INTJs are the MBTI personality known as ‘the mastermind’ and ‘the architect’. They plan, organize and execute tasks with a focus on efficiency and improvement. Here are a list of posts pertaining to the INTJ personality type. Read All About the INTJ Personality Here.
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INTP vs INTJ Comparison: 3 Key Differences Between the Logician and the Architect
image credit: Afif Ramdhasuma On paper, the INTP and INTJ are easy enough to tell apart. Both types are introverted, logic oriented and creative, but one is decidedly more systematic and organized than the other. However, in the real world, INTPs can often appear like INTJs because either due to ...

These Are the 3 Most Dangerous MBTI Types
image credit: Sebastiaan Stam It's a well-known fact that some MBTI types are more dangerous than others. When it comes to the most dangerous MBTI types, there are three that stand out above the rest. Here are the three most dangerous types, according to my completely unscientific and entirely personal ...

INTJ Strengths: 7 Areas Where INTJs Dominate.
The INTJ male or female is an introvert who is objectivistic, orderly but also imaginative and impressionistic. As an intuitive thinker, they like to explore ideas and theories but as a judging type, they often do so with an actionable purpose in mind. As with each MBTI type, the cognitive ...

INFJ vs INTJ: Differences and Similarities
The INFJ and INTJ are similar with regard to their penchant for abstract thinking and exploring the deeper meaning and significance of what’s happening around and within themselves. They are forward thinking and tend to make carefully planned decisions with a future goal or purpose in mind. INFJ and INTJ ...

INTJ Shadow: The Dark Side of INTJ
The INTJ is a personality type described as reserved, perceptive, methodical, and decisive. They make plans, take action on them and go about their lives in a very purposeful yet introspective way. This constitutes the INTJ’s conscious ego, but as with the other MBTI types, there is also another side ...

INTJ Weaknesses: 7 Struggles of Being INTJ
The INTJ personality is described as a strategic mastermind. Among their strengths is an ability to foresee complications and devise effective contingency plans that prevent disaster and avert crisis. INTJs live primarily in the world of their introverted intuition which makes their perspectives highly impressionistic in nature. They think in ...

INTJ and ENTP Relationship Compatibility
ENTP and INTJ Relationship ENTP and INTJ are two of the 4 “Rational” types categorized as such by MBTI theorist and author, David Keirsey. In relationships, Rationals are described as loyal mates who are also uncomplaining, honest and non-possessive. Although, they can make for wonderful partners, establishing a close relationship ...

35 Signs That You have An INTJ Personality
INTJs are among the rarest MBTI personalities in the population. INTJ stands for Introvert (I), intuitive (N), Thinking (T), Judging (J). They are dubbed "the architects" and "the masterminds" because they are adept at constructing elaborate and masterful systems to accomplish their ends ...

6 Careers INTJs Should Probably Avoid
INTJs are not ones to settle for mediocrity. They have a broad mindset and will naturally seek a career worthy of their grand vision. What they bring to the work force is reliability, thoroughness and efficiency among other things. What they need from their work however, is a creative challenge, ...

6 High Paying Careers For INTJs
The INTJ is among the types most likely to achieve great success in their careers. According to a national sample survey of the most preferred work environment characteristics for each MBTI type, INTJs rated "variety of tasks" as the most important followed by "clear structure", "independence and achievement", "teamwork", and ...

ISTJ vs INTJ ~ How To Tell Them Apart
"I+I" by iNeedChemicalX INTJ vs ISTJ MBTI[ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] On the surface, the ISTJ and INTJ similarities can make them appear almost identical to one another. Generally speaking, ISTJ and INTJ both exude a flat affect with a lack of warmth and congeniality. They are both cerebral and phlegmatic in their ...

6 Reasons Why INTJ and INFJ Fall In Love
The INTJ and INFJ combination is one that looks good on paper mainly because of the shared intuition preference, specifically that of dominant introverted intuition. David Keirsey, author of “Please Understand Me” posited that types who share the same perceiving preference (“N” or “S” regardless of their introverted/extraverted attitude) are ...

