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The Mischief Each Myers Briggs Type Gets Themselves Into

wild girl mischievous

Sooner or later, everyone lands themselves in a bit of hot water in one form or another. In many cases, we are each to blame for our own misfortunes. The types of trouble we get into will vary from person to person but will likely correlate positively with Myers Briggs typology. Here are some of the deviant activities each Myers Briggs type will likely be guilty of.


Like INTPs, ISTPs also want to know how things work but not in regards to concepts and theories but rather that of concrete physical objects. ISTPs therefore may find themselves in trouble when their desire to figure out what’s in the “secret sauce” turns into a sticky situation. Because of their ability to reverse engineer, ISTPs can sometimes use this skill to hack into things or gain access to things for which they are not granted permission. Since ISTPs are known to be something of mavericks, they may have no qualms about defying inconvenient laws or social mores if they can get away with it.

ISTPs can also be clever pranksters able to devise elaborate gags ranging from childish to borderline cruel. Their physical dexterity and knowledge of human behavior allows them to play tricks on unsuspecting victims. They likely derive great amusement out of seeing others fall into their traps like a fly in spider’s web. If they’re not careful, their harmless fun can backfire and end up burning them in a bittersweet twist of poetic justice.


ISFPs are nice, well meaning folks but they can also get caught up in misguided causes and woo woo metaphysics. They’re not the greatest critical thinkers and book learnin’ ain’t so appealin’. They want experiences -and lots of them. They can have a quirky odd ball sense of humor that others may not appreciate or even be offended by and like Huck Finn, they can get up to all kinds of shenanigans.

ISFPs can be victims of their own delusions blinded by a highly subjective existential idealism. For fun, they may dabble in the occult or satanism, maybe playing pranks on the local churches in their area. Their attention-seeking side can lead them to be highly impulsive and histrionic doing strange things for shock value just to see the reactions from people. They can rub people the wrong way and even infuriate those who don’t understand ISFP’s airy chicanery.


ISTPs by their very nature attract trouble, and when they can’t find any, they create it themselves. They can be foolhardy, risk-taking knuckleheads who act without thinking (but they do think). They are impatient and action oriented and arrogant enough to believe that they can solve anything and do it better than others. This brazen arrogance is probably what engenders the most ire in others towards the ESTP. They cannot help it though, nor would they apologize for it. Sooner or later, ESTPs will be humbled in spectacular fashion by epic failure. Tis’ but a scratch for them though because their incorrigible spirit will rebound quicklyenough to seize a new opportunity.

ESTPs can be bullies who are not afraid to instigate conflict when they feel somehow disrespected or infringed upon. They likely enjoy the drama because at heart they are thrill seekers who feel most alive when engaged in a struggle fighting for something. They want to compete, they want to win and they want to be the biggest kid on the block. One of their biggest lessons in life is to learn how to be a gracious loser because even they can’t win them all.


ISFPs are charming little buggers who love being showered with attention and affection. But behind their enchanting smiles, can be a conniving con-man/woman who knows what buttons to push to get what they want. ESFPs can also be hedonistic sensation seekers who live for the moment, extracting as much excitement and fun as they can. As a result, they can be tempted to become very immoderate in their debauchery and easily spin out of control. They can fall down the rabbit hole of addiction and dangerous self destructive behavior.

ESFPs love to feel good and they have a weak spot for sensual pleasures and instant gratification. They defy the boundaries of acceptable behavior, and enjoy shocking and impressing people with their antics and provocative hi-jinks. Their impulsive and thrill seeking tendencies will no doubt lead to many flirts with disaster. Their actions can appear very reckless at times to the point that people wonder whether they’ve lost their minds.

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ISTJs are reputed as dutiful law-abiding individuals with little interest in Machiavellian exploits and mischievous schemes. Therefore ISTJs are righteous angels of all that is good and perfect, right? Not so fast. While ISTJs may seem like model citizens on paper, and in many cases they are, they may get themselves in trouble with insensitive and overly blunt remarks. They can often disregard the need for tact in favor of an almost sadistically heavy-handed criticism of others. Their stubbornness can also earn them unpopularity with others especially subordinates.

