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Secrets About Each MBTI Type

mbti secrets

Here is a rundown of the some the “secrets” behind each Myers-Briggs personality type.


Their emotional needs in a relationship may be much larger than what they let on. This may result in dissatisfaction with their partners who fail to live up to their lofty standards. Because INFJs are naturally adept at picking up on what their partners are feeling or thinking, they may unfairly expect their partners to read their minds as well.


INFPs may seem like meek hippies who have not the foggiest interest in playing leadership roles. But INFPs have the capacity to be inspirational leaders when it is for a cause they truly believe in and feel good about. INFPs may surprise both themselves and others when they find their calling and take it upon themselves to coordinate plans and make decisions they would normally shy away from.


INTJs are tough on the outside, and soft and chewy on the inside. Although they display a stalwart, phlegmatic and sometimes intimidating demeanor, INTJs possess a softer side to them that they prefer to conceal and protect from other’s tampering. They do not want to expose their emotional vulnerabilities because they don’t want people to exploit their sensitivities.


Although they tend to alienate social expectations and downplay their importance, INTPs care more about their reputation than others may realize. INTPs want to be respected for what they do and they strive to produce great value through their work. INTPs aim to achieve their recognition by solving big problems and enlightening the world with the fruits of their knowledge and thought-provoking insight.


ENFJs are effective in leadership roles and their leadership style is typically oriented towards accommodating other people. Because ENFJs so often defer to other people for their opinions and input, they tend to forget or simply refrain from weighing in with any strong opinions of their own. It is probably because they want to avoid alienating anyone as much as possible.

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Even though ENFPs typically are not interested in climbing corporate ladders or working their way up the ranks within hierarchical organizations, they secretly desire being in positions of power and control. They would seek to use such positions to allow them to better serve their goals and causes and ENFPs likely fancy themselves to be great leaders.


ENTJs are staunch defenders of their loved ones. They take it upon themselves to protect and take protective measures against threats to the people in their fold. This is one of the biggest ways in which ENTJs show how much they care, by the amount of effort and resources they put towards looking out for other’s  security.


Although ENTPs can seem flighty and phlegmatic, they actually desire to make authentic and meaningful connections with people. They do this mostly through humor because sharing a hearty laugh is one of the most genuine experiences you can have with a person.


On paper, the ISTJ personality type can sound like an uptight working stiff but in real life they try to be humorous working stiffs. The jokes they crack may lean toward the corny side but ISTJs like cheesy humor. They have a playful side that is linked to their fondness of the past and nostalgic items that remind them of their childhood.


ISFJs spend most of their effort on performing their duties and maintaining the upkeep of their surroundings. ISFJ can seem like joyless introverts who take themselves too seriously, but when they are not busy or in a relaxed setting, some of their quirky traits may surface showing that ISFJs know how to let loose and have fun when they want to.

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ESTJs are straight shooters who are unapologetic in the expression of their opinions. They can be hard to deal with and argumentative especially in a work environment. On the flipside, they also have a sharp and gritty sense of humor especially during the after hours where they can let their hair down so to speak.


ESFJs like to direct others and operate in a way they believe is of service to others. They spend so much time asking people what they want that they often forget to tend to their own needs and wants. ESFJs may often be at a loss when it comes to figuring out what they authentically want for themselves.


A secret about ISTPs is that many are out to make a name for themselves. Not necessarily on the scale of global fame but rather within their community or career. ISTPs often have the capacity and willpower to become exceptionally good at some skill or multiple skills and it is likely they will want to show off and attract admiration and friendships through that.


Although they do not care to lead or control people in any significant way, ISFPs would like to affect change by influencing others and inspiring them to contribute. ISFPs seek to lead by the heart and not through coercion. ISFPs would like to lead others in the sense that they awaken and motivate people to take action in their own lives to make the world better.


ESTPs are secretly more emotionally aware than they let on. They like to keep things moving so emotions and feelings may seem like something ESTP doesn’t really stop to process very much. In fact, they are conscious and perceptive of what people think about them and they are very good at adjusting and modulating their approach in order to manipulate and get the reaction they want.

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ESFPs may get a bad rap as being shallow thrill seeking hedonists who don’t really think. Although they are impulsive and seem to go from one thought to the next in hasty fashion, ESFPs do take time to reflect and may exhibit some deep and poignant views on important issues especially social ones.


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Jetta Moon
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