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What Each MBTI Type is Most Hated For

woman surrounded by pointing fingers

No matter who you are, there’s always going to be someone who despises your existence. Either out of jealousy, negative perceptions, misconceptions or fundamental differences, some people will just not be a fan of what you’ve got going on. When it comes to the 16 MBTI personalities, there are some distinct qualities about each type that are sure to engender scorn and contempt from other people. Here is an unofficial look at what each Myers Briggs personality type gets hated for most.

ISTP: Their lack of interest in how people are Feeling.

ISTPs prefer to express their love and affections in tactile ways. A hearty embrace, a tender caress, a casual snuggle, a spontaneous massage. Apparently, that’s not good enough for everyone and some people want ISTP to also ask them about their day and how they are feeling. It typically doesn’t even occur to them to ask these sorts of questions and so the fact that ISTPs don’t really ask about these things should not be taken as an indication of how much or how little they care.

ISFP: For Weird and Eccentric Behavior.

As nice and affable as ISFPs tend to be, they too can attract haters. Especially from those who don’t understand creative people who may have a few quirks. ISFPs may have behaviors and tendencies that appear bizarre and unorthodox and can get easily misconstrued as being negative in the eyes of more conventional people. ISFPs can also get criticized as being slow or lazy but typically that is only the case when it comes to doing things that they don’t care much about.

INFP: Looking Like a Sour Puss.

At their core, INFPs are sensitive sweethearts who want to love and be loved, yet somehow many of them appear like sullen misanthropes who don’t seem to like anyone. They’re emotionally complicated, private and notorious for not smiling very much. People can often get the impression that INFP hates them when really that’s just their neutral face expression. Additionally, because they prefer to be genuine, INFPs don’t really want to mask their feelings with false or exaggerated affectations.

INFJ: Self-Righteous Rage.

INFJs are empaths with a deep reservoir of emotion that can be as calm as a pond or as turbulent as white water rapids. INFJs have strong ideals that they seek to embody and live out. Because they spend a great deal of time in self reflection and self evaluation, INFJs tend to see themselves perhaps as more enlightened and self aware than most people. INFJs can sometimes act out a sense of moral superiority, vilifying and ostracizing people who’ve wronged them in sometimes trivial ways. Some INFJs get carried away with their self-indulgent moral posturing especially when they’re immature.

ENFP: Being Flaky and Unreliable.

ENFPs have a reputation for being late and not following through on what they say. ENFP decisions can change on a whim because they can get scattered and side tracked very easily by various things. This can pose an issue for other people however and cause problems in ENFP’s relationships and professional lives. Fortunately, ENFPs are often personable and charismatic, which allows them to get away with some things for longer than they would otherwise.

See also  INTP vs INFP Similarities and Differences

ENFJ: For Seeming Phony and Manipulative.

ENFJs and INFJs are both noted for their ability to blend in and adjust to their environments in a chameleon-like way. This is more evident in ENFJs though, who can often get criticized as being fake and disingenuous in how they represent themselves. ENFJs are sometimes accused of being manipulative and two-faced. Because their sense of identity is generally tied up in how the world defines them than how they define themselves, ENFJs can get caught up in the game of managing people’s perception of them such that they seem to be acting or performing a role rather than being authentic.

IÑTJ: Narcissistic Elitism.

INTJ is a type stereo-typically associated with villainous masterminds in TV shows, novels and movies. In real life, INTJs may only resemble villains in their contempt for the stupidity of society and their favor of Ayn-Randian objectivist principles. Being INTJ doesn’t mean being cold, heartless or uncompassionate, but many INTJs espouse views and attitudes that suggest they see themselves as a lot smarter, competent and intellectually superior to most people which can put off some folks.

INTP: For Questioning or Criticizing People’s Assertions.

INTPs can acquire haters for a number of reasons including for their lack of interest in joining social events with others. The most common type of disdain that INTPs may incur however, may come as a result of their tendency to question people who expect them to simply accept or comply. INTPs generally lack a sense of reverence for authority and are strongly compelled to challenge anything they think is wrong or don’t understand the justification for. People who have authoritarian complexes or lack the ability to explain the reasoning and logic for what they claim won’t appreciate being put on the spot by the inquisitive INTP.

