Sun and moon astrology

Taurus Sun Gemini Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Gemini Moon - “The Cerebral Bull” The Taurus Sun Gemini Moon man or woman is a calm and attentive person with a penchant for cheeky and witty antics. They display a cerebral mind and their emotions tend to manifest as nervous energy and anxiety. The more nervous they are, the more they talk…
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Taurus Sun Cancer Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Cancer Moon: “The Sensual Intuitive” The Taurus sun Cancer moon man or woman is someone with a deep well of sensitivity and feeling. They have an underlying need for security and stability that makes them tentative and cautious. They are not impulsive and always keep their priorities in mind before doing something that…
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Taurus Sun Taurus Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Taurus Moon: “Very Down to Earth” Those born with their sun in Taurus and moon in Taurus are the consummate Taurean in both heart and mind. Although their rising sign may modify how they outwardly behave, at their core, they very much identify and resonate with the characteristics and attributes of the Taurus…
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Taurus Sun Leo Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Leo Moon - “The Vivacious Bull” The Taurus sun Leo moon man or woman is likely to possess a big ego and big heart. They are generous souls who can be pompous and dramatic but also attentive and gentle. They are down to earth but there is a spark of vitality in their…
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Taurus Sun Virgo Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Virgo Moon - “The Sensual Analyst” The Taurus sun Virgo moon man or woman is a pragmatist who often feels skeptical about the world. They are not easily impressed and seem to notice the flaws in what they see before the admirable qualities. They are astute and observant and tend to err on…
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Taurus Sun Aries Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Aries Moon - “The Charging Bull” The Taurus Sun Aries moon man or woman is often quiet and reserved but not necessarily shy. They carry themselves with calm decorum but those close to them know how fun and delightful they are. Women who have this sun moon combination are often a bit tomboyish…
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Taurus Sun Libra Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Libra Moon - “Sensual Romantic” The Taurus Sun Libra moon man or woman is a peace-loving soul who's calm and equitable nature engenders trust and appreciation from others. They are sociable but prefer smaller close-knit associations rather than large gatherings. They are patient and understanding and typically avoid rushing to conclusions. They take…
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Taurus Sun Sagittarius Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Sagittarius Moon - “Worldly Collector” The Taurus Sun Sagittarius moon man or woman is inclined to form deep-seated dogmas and convictions to which they devote themselves wholeheartedly. They are creatures of habit but also desire variety and to experience a change of scenery through travel and trips to interesting places. Generally speaking, they…
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Taurus Sun Capricorn Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Capricorn Moon Personality: “Very Business-Like” The Taurus Sun Capricorn man or woman is naturally attuned to the power of image and actively seeks to utilize this to their advantage. From the beginning, they discover things that they want for themselves that often become the motivating forces behind their ambitions. It is likely that…
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Taurus Sun Aquarius Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Aquarius Moon - “Cerebral Sensuality” The Taurus sun Aquarius moon man or woman is a person with the sensual appeal of Taurus and the emotional detachment of Aquarius. People with this sun-moon combination do not really dwell on their emotions. They tend to rationalize their feelings and assess them in a detached logical…
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Taurus Sun Pisces Moon Personality
Taurus Sun Pisces Moon: "The Tenacious Dreamer" Those born with their sun in Taurus and moon in Pisces are likely to be a person with wonderful artistic creativity and aesthetic sensibilities. They exhibit a placid and dreamy temperament and an easy going nature. They tend not to rush into anything but can be willful and…
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Pisces Sun + Capricorn Moon Personality
Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon Personality Those who have their sun in Pisces and moon in Capricorn are likely to be a person who displays a stoic temperament that often belies the artistic and sensitive nature of their personality. They are dreamers and idealists but tend to be less emotive or emotionally expressive than most Pisces.…
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Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon Personality
Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon Personality Those with their sun in Pisces and moon in Aquarius are likely to have a personality that is at once humanitarian and emotionally detached. Their ideals are powerful and wide in scope. They have an ability and desire to associate with a wide array of people and yet in their…
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Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon Personality
Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon Tough yet sensitive, the Capricorn sun Pisces moon man or woman is a bit of a contradiction. On the one hand they are pragmatic and realistic. On the other, they are quixotic and visionary. They go out into the world and play the hand they’ve been dealt to the best of…
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Capricorn Sun Aquarius Moon Personality
Capricorn Sun Aquarius Moon Serious and knowledgeable, the Capricorn sun Aquarius moon man or woman has strong convictions and views that will likely deviate from the norm. They do not like to be put upon or subjugated by others yet they have a humanitarian desire to help others. They operate autonomously and desire to be…
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