6 Reasons Why INTJ and INTP Fall In Love
The INTJ and INTP relationship is likely to make for a very smart couple. David Keirsey, author of “Please Understand Me” observed that INTJs are highly selective of their romantic partners and perhaps the most systematic of all the MBTI types in their approach to dating. They screen potential partners in ...

12 Shades of INTJ: MBTI & the Zodiac
12 Variations of INTJ: MBTI and the Zodiac “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.” - ...

INTJ Relationships (With Each Myers Briggs Type)
An INTJ in love is a wonderful thing. Although INTJs are known for keeping people at a distance, they are nonetheless capable of forming friendships and falling in love. In a major study, it was found that INTJs rated their relationships and friendships as the least satisfying of all the ...

100 Life Quotes By Famous INTJ People
Being such a small percentage of the population, people of the INTJ personality type are bound to have perspectives that are unusual and different from that of the majority. Here are a collection of INTJ quotes about life that illustrate the INTJ point of view. If you are an INTJ, ...

The 8 Rules of INTJ Club | How To Be INTJ
Zuckerberg. Tesla. Newton. They are your professors, your politicians, your military leaders, your CEOs. They are the all-serious, all-silent, all-awkward masterminds of the world. I’m talking about, you guessed it - the INTJ. You may see them but few get to know them. They hide in plain sight but their ...

6 Reasons Why INTJs Love ENFPs
According to David Keirsey, the creator of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and author of “Please Understand Me", the INTJ and ENFP personality types go together like PB & J. They are opposite in every letter except for one, and so for all intents and purposes this is a clear case ...

25 INTJ Statistics | Facts About INTJ
The INTJ, also known as "the mastermind" and "the architect" is one of the more mysterious and difficult to get-to-know personalities in the MBTI. Here are 25 statistics about the INTJ that you might find interesting ...

How To Spot An INTJ In Public
As one of the rarest personality types in the Myers Briggs lineup, INTJs enjoy a special status that often comes with being a rare creature. Bigfoot, gold, dinosaur fossils, snow leopards - these things are all rare and thus highly intriguing and sought after. Of course there are other rare ...

33 Struggles of Being An Introvert
In recent times it's become more fashionable to be an introvert. A spate of pro-introvert books including Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, probably had a large role in catalyzing this cultural shift in attitude. That still doesn't change the fact that the world is ...

99 Struggles Intuitive Types Will Understand
"beyond life and death" by TheSameLie Being an intuitive type isn't always a rosy chalice of cherry wine cooler. Comprising roughly 25% of the population, intuitives are a minority in a world dominated by sensors. And yet, intuitives account for the majority of the world's most brilliant and influential trailblazers and visionaries ...

33 Things Only Thinkers Will Relate To
"Soothing moments" by adrianismyname I Think Therefore I am... a "thinker"? Every conscious man and woman thinks, but true thinkers are cerebral to a fault. Logic is favored over sentiment; rationality over feeling. For those uncertain over what side of the fence they fall on, here are 33 things only ...

INTJ Depression Causes and Symptoms
"Splitted" by adrianismyname - intj depression Every Myers Briggs type feels the pangs of sadness, but INTJ depression, like all depression, is more than the occasional despair we all feel from time to time. Normal sadness is a natural response to upsetting events and set backs that take the wind out ...

The Most Racist Myers Briggs Personality Type?
If you ever wondered which personality type is most common among racists, a poll posted on the white nationalist website may provide an answer ...

INTJ vs. INFJ: What’s The Difference? | Psyphics
There are some people who cannot decide if they are INFJ or INTJ. I have come across people who have succumbed to typing themselves as INxJ, a hybrid that cannot exist according to cognitive function theory. If you are one of those people, it is likely that you believe your ...
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