocative things but it typically comes from a place of honesty. On the other hand, when they are mad, they may have less inhibitions than most about saying what they really feel and their opinions may be delivered with some extra colorful language.
Capricorn likely got expelled for cheating. Capricorn is an astrology sign associated with hard work and discipline because they are highly ambitious and success oriented. Sometimes, highly ambitious people in the grips of their drive, may resort to unscrupulous means of attaining their goals for whatever reason. If Capricorn feels unprepared for an exam or incapable of performing to a satisfactory standard on their own merit and ability, they may engineer a way to cheat if they can get away with it.
Aquarius likely got expelled for instigating a rebellion or riot against the school authorities. Aquarius is a sign associated with being a force for change and revolution wherever oppression exists. They are the ones who are most liable to tryi and rally their fellow classmates around a cause and get them to protest en masse. Authority figures may recognize them as the ring leaders responsible and seek to punish them exclusively for their subversive behavior.
Pisces likely got expelled for pulling the fire alarm either as a prank or to avoid taking the test they didn’t prepare for. Pisces are generally kind and non violent but, may nonetheless get up to their share of mischievous behavior. They may take desperate measures to cover their arse when in deep trouble. Pisces is known to often lie and deceive to avoid experiencing the sting of the natural consequences of their bad decisions. More often than not, this will no doubt turn around and bite them down the road.
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Interesting post!