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Moon in Aries

moon in aries personality

The Moon in Aries

Aries Moons are guided and shaped by their astrological ruler, Mars. Known as the God of War in mythology, this “red planet” orbits close to Earth and can be seen with the naked eye. Mars influences our passion, drive, and ambition. It’s the masculine force within all of us, that basic animalistic instinct that tells us to fight for our survival, and the hero that pushes us to keep climbing our own metaphorical mountains. Sometimes Mars is responsible for anger and aggression, but it’s also what propels us forward, to shoot for the stars, and to be courageous.

Understanding the Moon in Astrology

In mythology, she was known as the goddess Selene. As our only satellite, her lunar cycles affect the Earth in powerful ways. She directs the tides, stabilizes the climate, and keeps our orbit in balance. She is the moon. Her astrological significance is just as strong as the sun or the ascendant in our birth charts, possibly even stronger. The moon influences our emotions, shows how we feel nurtured, represents the women and mothers in our lives, and can also tell us who we are beneath the surface.

Ruled by watery Cancer, the moon finds her home at the IC or the Imum Coeli, Latin for “lowest point” of the birth chart. This is also known as the House of Home and Family. The IC is where you go to feel safe and comfortable. Just like only one side of the moon is visible from Earth, the emotional, intuitive part of yourself is hidden as well. Your moon sign reveals your emotional response that was first cultivated through your family and childhood years. Your opinions, attitudes, and approach to life are all shown through your IC. It is the ultimate window to your soul, and it carries huge significance in love and relationships.

Aries Moon: Your Deepest Self

Since Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, the child-like energy associated with the first house encompasses your whole existence. Deep down, you’re a big kid at heart. You want to play and laugh and experience life to the fullest. Your moon isn’t jaded. You can dance in the rain, belt out your favorite songs, and be a free spirit without caring about other’s opinions. When life knocks you down, you get right back up. When an exciting or daring opportunity presents itself, you’re not afraid to step forward. This placement gives you a drive comparable to a firework—explosive and vibrant. Instinct and attraction are usually instantaneous. When you’re going after something, whether it’s a creative project or a relationship, you will tirelessly fight for your pursuit. When positively influenced, your moon acts like an adrenaline rush, kicking your ambition into high gear. When negatively influenced, your moon can be self-sabotaging, selfish, and impulsive.

Aries Moon in Relationships

Aries rules the first house, better known as the House of Self. The Aries-Libra axis highlights themes of self versus us. Since Aries rules the self, this can make relationships tricky. Your highest goal is to discover who you are as an individual. In relationships, this “I” mentality can make it hard to maintain successful relationships. On one hand, you’re beloved for your energetic nature. On the other, it’s hard for you to mold yourself into the “we” that makes relationships work. This doesn’t mean you have to change the entirety of what makes you you. If you did, you wouldn’t be staying true to your soul. You can still be the hero or heroine in your own story. You will always be the “I”, but you must adopt the ability to co-exist.

You may also find yourself jumping into relationships too quickly, which can lead to disappointment if the initial connection doesn’t go any deeper. You love the thrill of the chase, and even a shy Aries moon will be direct when it comes to matters of the heart. Issues can arise when the conquest itself clouds everything else. Sometimes you tend to get so caught up in the act of pursuing, you forget about the end goal. Look past the initial attraction, really evaluate your partner, and consider your long-term goals. Because your moon is a fire sign, you have the tendency to burn out, even in relationships. The challenge is to find someone spontaneous, energetic, playful, and most importantly—someone who will keep you both moving forward.

Aries Moon Male Vs. Female

When it comes to who we are inside, there is no difference between a male versus a female Aries moon. Both will feel and react similarly. The difference lies in how we express our moon. Men are better at tapping into their Mars (testosterone-influenced) while women can better express their Venus (estrogen-influenced). Since Aries is ruled by Mars, men will naturally express an Aries moon more comfortably than a female. These paradigms are also a result of society’s constructs. Your moon sign shows the way you feel nurtured. Women who suppress that side of themselves may be prone to depression. These women can benefit from regular exercise, activity, and therapy.

Moon in Aries Compatibility

Your Aries moon demands strength and independence, from yourself as well as your partners. You will naturally gravitate toward other fire moons, but air moons are also good matches. Stay away from water and earth moons as these partners can be too emotionally needy.

Harmonious Matches:

Sagittarius Moon– Much like yourself, Sagittarius moon natives are direct and straightforward. You’ll appreciate their honesty and the way they don’t play games. Both of you flourish in relationships where there is plenty of space and the freedom to be yourselves. Since Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, their exuberant optimism will keep things lighthearted and fun. Their desire to travel and learn new things will satisfy your Martian instinct to move forward. You want to be on the go—and they want to keep expanding. Neither of you will ever be bored.

