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20 MBTI tumblr Posts That Are Pretty Spot On

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]umblr is a breeding ground of frivolous mbti lists ranging from hilarious to remarkably poignant. Here is a collection of some of the more notable mbti posts found on tumblr.


Types when Silent

ENTJ: judging you or planning their presidency campaign.

ENFP: thinking about how much they love their soulmate, family and friends.

INTJ: trying to figure out your weaknesses to destroy you later in life.

INFP: dreaming about their happy ending.

ESFJ: planning the next Partayyy.. wohoo..

ISFJ: thinking of world peace and tranquility.

ENTP: is never silent

ESTJ: planning how to beat ENTJ with their presidency campaign.

INTP: too many tabs open in their minds no one can know for sure what they are thinking about…

ENFJ: judging you but also thinking about how you can be a better person.

ISFP: thinking about how to use their energy for the day wisely.

ISTJ: planning the right things to do today.

ESFP: listening to music and thinking of what to wear for ESFJ’s party.

ESTP: sleeping or planning how to fight you if you get on their nerves.

ISTP: concentrating on the laws of thermodynamics or thinking about how to get the next thing done.

INFJ: worrying about whether they’re the best person they can be, or just chillin’


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Jetta Moon
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