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How Adaptable You Are Based on MBTI Type

mbti adaptability

In the MBTI, perceiver types are, by definition, more adaptable than judging types. However, perceivers can be inflexible about certain things and judgers can more pliant about other things. Here is a look at how adaptable each MBTI type is.


ENTJs don’t so much adapt to their surroundings as make their surroundings adapt to them. They have a way of making things work best for them rather than the other way around. For this reason ENTJs are able to thrive or simply persevere and survive in many types of situations. Wherever they find themselves, ENTJs will invariably find a goal or objective to set their minds to whether it be to prosper in their circumstances or eventually escape it. ENTJs are fast learners and can quickly and effectively soak up the ins and outs of what it takes to understand the working scheme of things. That being said, ENTJs tend to adapt themselves only to the extent that it serves a purpose or goal they think is worth pursuing.


INTJs don’t try to adapt so much as cope and try to deal with situations for the time being. Whatever situation they find themselves in, INTJs are typically able to optimize their circumstances and make the best of what they have available to them. INTJ is willing to make certain concessions and compromises they consider to be reasonable. When there are clear rules and structures in place, INTJs are pretty good at compliance and operating within those paradigms. They don’t adapt as well to chaotic and unpredictable situations where consistency and order is hard to come by. Although they prefer to plan and make themselves well prepared before doing most things, INTJs have a capacity for improvising and making adjustments on the fly.


INTPs are adaptable when they need to be but are generally not keen on having to venture out of their comfort zones or areas of interest, especially at the behest of someone else. INTPs can be surprisingly versatile and able to grasp and pick up new skills more quickly than anyone would have suspected. Because iNTPs tend to confine themselves to a certain number of obsessive interests, people may often underestimate or doubt their ability to handle anything outside of that. INTPs are adventurous when it comes to adapting and adopting new ideas and concepts but are more tentative about strange and unfamiliar experiences. INTPs are more inclined to cope with and endure a situation than adapt to it.


ENTPs are highly adaptable. Because they don’t bind themselves to any one way of doing things or way of life, they maintain an open mind to other possibilities and opportunities. Furthermore, ENTPs seem able to manage dealing with all sorts of situations and people. In most situations, they can take what they are able to get and make it work for them or innovate it in some way. As creative thinkers, adaptation comes more easily to them as they are by nature wired to explore and try a variety of new and different things.


INFPs are very adaptable so long as their personal values and introverted needs are not being tread upon. When it comes to changes that feel unfair or unjust, INFPs can be more resistant and defiant. INFPs can settle into certain habits and routines for a time, but their creative urges and taste for novelty pushes them to periodically switch things up and try something different. Furthermore, INFPs tend to be optimists — perhaps naively so. Even amidst disappointments to their expectations, they are good at taking a bad situation and finding the upside in it. As intuitives, they understand the power of reframing their perspective and other creative ways of coping.

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INFJs are relatively adaptable especially in the social sense. They are noted for their ability to slightly adjust themselves according to the company they keep in order to better fit in and get along. Although INFJs are fairly adaptable, they tend to require more time and thought to process and come to terms with many changes before they embrace them. They have an underlying taste for new experiences but they also fear making a bad mistake or getting into something that they cannot handle. Their ability to adapt is hampered by a sense of caution and carefulness about whether the path they are going down is the right one. Once they’ve done sufficient vetting however, INFJs are able to jump aboard and try to enjoy the experience.


ENFPs are super adaptable and open to all sorts of ideas and possibilities. They are willing to try most things out before reaching a verdict on them. To that extent, ENFPs have a very adaptable mindset that makes them more willing than most to at least give themselves a chance to see where things go. Their intuitive instincts and quick thinking allow them to improvise and adjust to various situations and scenarios. That is because they can envision in their minds, numerous possibilities and ways of seeing the world. How successful they are in those situations and circumstances is another matter, but it will likely be boredom and loss of interest that causes things to fall through in the end.


ENFJs are quite adaptable for the sake of social cohesion and harmonizing with others. However, they are inclined to focus more on adapting and improving the circumstances for the wellbeing of others. Nevertheless, ENFJs are noted for being a type who assimilates well with their environment. They have a tendency to withhold various aspects of themselves that they think might hinder other people’s regard for them. With their tertiary extraverted sensing ENFJs also have a capacity for managing well in situations that call for them to think on their feet.


