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Sun conjunct Moon Aspect
The Sun conjunct Moon is perhaps the most powerful and significant aspect in a chart. It is generally a very beneficial aspect to have as it strengthens integration between the conscious and the subconscious. The personality (as symbolized by the moon) shines here because it is receiving a stronger dose of the sun’s illuminating warmth…
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Venus in the 1st House: Charming Demeanor
Venus in House 1 With Venus in the 1st house, the self image of an individual is informed by an attention to aesthetics, quality, comfort and harmony. it can also signify vanity, and elements of superficiality. The first house is the house of self and also where the ascendant or rising sign resides. The 1st…
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Mercury in Aquarius: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Aquarius Personality Having mercury in Aquarius signifies a mental orientation that emphasizes individuality of thinking with humanitarian sensibilities. People who have this placement think outside of the box and are highly cognizant of social and interpersonal strife. They are interested in solving problems that afflict humanity both on a local and global scale.…
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Mercury in Pisces: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Pisces Personality Mercury in Pisces represents an intuitive and abstract thinking style. Cold, hard logic and rote memorization is not emphasized here. Instead, subjectivity and idealism play a larger role in the thinking process. These individuals are prone to having flashes of insight and epiphanies that come unexpectedly. They are impressionable and flexible…
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Mercury in Capricorn: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Capricorn Personality With Mercury occupying the sign of Capricorn, there is a mental toughness and conservative quality to the way in which a person thinks. Mercury in Capricorn represents very practical sensibilities with realistic and down to earth perspectives. People who have this Mercury position have a good mind for cultivating organization and…
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Mercury in Sagittarius: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Sagittarius Personality When occupying the sign Sagittarius, Mercury is in its detriment. This means that its influence will be weakened in strength. Nevertheless, Mercury in Sagittarius fosters a more open and optimistic perspective on life. Here, the style of thinking attempts to expand to larger more significant matters rather than the local, transient…
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Mercury in Scorpio: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Scorpio Personality When placed in Scorpio, mercury manifests as obsessive thinking and intense mental activity. People with this placement are inclined to be psychologically adept and intellectually interested in the deeper connotations of human behavior. They have powerful mental strength that can make them stubborn and unyielding in a battle of wills. This…
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Mercury in Libra: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Libra Personality With Mercury in Libra, fairness and balance are a central feature in the reasoning and logic used. People with this Mercury position seek to be more objectivistic and tasteful in their assessments and judgments. They are not disposed towards cheating or using underhanded tactics in their strategy, but if they do,…
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Mercury in Virgo: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Virgo Personality When Mercury is placed in the sign of Virgo, it indicates a style of thinking that is practical, opinionated, realistic and sometimes cynical. For such individuals there is a tendency to notice flaws and imperfections which can skew their perceptions towards pessimism. This however, can also position them as effective analysts,…
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Mercury in Leo: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Leo Personality When mercury occupies the sign of Leo in someone's chart, it signifies a creative thinker. In Leo however, Mercury is in its fall. Meaning that it is in a weaker, less stable position. Although mercury's native strengths are not fully supported here, it may manifest some positive qualities nonetheless. The mercury…
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Mercury in Cancer: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Cancer Personality Having Mercury in cancer is a placement signifying a highly subjective form of judgment. For these individuals emotions and feelings can weigh heavily in their judgments and decision-making process. For them, it can be difficult to separate their sensitivities from their logic. They tend to conceptualize and rationalize in very personal…
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Mercury in Gemini: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Gemini Personality Within the sign of Gemini, Mercury engenders a mental orientation that is hard to pin down. People with Mercury in Gemini are very changeable in their thinking. They are mentally flexible and open to persuasion when presented with salient and cogent arguments. Furthermore, they can quickly latch onto anything that seems…
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Mercury in Taurus: Meaning & Personality Traits
Mercury in Taurus Personality When placed in the sign of Taurus, mercury manifests a style of thinking that is down to earth, practical and sensible. These individuals can be clever when it comes to manipulating visual information. They have a special understanding for what people like and respond well to. Their style of thinking involves…
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Mercury In Aries: Personality Characteristics
Mercury in Aries Personality When Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication occupies the sign of Aries, it signifies a quick mind and candid self expression. Mercury in Aries people are not inclined to hold their peace. They are compelled to speak their truth and speak their mind in a straightforward and honest manner. Tactfulness…
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Mars in Pisces: Meaning & Personality Traits
Mars in Pisces Personality When placed in the sign of Pisces, Mars can manifest as a creative drive. It can also signify ambitions that are subject to derailment and disillusionment. These individuals can sometimes set out on paths or pursue goals that are self sabotaging. On the other hand, deception and imagination are powerful tools…
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