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Aquarius Zodiac Sign ♒︎

aquarius zodiac

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The 11th sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius the water bearer. The Aquarius zodiac sign is the archetypal rebel, loyal friend and humanitarian. This air sign is defined as an independent spirit, progressive idealist and radical thinker among other things. Aquarians can be quite subversive and compelled to go against the grain. Their nature is to challenge status quos and flout antiquated conventions. They embrace a different way of seeing the world and prefer to think outside the box. Consequently, people of this zodiac sign can often earn an outsider status within society when it is for something they truly believe in.

Ruler: Uranus
Principle: Fixed
Element: Air
Body Part: Ankles, Calves
Motto: “I know”
Represented as: “the water bearer”
Symbol: ♒︎

Aquarius values more freedom and independence and less control and authority. For them, their sovereignty is sacred and something they would not give up quietly. Authority figures will have to work to earn their respect and loyalty or Aquarius will be apt to challenge them in one form or another. In contrast to Aries, who is rebellious in a competitive and egotistical way, Aquarius tends to be more contrarian on an intellectual, political or philosophical level. They are of the people and for the people, and their friendly disposition and desire to help others can put them at odds with the overlords and oligarchs of society.

Aquarius’ ruling planet Uranus is associated with technology. This may suggest an aptitude for engineering, or tech development. Aquarius’ inventive and sometimes weird ideas can earn them ridicule from peers. Many high profile Aquarians get branded as kooks and conspiracy theorists due to the fringe nature of their ideations and views. Their unconventional beliefs can be either clairvoyant or a symptom of an overactive and paranoid imagination. At any rate, people of this sign have their focus and attention directed towards the future and are often attune to the tides of change on the horizon. They may have a knack for recognizing trends and anticipating immanent threats and significant shifts that have bearing on society and the course of human history.

Nevertheless, they keep their finger on the pulse of humanity, and their ability to forecast future opportunities and events allows them to be vanguards in whatever industry they’re interested in. They are trend spotters and dot connectors who do not miss the forest for the trees. They can often be ahead of the curve when it comes to hopping onto the next big thing and may have a talent for spotting potential well before most people catch on. The nature of their brilliance by virtue of Uranus, is more intuitive than rational. Uranus imbues them with either a spark of genius or oddness that has no utility. They have such confidence in their convictions however, that they are willing to look like eccentric fools in pursuit of what they think is true or important.

Aquarius individuals are known for their unique and unconventional approach to life. They possess a strong sense of individuality and are often seen as progressive and forward-thinking. Aquarians tend to have a cerebral nature with an intellectual interest in things like freedom, politics and innovation. They are often drawn to social causes and have a deep sense of humanitarianism. Aquarians are independent and unafraid to challenge the status quo, making them natural reformers and visionaries. Their friendly and open disposition attracts a diverse circle of friends, and they enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts.

As a fixed air sign, Aquarius combines intellectual depth with unwavering determination. They are like a steady breeze of fresh ideas, offering a constant flow of innovative thinking. Aquarians are known for their ability to form deep connections with others through intellectual and philosophical discussions. Their fixed quality ensures they remain resolute in their principles and beliefs, making them unwavering advocates for their causes. This quality can also make them difficult to persuade or manipulate. This is because they tend to anchor themselves in principles and truths they view as unassailable.

Aquarius Relationships:

In relationships, Aquarians are open-minded and value intellectual connection as much as emotional connection. They appreciate partners who respect their need for freedom and independence. When it comes to emotional intimacy, Aquarius tends to be quite detached. They are not inclined to engage in saccharine displays of feelings and sentiments. Aquarius is instead prone to display glibness or a flat affectation. This however is by no means to suggest that they are any less caring or affectionate. They are known to be highly loyal, at least in the emotional sense.

Physically, Aquarians are notorious for acts of infidelity. For them, monogamous and exclusive relationships can sometimes feel suffocating and an impingement on their freedom. It is important that their partners not be clingy or overly demanding of their time and attention. They prefer a degree of openness and mutual independence that allows both partners to have a life outside the relationship.  Aquarians are often seen as friendly and approachable, making it easy for them to connect with a wide range of individuals. They are drawn to partners who share their sense of social awareness and passion for making the world a better place.