ISFJs tend to be a bit anxious and apprehensive when faced with people and situations they are not accustomed to. Despite their friendly and personable nature, ISFJ’s ability to adapt may be slightly hampered by shyness and self-doubt. As an introverted sensor, the ISFJ holds preference for tradition, convention and practicality. Therefore, they can have a cynical and negative regard for anything that pulls them out of their comfort zones and areas of familiarity. ISFJs tend not to be highly confident in their ability to adapt quickly and often require extra time to adjust and really get used to new people and situations.

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ISTJs are probably the least adaptable of all types but that is not to say that they are not adaptable at all. They tend to be more rigid and require extra time to warm up to new people and situations and will likely do so begrudgingly and cynically. They err towards the side of caution and prefer to stick with what they know best. ISTJs are not keen on putting themselves into situations where they must improvise a lot or do without clear guidelines to go by. Furthermore, they can be rather stubborn in their commitment to certain ways of doing things to the extent that they may overlook or dismiss the value of embracing and adopting new and potentially better ways.


ESTJs are adaptable in their ability to cope and persevere but whatever situation they find themselves in, they will seek to establish some type of structure and routine. ESTJs much like ENTJs will try to focus more on shaping their environment according to their liking and be the one pulling most of the strings if not all of them. They adapt to their surroundings to the extent that it serves their interests and strategy for accomplishing what they are after. However, the stubborn and close minded aspects of the ESTJ personality can make adaptation to new and better ways of doing things a slower process.


Socially speaking, ESFJs are very adaptable and almost chameleon-like in how they relate to others. Driven by a desire for acceptance, and belonging, ESFJs can often mirror themselves after the company they keep. However, as a type how relies greatly on convention and adhering to tried and true ways of doing things, the ESFJ can be slow to embrace and get used to newer and better ways of doing things. They tend to want to stick to what is familiar and comfortable to them for as long as possible. Being thrust into unfamiliar settings and situations can be unsettling and daunting for ESFJs and they will likely seek comfort through whatever friendships and alliances they can foster.


As one of the more casual and easy going types, ISFPs are pretty adaptable. They exhibit a rather open attitude because they find value in having a wide variety of experiences. With their auxiliary extraverted sensing, they are able to take life as it comes and live in the moment. Rolling with the punches and adjusting to sudden changes doesn’t pose very much of a problem for them. They have minimal preconceived notions and tend to take things at face value until they can examine things up close and for themselves.


ESFPs are very adaptable and responsive to their environment. They are great improvisers able to slide into almost any situation or setting and quickly get into the swing of things. Among people, ESFPs often set the tone with their jubilant energy but are also sensitive enough to tone it down when among more somber company. They are highly flexible in their attitude and can adjust to almost any situation and often thrive as long as they have some company. Adapting to situations that leave them isolated and without human or even animal companionship can be more difficult for ESFPs to handle. One of their best survival and adaptive tools is their ability to befriend almost anyone and engender goodwill from others who can help them along the way.

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ISTPs are adaptable in the most survivalist sense. Although private and reserved, ISTPs have a higher tolerance for dealing with new situations and experiences. As loners, they are naturally self reliant anyway and able to make do on their own. They are able to blend in with their surroundings and are very observant which allows them to quickly pick up on how things work. ISTPs are crafty and good at devising ad hoc solutions to problems they encounter. The strength of their adaptability lies primarily in the skill with which they can adapt elements of their environment to their benefit. Socially, ISTPs are less adaptive and may find it more difficult to fit in nicely with many circles.


ESTPs are very adaptable and more socially so than the ISTP is. ESTPs are very attuned to their surroundings and the people occupying them. Their people skills allow them to more easily enmesh themselves within the fabric of their environment. ESTPs roll with the punches and adjust themselves to the temperature in a room so to speak. Amongst polite company, they can be just as polite and well mannered but when insulted, they readily respond in kind. ESTPs can be stubborn but they thrive on their dynamic ability to handle all sorts of situations and changing terrains.

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One thought on “How Adaptable You Are Based on MBTI Type

  1. “INTPs are more inclined to cope with and endure a situation rather than adapt to it”. Yes, that’s definitely me. And it describes accurately where I am in my life right now. I’m working on making some changes though…

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