ENTJ: Being Bossy and Insensitive.

The ENTJ personality is the most common type found among executives and the highest earning members of society. ENTJs often find their way into positions of leadership and it is likely they didn’t get there by being gentle as a lamb. ENTJs are known for being straight forward and frank with people. Although they can understand the importance of being polite in the way they treat people, ENTJs can easily forget their manners when they are stressed or gripped with the passion to get things done and make things happen. At the same time, ENTJs are not interested in coddling people and many folks will feel sorely disappointed when they look to ENTJ for emotional support and sympathy.

ENTP: For Being a Conniving Troll.

ENTPs take pleasure in busting people’s chops and poking holes in their precious notions. They are prone to boredom and often amuse themselves with edgy conversations. ENTPs can intentionally and unintentionally offend others with their casually insensitive remarks often spoken in jest. In other cases, ENTPs can be wily and pull cruel jokes on others like in the case of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. There are stories about Edison (commonly considered to be ENTP), cheated Tesla in various ways and used deceptive and inhumane tactics to try and discredit Tesla’s inventions.

See also  The Cognitive Bias Each MBTI Type Is Probably Guilty Of

ESTJ: For Being Strict and Dogmatic.

ESTJs are generally very comfortable with telling people what to do and how to do it. Some people like the clarity and direction that ESTJ’s offer but others may find them to be too controlling and regimented. Moreover, ESTJs tend to be very driven and hard working and can be pretty judgmental and unsympathetic with people who disappoint them or fail to meet their standards and values. Rather than put themselves in other people’s shoes, considering their circumstances and emotional wellbeing, ESTJ is more apt to attribute laziness and weak willpower to other people’s shortfalls.

ESFJ: Anointing Themselves the Arbiters of What is and Isn’t Appropriate.

While ESTJs are characterized as enforcers of rules and regulations, the ESFJ is more of an enforcer (or advocate) of etiquette and social conduct. ESFJs develop a sense of what is and isn’t acceptable behavior based on their desire to preserve harmony and cooperation among people. For some people, ESFJ’s intentions can feel censorious and too homogenizing. Some of what ESFJs deem as inappropriate can feel like an unnecessary and misguided attempt to suppress people’s individuality and self expression.

ESTP: They Seem to Get Away With Things Other People Can’t.

ESTPs are described as natural promoters and salespeople who use their gift of gab to persuade and get people excited about almost anything. If Donald Trump (who could be ENTJ or ESTP) is any indication, ESTPs are very skilled at manipulating and managing people’s perceptions. Whether by accidental luck, cunning or power of personality, ESTPs seem able to get themselves out of trouble just as easily as they get themselves into it. They roll the dice more often than most people, doing things that seem reckless and counterintuitive but in the end, very often reap the rewards.

ESFP: Being Desperate for Attention and Validation.

ESFPs want to love and be loved and bask in others admiration of them. ESFPs are often humorous and energized by any positive feedback and reinforcement they receive from people. For them, attention and validation can be like a drug and they need a fix when their spirits are low and they feel ignored and starved of affection. ESFPs want people to enjoy their company and sometimes they may do regrettable things for the sake of laughter and feeling loved.

See also  ISFP Shadow: The Dark Side of ISFP

ISTJ: Being Narrow-Minded and Old-Fashioned..

ISTJs are very deliberate and they don’t change their mind easily. Once they settle on a decision or perspective, it might as well be set in stone. Generally speaking, ISTJs are very practical and tend to be very cynical about trying new ideas and may even prohibit others from doing so. They may stubbornly continue using methods and procedures long after they’ve become outmoded because they don’t feel the need to fix what isn’t broken. There may be better, faster ways of doing things but ISTJs may often be reluctant to change their well established systems and routines until they really have to.

ISFJ: Nagging and Holding Grudges.

ISFJs have strong memories and so it should come as no surprise that they can have a penchant for not letting others forget their screw ups. ISFJs tend to bottle a lot of their negative emotion and when it comes out, it is usually triggered by something random and relatively trivial. Those on the receiving end may not understand why ISFJ suddenly snaps on them until they realize ISFJ hasn’t gotten over that thing you did to them ages ago.

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Jetta Moon
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