Leo Moon– Both of you admire strength and independence. Leo energy is fiercely proud and regal, and Aries is attracted to their outgoing nature. This relationship will be full of play, laughs, and creativity as both of you enjoy entertainment. Leo moons bring a lasting quality to your short-term attention span. They understand your need for attention better than any other sign. Their generosity and loyalty will make you feel adored and cherished. As long as you remember to respect their needs and feelings, this relationship can thrive.

See also  Aries Sun Cancer Moon - Tough Yet Sensitive

Outlets for Aries Moon

It’s important for Aries moons to have a physical and/or creative outlet. You’re a pioneer in your own right, and you’re deeply motivated to express this side of yourself. Aries is a sign of action. When you’re inspired or passionate about a subject, you have the ability to call on extreme focus in order to get the job done. Find what allows your originality to shine and cultivate it.


If your moon sign is Aries, your habits, unconscious reactions and subjective experience will resemble the qualities of Aries. Moon in Aries people are imaginative, lively, impulsive and incorrigible. They react quickly and tend to act on their instincts without much delay or deliberation. They display periods of enthusiasm during which they are driven by sudden impulses and whims. The sensitivity of Aries moon lives on thrills that they want to experience in the instant until they’ve petered themselves out.

The positive aspects of moon in Aries includes high energy, optimism and openness to change. On the negative side they can also be impulsive, domineering, vain and impatient. In the sign of Aries the moon and its emotional energy can appear high strung, nervous and very spontaneous. Unless the sun is in a water sign like Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, they’re not likely to hold grudges for very long. Their energy is often the life of the party and they sparkle in social settings. Aries moon impulsively goes after what it wants be it love, success or attention. If the Sun is in an air sign like Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, then an Aries moon will certainly fuel the furnace of inspiration and stimulate plenty of actionable ideas that they will be equally motivated to materialize.

Their spontaneity also comes with some instability. Abrupt mood swings and whimsical behaviors are the dangers to which their excitability exposes them . Moon in Aries men and women will often show demeanors full of contrasts, especially in intimate life. They despise restrictions and insist on doing things their way with as little interference as possible. Aries moon is driven by a love of the chase and a need for stimulating experiences and activities.

Those who have their moon in Aries are emotionally impulsive and inclined to satisfy their desire for instant gratification. The emotions are highly reactive and of a bellicose nature. Aries moon people have a strong response to conflict, crisis and sexual stimulus. There is a lack of introspection and reflection upon one’s own emotions and consequently, less occasion for depression and self pity. The Aries moon male or female doesn’t dwell very long on sadness and displays a remarkable ability to rebound and recover from the failures and disappointments that befall them. Aries moon feels optimistic about their future and their ability to shape it to their liking.

As mentioned earlier, moon in Aries is highly reactive and tends to form strong opinions in response to everything it encounters. Impressions are formed instantly without much second thought or doubt as to their accuracy. It is often high strung and sometimes irascible. The temperament tends to be sanguine but easily becomes choleric when frustrated. They are excitable and become energized when overtaken with inspiration. Aries moon can be testy especially when they are questioned or contradicted by others. They are not inclined to suffer a fool and patience is not one of their virtues.

Aries moon is plugged into the moment and is actively engaged with the world in terms of what they are trying to get out of it at any given moment. When faced with a challenge or in the midst of danger, Moon in Aries people are the emboldened to act heroically. They display courage fueled by the adrenaline rush and excitement they feel at the opportunity to show their stuff. The emotions are highly reactive to attacks on their ego. Aries moon people can quickly get into fighting mode when they feel disrespected or threatened in any way.

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Aries moon is susceptible to jealousy and cruelty when scorned and spited. They are not inclined to hold on to grudges consciously may harbor residual resentments that affect their relations with others. The positive character of Aries moon bestows charm, vivaciousness and self confidence. Individuals with this moon sign can be very talkative and portray themselves as very knowledgeable and well versed on many things. They are energetic and enthusiastic, but their enthusiasm tends to burn out during the long haul and they can often lose interest in projects or tasks before they are completed.

By the same token, they are better able at letting bygones be bygones and cutting ties with the past. Where one door closes, another one opens, or at least that’s what Aries moon expects will happen. They are wired to keep things moving because there is almost no shortage of ideas and impulses for them to follow and explore. They are straight forward in pursuing what their heart is set on and they tend to express their desires in an unapologetically frank way. Moon in Aries individuals are also spontaneous and disposed to random bursts of inspiration that they want to act on immediately.

