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2 responses

  1. Heather
    April 15, 2019

    Being a “well adjusted” INTJ is not easy, nor is it constant. Speaking as one who has been through seasons of healthy and unhealthy mental frames, I can say that during those unhealthy times I found myself fluctuating between the extremes of self loathing and superiority. Being one of the most rare personalities, we are one of the most misunderstood—even by our own families. It’s especially difficult to be around SF types, which are one of the most abundant. It’s taken a lifetime of social failures and experimentation for me to be at a place where I can look like a fairly normal person (most of the time) when I’m in social settings.
    I say all this to say, I thought your description of the INTJ was a little dismissive, especially compared with your thoughtful insights on the other personalities. I just wanted to give some perspective on this.


  2. llaney
    September 1, 2019

    Intj is said to be caught in a relent pursuit of perfection. I think this is what hurts them internally. This is the source of the turbulence they endure. You are a purist. Ease up on yourself. Similarly, don’t give care to what people think of you. It is necessary for your health to brush more of this off than you do.


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