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The MBTI Types of Harry Potter Characters

mbti harry potter

Harry Potter boasts of a diverse cast as rich as the magic showcased. With such a vast repertoire of personalities, it’s only predictable every Myers-Briggs type has a flattering representation amidst the students and teachers within Hogwarts.

Visiting the sorting hat and figuring out your house is thrilling by itself, but if you wish to go further, take a look at the MBTI types of the characters. Whether they are heroes, villains, or morally-grey, odds are you grew to love them as we joined The Boy Who Lived in his journey.

Spoilers ahead, so proceed with caution.

harry potter mbti type

Harry Potter: ISFP

Harry Potter is the reluctant hero of the story—not particularly thrilled about the spotlight but determined to do what is right, for the right reasons.

A typical ISFP.

With a dominant Fi, Harry displays a robust moral code that we can glimpse into from the moment we meet him. Whether it is siding with Ron Weasley against Draco Malfoy’s taunts, or rejecting the fame that comes with the scar on his forehead, he always stands by his inner values. Subsequently, he can also be very stubborn, sticking to his perception of the world.

However, his sense of justice is not mere speech. He is brave, loyal, courageous, and prone to action—all a consequence of his auxiliary Se, pushing him towards impulsivity and recklessness. His desire to act upon the circumstances makes him act before thinking, a flaw that causes many problems amidst his journey.

hermione granger mbti

Hermione Granger: ESTJ

Nothing short of ruthlessly efficient, Hermione Granger is almost a perfect depiction of an ESTJ.

Dedicated and hardworking, ESTJs like Hermione excel at taking control of the situation, creating order, organizing ideas, and establishing boundaries. Hermione takes care of the golden trio’s strategy and direction out of a genuine commitment to tradition and rules.

Hermione’s dominant Te is what pushes her to talk to Harry and Ron in the first place—correcting the way they cast spells is a display of meticulousness. Through character development, her bossy behavior progresses into a genuine desire to help everyone reach their maximum potential through her skills.

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Her flaws are classical amongst ESTJs—her rigid attention to order can turn into inflexibility, though she slowly grows more open-minded and relaxed.

ron weasley mbti

Ron Weasley: ESFP

The sixth and youngest son in the numerous Weasley family, Ron has several expectations to meet and an innate desire to stand out. Luckily, he is an ESFP, and standing out is what they do best.

The jokester out of the trio, Ron is the one that’ll be the one trying to have a good time through the adventures—and misadventures—ahead of him. He understands the world according to what he sees, and he focuses on the now: win the Quidditch cup, become captain, and Voldemort? He’s for later.

While a caring friend and incredibly observant, Ron may struggle to understand emotions and situations he cannot personally relate to. However, that does not stop him from doing his best to figure out the best way to provide the help his friends need.

luna lovegood mbti

Luna Lovegood: INFP

Whether she is a genius or plain odd is up for discussion, but the truth is that Luna might be one of the most magical characters in a book revolving around magic itself. It makes sense that she fits the dreamiest, otherworldly INFP.

Luna is quick to express her beliefs and thoughts, regardless of what others might say about it. She believes in creatures that many other wizards cannot see—and may not even exist—but for her, it’s just the way it is. She is unconcerned because her Fi makes her stay true to her core principles regardless of the mockery she may receive.

Similarly, Luna’s auxiliary Ne allows her to notice things others may not perceive—whether it is a Thestral or the key to finding the next horcrux.

albus dumbledore mbti

Albus Dumbledore: ENFJ

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

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Dumbledore is the principal we all wished we had—a natural-born leader motivated by altruism. This combination of virtues makes him an exemplary ENFJ.

He displays a dominant Fe that pushes him to lead and connect to others, empathizing with their struggles thanks to his keen insight. Dumbledore focuses on the wellbeing of his students and peers, and his reliable and charismatic nature makes him a leader everyone readily follows.

Alongside this, Dumbledore can also be overly idealistic at times and is prone to blame himself for his shortcomings and failures. However, he never lets that get in the way of his role as a kind motivator, helping Harry to the best of his abilities until the end.

severus snape mbti

Severus Snape: ISTJ.

Polarizing and complex, Severus Snape is a particularly nasty brand of ISTJ.

Snape is stuck to his grievous past. He can’t let go of his childhood unrequited love and resents Harry due to his resemblance to his father. Growing bitter and cynical, Snape turned into the worst fear of many students because he lives through his past experiences, a clear unhealthy manifestation of an ISTJ’s dominant Si.

Snape’s auxiliary Te makes him organized, efficient, and ruthlessly pragmatic. He seeks perfection and absolute order from his students and applies the same to his everyday life, which turned him into a master with potions.

However, not everything is terrible. Snape is strong-willed, dutiful, and responsible to a fault. He remains loyal to Dumbledore throughout the series and puts his practical honesty and responsible nature towards enforcing order.

draco malfoy mbti

Draco Malfoy: ESTP

Oh, dear. Wait until his father hears about his type.

Quick to act and even quicker to flee, Draco is a fickle and impulsive person. He lives for the moment, acts according to his current circumstances, and hardly thinks about the consequences.

But he has managed to make it look charming. Bold and popular, he is rash and often attempts to prove himself through action, even if he makes choices only based on current events.

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However, his impulsive behavior is not due to a lack of smarts—Draco is analytical. His auxiliary Ti allows him to understand his circumstances according to his values, yet he is too impulsive to think about the long-term effects of his actions.

Other characters to consider: Neville Longbottom (ISTJ), Minerva McGonagall (ESTJ), Ginny Weasley (ESTP), Rubeus Hagrid (ISFP), Sirius Black (ESFP), Tom Riddle “Lord Voldemort” (INTJ).

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