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Aggression and restless energy is in the air when the moon transits through the sign of Aries. There is a heightened desire for change and there is suddenly some extra energy available for initiating new projects or tackling tasks that have been put off for too long. With the moon in Aries we become more motivated to get the ball rolling and push through some of the obstacles standing in our way. This may include cleaning up and getting rid of junk that we don’t need and has only been slowing us down. Now is a good time to turn the page and start a new chapter in our lives and also take a little risk. The influence of Aries puts us in an optimistic mood to create some momentum and cover a lot of ground towards the furtherment of our self interests.

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During this period, we become more primed and emotionally prepared for conflict. We assert our desires more directly and go about making things happen more forcefully. Display more confidence in taking decisive action. Moon in Aries can also increase the likelihood of clashes with others due to a lower willingness to compromise and negotiate. Moon in Aries reacts aggressively and is inclined towards impatience and using a forceful and direct style of expression. Aries moon stimulates competition and the need to assert oneself strongly in order to feel secure emotionally. There’s a desire to make a fresh start and dispense with the old and be more open to new and exciting experiences.

Moon in Aries Ephemeris Dates

Want to know if your Moon is in Aries? Below is a table showing the dates on which Moon occupies the sign of Aries from 1960 to 2034. If your date of birth falls within any of the year and month parameters listed below, then your Moon Sign is Aries.

1960 4-5, 31 28, 29 26 22-24 20, 21 16, 17 13, 14 10, 11 6, 7 3-5, 31 27-28 24-25
1961 20-22 17, 18 16, 17 13-14 10, 11 6, 7 4-5, 31 27, 28 24,25 21,22 17-19 15, 16
1962 11-12 7, 8 7, 8 3, 4 1-2, 28-29 24-25 21-22 18-19 14, 15 12 8-9 5-6
1963 1-3, 29-30 25-26 25 21-22 18-19 15-16 12-13 8-9 4-6 2-3 26-27 23-24
1964 19-20 16-17 14-15 10-11 8, 9 4, 5 1-3, 29-30 25, 26 21-22 19-20 15-16 12-14
1965 9-10 5, 6 4-5, 31 28 25-26 21-23 19-20 15-16 11-13 9-10 5, 6 2-4, 30
1966 26-27 22-24 21-23 18-19 15-16 11-13 9-10 5-6 1-3, 28-30 26-27 22-24 19-21
1967 16, 17 12-14 11-13 8-9 5, 7 1-3, 28-30 26, 27 22-24 18-20 16-17 12-13 9-11
1968 6-7 2-3, 29 28, 29 24 – 25 21 – 23 17 – 19 15, 16 11 – 12 7 – 9 5, 6 1 – 2, 28 – 31 26, 27
1969 22 – 23 18 – 20 18, 19 14, 15 11 – 13 7 – 9 5, 6 1 – 3, 29 – 30 25, 26 22 – 24 19, 20 16, 17
1970 12, 13 8 – 10 8, 9 4 – 5 2 – 3, 29 – 30 25 – 26 22 – 24 19, 20 15, 16 13, 14 9 – 10 6, 7
1971 3 – 4, 30 – 31 26, 27 26, 27 22, 23 20, 21 16, 17 13, 14 9 – 10 6 – 7 3 – 4, 31 27 – 28 24 – 25
1972 20 – 22 17, 18 15, 16 12, 13 9, 10 5, 6 3, 4, 30, 31 26, 27 22, 23 20, 21 16, 17 14, 15
1973 10 – 11 6 – 7 5 – 7 2 – 3, 29 – 30 27 – 28 23 – 24 20 -21 16 – 18 13, 14 10, 11 6 – 8 4 – 5, 31
1974 27 – 28 24 – 25 23, 24 19 – 21 17, 18 13 – 14 10 – 12 7, 8 3, 4 27 – 29 24, 25 21 – 23
1975 17 – 19 14 – 15 13, 14 9 – 11 7, 8 3 – 4, 30 28 – 29 24 – 25 20 – 22 17 – 19 14, 15 11, 12
1976 7 – 9 4, 5 2 – 3, 29 – 31 25 – 27 23, 24 19 – 21 16, 18 13, 14 9, 10 6 – 8 2 – 4, 30 – 31 27 – 29
1977 23 – 25 20, 21 19 – 21 15 – 17 13, 14 9, 10 6 – 8 3, 4, 

