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4th House: The House of Family

fourth house

4th House: The House of Family

Mode: Angular (Cardinal) Water
Planetary Dignity: Moon/Cancer

The 4th house in astrology pertains to domestic life, the mother, childhood and the private inner world of the individual. It also encompasses real estate, heritage and our ancestral roots. The 4th house is an angular house and thus considered as very significant in the birth chart. This house constitutes the private and very personal side of our lives that only our close intimates will be privy to. The 4th house is also known as the Imum Coeli and represents the bottom point or nadir of the birth chart. Some astrologers associate the 4th house with Hades and the underworld. Moreover, it is linked with the consummation or outcome of events. 

The central focus of the fourth house is the personal and private world of the individual. It relates to a fundamental desire to connect with our roots and origins. Our sense of patriotism and belonging to a group, particularly that of cultural and hereditary significance. The fourth house concerns a more authentic and intimate side of ourselves in contrast to the public persona and image we project through our 10th house, also known as the midheaven or medium coeli. Those two have a prominent or very active 4th house and are likely to be very private and attached to their family and inner circle. They may likely be introverted and reserved or otherwise highly territorial about what is theirs and entitled to them based on heritage and birthright.

A prominent 4th house can engender a conservative mindset and also a tendency to romanticize the past. The fourth house governs our memories and childhood. Experiences both good and bad can live and fester within the confines of this house. This house indicates whether the individual has positive and healthy relations with the mother and family in general or a negative and toxic one. An afflicted 4th house will by and large signify a contentious and fractured home life that can bring about unresolved anger that manifests into other aspects of one’s life. Furthermore, those with a strong emphasis in the 4th house are likely to be homebodies who prefer to spend most of their time in the comfort of their  home as opposed to going out and living it up.

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The fourth house is concerned with the inner soul and private emotions of the individual. It concerns the need for security and foundations upon which the individual needs to build upon and grow. The fourth house is also associated with the past and our personal memories of our childhood and experiences both good and bad. A lot of what goes on in the 4th house can shape and us as a person. Those who are imprisoned by their past, are likely to experience a lot of emotional turmoil and reluctance to move on with their life. Coming to terms with the past and the pain associated with it is necessary for cultivating a healthy and positive 4th house.

In the birthchart, whatever planets and aspects that are formed in the 4th house will indicate the nature of your ties to family. Mars in the 4th house can manifest a person who is notably passionate and protective of their family. Such a person may be very active in their domestic roles and perform them with flair and energy. Moreover, they have protective instincts and their motivations often stem from a desire to support their loved ones. Someone with Mercury in their 4th house on the other hand, may find themselves maintaining close ties and communications with their family throughout their lives. 

They are likely to be more talkative at home than at work or any other setting. They take a special interest in learning about their family history and the history of places and locations where they grew up. This may extend to an interest in history in general as a well as a joy in spending time at home reading books. Saturn in the 4th house can bring about a tendency to be more isolated at home and less involved with other family members. This person is not so likely to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. It is possible that they are born into a strict household or one where finances were tight and they barely scraped by. On a personal level, someone with this placement is bound to feel inhibited or constrained by obligations to home and family although they may feel duty bound to do so. 

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The 4th house represents our physical abode but also the internal sanctum of our thoughts and emotions. The memories and impressions we gather from the outside world that seep into our subconscious. This is where a lot of our insecurities and worries as well as resentments and pains can collect and accumulate over time. Additionally, the 4th house represents what we need in order to gather our spirit and recharge our batteries. 

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Jetta Moon
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