Their unapologetically harsh words can make them the object of controversy and social condemnation. They can be arrogant to such an extent that they believe they know what is best and feel justified in violating rules or laws deeming it a necessary evil. In other words they can deem themselves as above the law and if put in positions of power ISTJs may become, in worst case scenarios, insufferable, self-righteous dictators.


ISFJs are emotional manipulators who can turn people against them once others catch on to ISFJ’s tricks. They take everything personal and can be both emotionally fragile and volatile. They can push the bounds of other’s patience with their need for appreciation, validation and shows of support from loved ones. To get what they want, they may extend sickingly sweet gestures such as unsolicited gifts and dumb compliments to butter up their victim so they become malleable putty in their hands. This is what the FBI calls “grooming”. 

ISFJs also enjoy gossip much like the ESFJ does. They love nothing more than discussing other people’s affairs and commenting on what they do. They may be guilty of rumor mongering and spreading half truths because they tend to believe a lot of the fake news they hear and in turn share it with other people like a sad adult game of telephone. 


ISTJs can be unaware or uncaring of how they come across to others. They have a propensity for bullying people into behaving a certain way in the name of enforcing some principle. They can be very stubborn and dismissive of input from others without really considering it. Their willpower is formidable and once they’ve set their mind, others will find it a near impossible task to dissuade them.

ESTJs may have difficulty communicating their thoughts and feelings to others and also have difficulty understanding the importance of considering people’s feelings, and trying to meet their emotional needs. Because of their capacity to hold grudges, ESTJs can have difficulty forgiving people and are not above seeking out revenge. Their tempers can be intense and quick and they can be highly controlling towards others. They may be unable to place value on individual life and unable to see the long-term impact of their behavior.


ISFJs try to be everything to everyone and to their credit, are genuinely friendly and accepting of most people. This however this can backfire once others observe the lack of depth behind their persona. Their desire for status fuels a lot of their behavior and consequently can make their apparent congeniality seem disingenuous. They are susceptible towards following the crowd and doing things just to gain acceptance and feel included.

ESFJs are liable to engage in gossip and be two-faced even towards those in their inner circle. Acting as a double agent for the sake of maintaining conflicting relationships with conflicting interests they may end up compromising both. Because they are averse to conflict, they avoid making criticisms of others directly but instead voice them to their most trusted counsel. Their loyalties can be shifty and their principles rather superficial.


Curiosity may have killed the cat, but that won’t deter an INTP from investigating! INTPs question everything and may inadvertently rub others the wrongest of ways with their sometimes invasive inquiries. Their questions may be seen as an affront by many people while also raising their suspicions. People may view the INTP as being rude or prying into business in which they ought  not be concerned. Others may have a  difficulty understanding the nature of INTP’s pure and noble desire to understand things simply for their own sake. Understanding the “why” and the “how” is very important to them but individuals in positions of power may view this as challenges to their authority. 

See also  What Each Myers Briggs Type Argues About

INTPs, though typically not inclined to be in places or among people where they are not wanted, may nonetheless become an interloper when their single-minded information-seeking leads them to restricted territory. Their love of the unknown and thirst for secrets can compel them to trespass or tamper with things forbidden. They are like meddlesome cartoon detectives who won’t rest until they’ve gotten to the bottom of the matter. In fact, every INTP should have their own canine sidekick like Rin Tin Tin or Scooby Doo.


INTJs have notions and premonitions that they would like to test out and sometimes do so at the expense of others. They may exploit people like pawns to advance their selfish agenda or manipulate and brainwash them into their strange doomsday cult. INTJ’s brooding narcissism can lead them to form an unhealthily low regard for others as peons and pissants. As such, the INTJ will feel morally justified in expending them much like the character Col. Jessup did in A Few Good Men.

Seriously though, INTJs are no more malevolent than other personality types. Those INTJs with a pronounced intellectual arrogance however will run short on patience when among the more vapid, superficial people of the world. They may earn themselves a reputation for their scathing criticisms lobbied against lay people and authority figures alike. This is because INTJs do not value symbols of status or rank but rather merit and competency. Others will be intimidated or impressed but INTJs will nonetheless likely end up facing consequences for challenging the status quo.

It’s a long running joke that INTJs are melancholy misanthropes with a disdain for humanity.


