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How Bossy You Are Based on MBTI Type

mbti bossy

Are you bossy or toady? Does telling people what to do come naturally to you or is it something you avoid? Here is a look at how bossy you are likely to be based on MBTI type.


In a somewhat patronizing way, ENFJs tend to feel they understand what is best for others in terms of the greater good. However, these types tend to utilize tact and diplomacy in the way they coach, and direct others. ENFJs prefer to encourage, suggest and persuade rather than demand because they are more cognizant of human psychology and the art of getting people to cooperate through non-coercive means. ENFJs tend to be more manipulative than bossy.


ENTJs can be very intimidating with their confidence and commanding presence. Additionally, surveys show them to be the most argumentative of the 16 MBTI types. They can be very bossy task masters but the good news is that ENTJs are not afraid of being challenged. Going toe to toe with the ENTJ may not always work out in your favor, but it can earn their respect and make a positive impression if you show competence and intelligence which are qualities they value greatly.


ESTJ is perhaps the most bossy and controlling mbti type of all. In comparison with the ENTJ, ESTJs are bound to be more intractable in their thinking. Challenging them may prove a harder endeavor as the basis for their decisions and thinking is often deeply rooted in stored experiences and facts that have become canon for them. Furthermore, ESTJs typically don’t see a need to pussyfoot or sugarcoat their words. They prefer to be very clear and direct about what they want or need and this can sometimes come across as pushy and brusque.


ISTJs are not so much bossy as they are particular and specific about what they want. They are not overbearing or controlling but they don’t like having to constantly repeat themselves or remind people of what they’re supposed to do. ISTJs have guidelines and standards and so long as you fulfill those standards or make an honest effort to do so, ISTJ will not likely get on your back. When things are not going smoothly, ISTJs can get fussy and sometimes take it out on others. If you can solve efficiency problems and make their lives easier, the ISTJ boss will likely love you for it.


ISFJs are not very bossy at all, but they can be very naggy. Typically, ISFJs take on a lot fo the burden of labor upon themselves. They are not that keen on delegating responsibilities to others as they prefer to rely on themselves. ISFJs may often find that others are not as conscientious or reliable as they are and so they feel it is easier to handle a lot of things on their own. ISFJs are generally hands off but will inspect the work that others do and offer constructive criticism wherever they feel it is needed.

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In terms of bossiness, ESFJs are somewhere between ENFJ and ESTJ. In everyday life, ESFJs are not demanding but they have their expectations. They are more judgemental and critical than anything else, but when occupying positions of authority, they can also be stubborn. ESFJ tend to push cooperation onto others in the name of teamwork and solidarity. ESFJs tend to be hands off when it comes to technical matters but may be task masters in the general sense. They may also have policies focused on appropriate conduct and attire that they seek to enforce.


The INFJ is typically not bossy but rather more collaborative and cordial. INFJs don’t seek to demand anything from other people because they don’t harbor or feel comfortable expressing that sort of self-entitlement. INFJs try to foster a spirit of partnership and collaboration that is mutually beneficial. They are just as concerned about the value they bring to others as the value others bring to them. INFJs use diplomacy, tact and careful word choice to convey what they need or want from others without coming across like a bossy, self-important butt-hole.


INFPs are not bossy because they have no interest in controlling people. They are more independent and when they need something from another person, they are likely to plead and entreat others to do their bidding than demand it. Because INFPs dislike being subjected to bossy authoritarians, they are loath to treat others in the same way. Furthermore, INFPs take greater interest in fostering and nurturing others abilities, being patient with their mistakes and focusing on ways to improve. INFPs are more tolerant in most ways because they have faith that people can improve so long as they are willing to.


INTPs are among the least bossy types. Partly because they are too polite and also because they don’t like bossy people themselves. INTPs are apt to point out why something should be done rather than simply tell someone to do it. Furthermore, INTPs don’t mind explaining things to others because for them, it is an opportunity to test their ability to communicate clearly and make themselves well understood by others.

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INTJs are typically too busy handling their own business to be bossy. They prefer to entrust other people who are competent and let them operate with little supervision and intervention on their part. INTJs can be very exacting and demanding at times, especially when under stress and when they feel the people around them are underperforming. INTJs however, are good at devising systems and delegating well defined roles and tasks to people and letting them operate without excessive supervision.


ISTPs are not very bossy and can even seem very lax and indifferent to how other people perform. Because ISTPs are so self involved and focused on their own craft, they don’t rely much on other people. ISTPs have a very detached but tolerant attitude about how others should be directed. ISTP would prefer to handle everything themselves but when they need help, they are appreciative and respectful. ISTPs have no interest in controlling or regulating others with rules and they don’t harbor a self-entitled attitude about others catering to them. ISTPs may only feel entitled to appreciation and recognition for what they have accomplished and provide to others.


ISFPs are not bossy by nature and typically have a very lax and casual attitude about most things. ISFPs aren’t really interested in telling people what to do and are more often the ones going along with what other people want. In general they prefer to be their own boss and let others do the same.


ESTPs can be somewhat bossy but they are also quite willing to give others plenty of space to do their thing. They are not micromanagers and have little interest in hovering over other people’s shoulders, scrutinizing their every move. ESTPs may occasionally play power games, manipulate and use coercive tactics to get people to do their bidding. More often though, ESTPs utilize good people skills to encourage cooperation from others.


ESFPs can sometimes try to act bossy when they feel they are not being taken seriously. However, ESFPs aren’t task masters by nature and only become so when they grow impatient and frustrated. ESFPs are more self reliant and accommodating to others. Because they are so nice and charismatic, ESFPs can get people to do things for them without being bossy. ESFPs may also use incentives and generous rewards to encourage other people’s cooperation.

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The ENFP person is not fond of bossy people and so they would seek not to be that way toward others. When necessary however, they will assert what they need and expect from others. ENFPs prefer voluntary cooperation, partnership and collaboration. Additionally, they like to show plenty of appreciation and positive reinforcement in return for any help they receive. ENFPs have the ability to motivate and inspire others to perform without twisting their arm.


ENTPs have the capacity for bossiness because they like coming up with ideas and leaving the task of implementation to others. There is also a bit of egotism that may compel them to assert themselves like a boss. More often though, ENTPs act as collaborative directors. They give general prompts and directives and let others have plenty of creative room to work things out.

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