mbti list

The 16 Personality types If They Were President
Being president is a position only a privileged few will get to experience. Holding political office requires a level of propriety and leadership that not everybody can handle. Most U.S. presidents of the past have been identified as Guardian types, ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ. More recent POTUSes like Obama (ENFJ), Bill Clinton (ESFP) and Donald…
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The 10 Commandments of the MBTI Types
The Commandments as the 16 MBTI Types Each Myers Briggs Type by virtue of their professed personality preferences operates according to the values that they deem important. We each have a hierarchy of values that determine what we prioritize. Whether they come from our own personal thoughts and feelings or drummed into us by society…
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Here is the Story Arc for Each MBTI Type
Each one of us is the protagonist of our own story and one of the important aspects of story is good character development. Characters at the beginning of a story are incomplete in some way that events of the story will serve to resolve or make whole. In real life, each MBTI type has its…
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35 signs you are an ESFP Personality
ESFPs are one of the 16 MBTI personality types. This personality type constitutes roughly 10% of the general population and is more commonly found among females. ESFP belongs to the temperament group known as the “artisans” alongside ISTP, ISFP and ESTP. Like them, ESFP are more grounded in the here and now and place higher…
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35 Signs You’re An ESTP
ESTPs are one of the 16 MBTI personalities and are estimated to comprise roughly 4 - 7% of the general population. They belong to the temperament group known as the artisans and have been christened as the “tactical promoter” by MBTI theorist, David Keirsey. ESTPs are noted for their energy, spontaneity and courage. Here are…
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35 Signs You are an ISTJ Personality
ISTJ are one of the 16 MBTI personality types. They are said to comprise as much as 10% of the population according to certain estimates. The ISTJ type has been dubbed the “logitistical inspector” by David Keirsey and belongs to the guardian temperament group along with ESTJ, ISFJ and ESFJ. ISTJs are noted for their…
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What Each MBTI Type Will Do When The Robots Takeover
The robots are coming and there’s nothing you can do about it. For a long time, it has been the stuff of science fiction, but now we are on the cusp of an automation revolution. More and more industries are turning to super smart and efficient A.I. machines to perform tasks once relegated to humans.…
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The Parenting Style of Each MBTI Type
The MBTI can be a helpful tool in constructive parenting. One of the biggest mistakes a parent makes in their effort to rear and guide their children is treating them like their Pygmalion project. Many parents have a tendency to regard their children as a 2.0 version of themselves and proceed to shoehorn them into…
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35 Signs You Might Be an ENTJ
The ENTJ is one of the 16 MBTI personalities and belongs to the temperament group known as the “rationals” along with INTP, ENTP and INTJ. ENTJs are dubbed as the “Field Marshal” by David Keirsey and are known for being among the most successful and driven of all MBTI types. Here are 35 signs you…
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The Hypocrisy of Each MBTI Type
http://coyotecalled.tumblr.com/post/159570101001/hypocrisy-of-each-mb-type The hypocrisy of each Myers Briggs Type: INFJ: Whines about the difficulties of extreme empathy. In reality, a bit smug while spending perhaps 10% of their time actually engaging people. INTJ: Projects aura of extreme depth and decisiveness. Secretly an obsessive fangirl/boy. ESTJ/ENTJ: “I get more shit done than anybody.” Actually: intimidates ISF…
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6 Great Paying Jobs For ISFPs
ISFPs are introverted sensors who prize their individuality and personal values. In a national sample, ISFPs reported that clear structure, loyalty/security, and independence and achievement as being the most important characteristics of their work environment. They prefer occupations where they can use their gentle service-related attentiveness to detail such as the Health Care industry, Business,…
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6 High Paying Careers For ESTJs
The ESTJ is an extraverted sensor who is known for being methodical and efficient. According to a national sample, ESTJs reported a preference for clear structure, teamwork, variety of tasks, independence and achievement and loyalty/security as being their most important work characteristics. ESTJs rely on logic and facts and can often be found in positions…
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6 Best Paying Careers For ESFJ
The ESFJ person is an extraverted sensor who enjoys working with people. In a national sample, ESFJs reported a preference for clear structure, loyalty/security, variety of tasks, independence and achievement and teamwork as being the most important characteristics desired in the workplace. ESFJs seek to be of service to others and are most often found…
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6 Best Paying Jobs For ISFJs
ISFJs are introverted sensors who enjoy being helpful and of service to others. In a national sample, people of this type reported a preference for careers that offer clear structure, security/loyalty, independence and variety. They are willing to do things by the book and try to keep things simple and organized. This MBTI type tends…
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6 High-Earning ISTP Careers
ISTPs are introverted sensors who value autonomy, clear structure and variety of tasks from their work environment. ISTPs tend to be found in skilled trades and technical fields and also law enforcement and military professions. According to a national sample, ISTPs comprise about 5.4% of the total population. They make up 8.5% of the male…
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