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3rd House: The House of Communication

third house

3rd House: The House of Communication

Mode: Cadent (Mutable) Air
Planetary Dignity:

The 3rd house governs the realm of communications, short commutes, neighbors, siblings and early education. The 3rd house corresponds to Gemini and is ruled by Mercury. The third house is where we discern from the chart, how an individual expresses themselves verbal or through writing. If Mercury is in the 3rd house, the individual could be described as “mercurial”, which is to say that they are likely to be mentally sharp and quick to change and adapt in their thinking. 

The 3rd house indicates the nature of our interests and intellectual curiosity. What mentally stimulates us or piques our attention. It reveals our capacity to learn and study especially in formal academic settings. Additionally, the 3rd house pertains to our immediate environment and our everyday interactions with strangers, neighbors, peers, extended family and associates. 

The 3rd house is all about the exchange and transmission of information, messages and to some extent, value. This house is associated with commerce in the general sense as opposed to the more business and profit specific concerns of the 2nd house. Here, what is highlighted is the giving and receiving of thoughts, ideas and info. It is linked to the post office, package shipments and deliveries in general, including pizza deliveries. 

The 3rd house can reveal something about how well we get along with people we encounter in our everyday life and also the type of people we find interesting. It can also indicate the nature of your temperament, whether you are outspoken or reticent; opinionated or agreeable. If Aries is in the 3rd house, it can suggest that you speak your mind freely and can be a bit provocative with your words. If Mercury is also present, then your wit is bound to be sharp like a battle axe as well. 

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Your ability to relate with and understand people is also highlighted by the third house. If your 3rd house is occupied with afflicted planets, it can indicate tensions and sibling rivalries. Mars in the 3rd house for example, may suggest you are, or have been in competition with your siblings. In your early years, you may have been subjected to a competitive environment where you felt the need to fight for your parents attention and approval. 

Alternately, you may have been the apple of your parents eyes and had brothers and sisters who felt they were in constant competition with you. Regardless, the competitiveness could be either good-natured or laced with contempt. At the same time, Mars can engender a passionate and commanding style of communication. It can confer an ability to motivate and inspire others with your words and rally enthusiasm from people with your message. 

Having your moon in the third house can mean that you tend to share what you feel and can be something of an open book to most people. You are likely to show interest in other people’s feelings and encourage them to express themselves freely with you. Therefore, people with this type of third house placement can make for an empathetic and caring friend and family member. This can lend itself to careers in counseling and therapy or even customer service and positions in sales. 

Saturn in this house can bring about a person of few words but concise and authoritative in how they communicate. The news media is also linked with the 3rd house and thus positions and aspects found therein can signify something about new developments going on in the world. Saturn being a malefic planet can indicate a long-lasting period of negativity taking place in the news. It can also signify restriction or downsizing in the news or media industry.

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The 3rd house also corresponds to the developmental stage in one’s life where you begin to crawl and then walk and also develop speech and the ability to name things. The 3rd house is associated with what astrologers dub the “concrete mind” as opposed to the “abstract mind” of the 9th house. The 3rd house is connected with mental activities relating to sequence, fact gathering and computation. 

3rd house placements describe how we think and rationalize in a left brain sense. It can reveal whether we are original thinkers or inclined to follow the crowd. Whether we are open minded or wired to adhere to tradition and conservative beliefs. People with Mars in the 3rd house believe that knowledge is power while those with a moon in the 3rd house may use knowledge as a means for security.

In our youth, our thoughts are largely based on what’s available to us in our immediate environment. Therefore, the signs and planets that reside in the third house represents what is out there for us. What we learn in our early years of adolescence in the school yard and from teachers is reflected in the third house. Also the consequences of how we act out the code of conduct and sort of street smarts acquired from youthful experience. People who have a very active third house are likely to excel in public speaking and possess a persistent thirst for knowledge and new skills. 

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Jetta Moon
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