Aquarius Careers:

Career-wise, Aquarius people are drawn to fields they find to be socially meaningful. This may include professions in journalism where they can report to the public on important news and revelations. Aquarians may also gravitate to STEM fields where they can be involved in innovation and the technological progress of humanity. People of this sign are inclined to be inventive, experimental and open to different paradigms of thinking. This is well suited to the technical and problem solving aspects of engineering whether it be computer science, electrical, bio or mechanical. Moreover, this has direct value and importance in bettering mankind and the improvement of society’s future, at least on the technological front.

Aquarians excel in careers that demand creativity, innovation, and a forward-thinking mindset. They are drawn to professions in fields such as technology, science, research, and social activism, where their unconventional ideas can thrive. Their ability to envision a better future makes them ideal candidates for roles that involve problem-solving and groundbreaking developments. Ideal careers for Aquarius include scientist, inventor, social activist, IT specialist, and any role that encourages outside-the-box thinking and change.

Aquarius Strengths:

  • Intellectual Depth: Aquarians possess a keen intellect and a passion for exploring new ideas.
  • Open-Mindedness: They are open to diverse perspectives and embrace change.
  • Humanitarianism: Aquarians are dedicated to making the world a better place and champion social causes.
  • Friendliness: They are friendly and approachable, making it easy to connect with others.
  • Innovation: Aquarians bring fresh and innovative thinking to their endeavors.

Aquarius Weaknesses:

  • Stubbornness: They can be stubborn and inflexible when it comes to their beliefs.
  • Emotional Detachment: Aquarians may struggle with emotional expression and connecting on a deep emotional level.
  • Rebellion: Their desire to challenge the status quo can sometimes lead to rebellious behavior.
  • Impersonal: Aquarians may come across as detached or distant in relationships.
  • Unpredictability: They can be unpredictable in their actions and decisions.

Famous Aquarius people:

  • Christian Bale
  • Michael Jordan
  • Michael B. Jordan
  • Nathan Fielder
  • Alice Eve
  • Chloe Grace Moretz
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Jane Seymour
  • Frederick Douglass
  • Darren Aronofsky
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Thomas Edison
  • Charles Dickens
  • Justin Timberlake
  • Ari Shaffir
  • Hannibal Burress
  • Bill Maher
  • Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Charles Darwin
  • The Weeknd (Abel Makkonen Tesfaye)
  • Arsenio Hall
  • Ed Sheeran
  • Harry Styles
  • Alicia Keys
  • Kerry Washington
  • Elijah Wood
  • Shakira

The Decanates of Aquarius

1st decan Aquarius/Uranus 
21 January – 30 January

The Aquarius characteristics are presented unalloyed. A friendly demeanor, and desire to help others combined with an inventive mind with flashes of genius are strengthened in this decan. These individuals gravitate toward a unique path in life and are prone to shun attempts by others to put them in a conventional box. The seek to be their own person, to stand on their own two feet and to stand apart intellectually from the brainwashed, herd-following hoi polloi.

2nd decan Aquarius/Mercury
31 January – 9 February

Under this decan, there is a greater emphasis on direct interpersonal relations and social engagement. Aquarians born during this period are more communicative and expressive. They may fashion themselves as the heralds of the latest information, news and gossip. The influence of Gemini enhances Aquarius’ ability to communicate their unusual ideas whether spoken or written. They are bright and engaging and benefit from the Geminis sparkling wit and gift for gab.

3rd decan Aquarius/Venus 
10 February – 19 February

The third decan of Aquarius introduces an element of Libra. Such individuals have a strong focus on social justice and the balance of power. Their idealistic nature propels them into acts of social service and possibly activism. Wherever they see injustice or inequity, they are inspired to speak up against it. The influence of Libra accentuates the ability to function in relationships. An added dose of charm and social grace tempers some of Aquarius’ independent contrarian qualities.

Other zodiac signs:


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