INTPs can be highly unreliable in regards to important matters of responsibility. Their tendency towards forgetfulness often results in self sustained headaches such late payments and other problems due to unpreparedness. ENTPs are excellent at generating a multitude of ideas but not as great at actualizing them. They often have difficulty finishing the projects and assignments on which they’ve started.

ENTPs can irritate others with their flippant and jocular attitude. It’s as though they don’t take anything seriously enough to stick with and follow through on. Their skill at playing devil’s advocate compels them to get into frivolous arguments and debates just to see where they can take it. For them it is fun, but for others more emotionally involved in their arguments, they can get their feelings hurt and become deeply offended. ENTP’s big mouths can get them into altercations that go from verbal to physical.


INTJs are big, bold and ballsy. Even before they gain any type of power or standing in the world, they can act as though they are the ordained kings and queens of their friends and family. They are possessed with energy and enthusiasm which gives them an aura of authoritative charisma that is difficult for others to resist. They seem to have a plan and know what to do and how to do it and so others follow them like baby ducklings trailing their mother. ENTJs know how to organize people, but in the throes of their ambition they can get ahead of themselves acting like an arrogant dictator.

Others can be put off by ENTJs arrogance and excessive competitiveness. At their worse, ENTJs can be treacherous back stabbers looking out for their own self interests. This ruthless form of ambition can overtake an ENTJ without a strong moral compass. Consequently in their path to success, they will have created a load of stress and paranoia down the road from all the enemies they made along the way.


INFPs for the most part, avoid trouble. They’re conflict averse so they don’t want no beef. Problem is, they can take a lot of things personally and some can internalize perceived slights to the point they become ticking time bombs. This not to say that they will necessarily turn into the next Elliot Roger, or Ted Krazinski but the intensity of their resentment can lead them to erupt in a sudden firestorm of focused rage no one saw coming.

INFP’s can be emotionally immature about criticism from others. It is probably harder for INFPs than other types to brush aside or ignore negative remarks from people. It can either deflate their self esteem or trigger a petulant conniption. Unless they were fortunate enough to have non-controlling, tactful parents, they will likely develop a defiant rebellious relationship with them. They likely get into trouble for back-talking and being a smart-alek.

See also  How Each Myers Briggs Type Reacts To Conflict


INFJs can get into trouble with their compulsion to provide unsolicited advice to others. It can be tough for them to see people struggle with basic decisions like what to eat and where to park . This is why an INFJ will step in to help make a decision, not just out of the goodness of their heart, but because they can’t stand the trivial indecision.

INFJs can be so involved in other people’s lives that their understanding of themselves will be lagging. They enjoy counseling people and will spend days studying them while subconsciously absorbing their characteristics and mimicking them. INFJs want to help and their altruistic nature can lead them to give money at their own expense. INFJs aren’t going to lose any sleep over charitable financial sacrifices… until it sinks in later that they’re broke.


INFP’s  openess to trying things sometimes leads to poor or ill-advised decisions. While it’s good for them to have people around that are spontaneous and open to experimenting like they are, ENFPs also need someone who can tell them when something might be a bad idea. They need someone who straddles the divide, and can redirect the ENFP away from destructive behavior.

ENFPs are also comfortable with their body and bodily functions. They would probably love to be naked all the time even around embarrassed house mates. When the ENFP is passionate about something, they may have a tendency to take over entire discussions making it difficult for fellow interlocutors to get a word in edgewise. The ENFP also has a really hard time censoring themselves. They can hardly resist the urge to call people out and speak their mind at the expense of ruffling some feathers.


The ENFJ has a tough time cutting toxic people out of their lives when they need to. They are such people pleasers that it can interfere with their ability to be themselves.Because ENFJs have a capacity to get along with anyone, they have an openness to dating just about any type. Not every type is good for the ENFJ, however, and ENFJs have a really hard time leaving unhealthy relationships.

At times, the ENFJ gets depressed and unsure what to do and an ENFJ that goes off the rails can be a total train wreck. Drunken hysteria, crying, excessive introspection, and desperate clinging on to others. ENFJs can become total psychopaths if not matured properly. If they’re aligning with people who are on the dark side, the ENFJ can be conditioned to be a total clueless a-hole.

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Jetta Moon
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