30 – 31

26 – 28 24, 25 20 – 21 17, 18
1978 13 – 15 10 – 11 9 – 11 6, 7 3 – 4, 30 – 31 26 – 28 24 – 25 20 – 21 17, 18 14, 15 10, 11 7 – 9
1979 4 – 5, 31 27 – 28 27 – 28 23, 24 21 – 22 17 – 18 14 – 15 10 – 12 7, 8 4, 5 1 – 2, 28 – 29 25, 26
1980 21 – 23 18, 19 16, 17 13, 14 10, 11 6 – 8 4 – 5, 31 27 – 28 24 – 25 21, 22 18, 19 15, 16
1981 11 – 12 7, 8 7, 8 3, 4 1 – 2, 28 – 29 24, 25 21 – 23 18 – 19 14, 15 11, 12 8, 9 5, 6
1982 2 – 3, 29 – 30 25, 26 24 – 26 21, 22 18 – 19 15, 16 12, 13 8, 9 4 – 6 2 – 3, 29 -30 25 – 27 23, 24
1983 19, 20 15, 16 15, 16 11, 12 8 – 10 5, 6 2 – 3, 29 – 31 25 – 27 22, 23 19 – 20 15 – 17 13, 14
1984 9, 10 5 – 7 4 – 5, 31 27 – 29 24 – 26 21 -22 18 – 20 14 – 16 11, 12 8, 9 4 – 6 1 – 3, 29 – 30
1985 25 – 27 21 – 23 21 – 22 17 – 19 14 – 16 11 – 12 8 – 9 4 – 6 1 – 2, 28 – 29 25 – 27 21 – 23 19 – 20
1986 15, 16 11 – 13 11 – 12 7 – 8 4 – 6, 31 28 – 29 25 – 27 22, 23 18, 19 15 – 17 11 – 13 9, 10
1987 5, 6 1 – 3 1 – 2, 28 – 29 25, 26 22, 23 18, 19 15 – 17 12, 13 8, 9 6, 7 2, 3, 29 – 31 26 – 28
1988 23, 24 19, 20 18, 19 14, 15 11, 12 8, 9 5, 6 1, 2, 28, 29 25, 26 22, 23 19, 20 16, 17
1989 12, 13 8 – 10 8, 9 4, 5 2, 3, 29 – 30 25, 26 23, 24 19, 20 15, 16 13, 14 9, 10 7, 8
1990 3 – 4, 30 – 31 26 – 27 26 – 27 22 – 23 20, 21 16, 17 13, 14 9, 10 6 – 7 3 – 4, 30 – 31 27, 28 24, 25
1991 20 – 22 17, 18 16, 17 12 – 14 10, 11 6, 7 3 – 5, 31 27, 28 23, 24 21, 22 17, 18 14 – 16
1992 11-12 7, 8 5, 7 1-3, 29-30 26, 27 22-24 20, 21 16, 17 12-14 10, 11 6, 7  3-5, 31
1993 27-28 23-25 22-24 19, 20 16-17 12-14 10, 11 6, 7 2-4, 29-30  27-28 23-25 20-22
1994 17-18 13-15 12-14 9-10 6, 7 2-4, 29-30 27-28 23-25 19-21 17, 18 13-14 10, 12 
1995 6-8 3-4 2-4, 30, 31 26-27 23-25 19-21 17, 18 13-14 9-11 7, 8 3-4, 30-31 28-29
1996 24-25 20-22 19, 20 15, 16 12-14 9-10 6, 7 2-3, 30-31 26-27 23-25 20-21 17, 18
1997 13-14 10, 11 9-10 6, 7 3, 4, 30-31 26-28 24-25 20, 21 16, 17 14, 15 10, 11 8, 9
1998 4-5, 31 27-28 27-28 23-24 21-22 17, 18 14, 15 11, 12 7, 8 4 – 5 1-2, 28-29 25-27
1999 22-23 18-19 17-18 14-15 11, 12 8-9 5-6 1-2, 28-29 25-26 22-23 18-20 16, 17
2000 12-13 8-10 7, 8 3-4, 30  28-29 24-25 21-23 18-19 14-15 11-12 8-9 5-6 
2001 1-3, 28-30 28-26 24-25 20-22 18-19 14-15 11-13 8, 9 4, 5 1-3, 28-30 25-26 22-24
2002 18-20 15-16 14-15 10-12 7-9 4, 5 1-3, 28-30 25-26 21-23 18-20 15-16 12-13
2003 8-10 5-6 4-5, 31 27-29 25-26 21-22 18-20 15-16 11-12 8-10 5-6 2-3, 29-31
2004 25-27 22-23 20-22 16-18 14-15 10-11 7-9 4-5, 31 27-29 25-26 21-22 18-20 
2005 15-16 11-12 10-12 7-8 4-5, 31 28-29 25-26 21-22 18-19 15-16 11-13 9-10
2006 5-6 1-2 1-2, 28-29 25-26 22-23 18-19 15-16 12-13 8-9 6-7 2-3, 29-31 27-28
2007 23-24 19-20 19-20 15-16 12-13 9-10 6-7 2-3, 29-31 26-27 23-24 20-21 17-18 
2008 13-14 10-11 8-9 4 – 5 2-3, 29-30 25-27 23-24 19-20 15-16 13-14 9-10 6-8 
2009 3-4, 30-31 26-27 26-27 22-23 19-20 16-17 13-14 9-10 5-7 3-4, 30-31 26-28 24 – 25
2010 20-21 16-18 16-17 12-13 9-11 6-7 3-4, 30-31 26-28 23-24 20-21 16-18 14-15 
2011 10, 11 6-8 6-7 2-3, 29-30 26-28 23-24 20-21 16-18 13-14 10, 11 6-8 3-5, 31 
2012 27-29 23-25 22-23 18-19 15-17 11-13 9-10 5-7 2-3, 29-30 26-28 22-24 20, 21
2013 16-17 12, 14 12-13 8-9 5, 7 2-3, 29-30 26-27 23-24 19-20 16-18 13-14 10, 11
2014 6-7 2-4 2-3, 29-31 26-27 23-24 19-20 16-18 13-14 9-10 7-8 3-4, 30-31 28-29
2015 24-25 20-21 20-21 16-17 14-15 10-11 7, 8 3, 4, 31 27-28 25-26 21-22 18-19
2016 14-16 11-12 9-10 6-7 3-4, 30-31 27, 28 24-25 20-21 16-17 14-15 10, 11 8, 9
2017 4, 5, 31 27-28 27-28 23-24 21-22 17-18 14-16 11-12 7-8 4, 5 1-2, 28-29 25-27 
2018 22-23 18-19 17-18 13-15 11-12 7, 8 4, 6 1-2, 28-29 24-26 22-23 18-19 15-17
2019 12-13 8, 9 7-9 3-5 1-2, 28-29 24-26 22-23 18-19 14-16 11-13 8-9 5, 7
2020 1-3, 29-30 25-27 23-25 20-21 17-18 13-15 11, 12 7, 8 3-5, 30 28-29 24-25 21, 23
2021 18-19 14-15 13-15 10, 11 7, 8 3-5, 30 28-29 24-25 20-22 18, 19 14-15 11-13
2022 8-9 4, 5 3-5, 31 27-28 24-26 20-22 18-19 14-15 11, 12 8, 9 4-6  1-3, 29-30
2023 25-26 22-23 21, 22 17-18 15-16 11-12 8-9 4-6  1-2, 28-29 26-27 22-23 19, 20
2024 15-17 12-13 10-11 7, 8 4-5, 31 28-29 25-26 21-22 18-19 15-16 12-13 9-10
2025 5-6 1-2 1-2, 28-29 25-26 22-23 18-19 15-17 12, 13 8-9 5-7 2-3, 29-31 27-28
2026 23-24 19, 20 18, 20 15-16 12-13 9, 10 6, 7 2-3, 29-31 26, 27 23, 24 20-21 17, 18
2027 13-14 9-11 9-10 5-6 2-4, 30-31 26, 27 23-25 20, 21 16-17 13, 14 9, 11 7, 8
2028 3-5, 30-31 27, 28 25, 26 21-23 19-20 15-16 12, 14 9, 10 5, 6 2-4, 29-31 26, 27 23, 24
2029 19-21 16, 17 15, 16 11-13 8 – 10 5, 6 2-4, 29-31 26, 27 22, 23 19-21 15-17 13-14
2030 9-11 5-7 5-6 1-3, 28-30 26-27 22-23 19-21 16, 17 12-13 9-11 6, 7 3, 4, 30-31 
2031 26-28 23-24 22, 24 19, 20 16, 17 12, 13 9, 11 6, 7 2, 3, 30 27, 28 23-24 20-22
2032 17, 18 13-14 12-13 8-9 5, 6 2-3, 29-30 26-27 22-24 19, 20 16, 17 13-14 10, 11
2033 6, 7 2-4 2-3, 29-31 26, 27 23, 24 19, 20 17, 18 13, 14 9, 10 7, 8 3, 4 1-2, 28-29
2034 24-25 20-21 20-21 16-17 14-15 10, 11 7, 8 3-5, 31 27, 28 25, 26 21, 22 18, 19

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Jetta Moon
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