mbti list

How INFJs Show Love – 7 Signs An INFJ Likes You
INFJs are sociable introverts with a capacity to develop a wide variety of friendships with many types of people. What they truly desire however are deep, meaningful connections with people and these types of relationships are few and far between. INFJs are very selective in who they open themselves up to and when they've chosen…
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How To Spot An INTJ In Public
As one of the rarest personality types in the Myers Briggs lineup, INTJs enjoy a special status that often comes with being a rare creature. Bigfoot, gold, dinosaur fossils, snow leopards - these things are all rare and thus highly intriguing and sought after. Of course there are other rare things that we would rather…
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The Weirdest Traits In Each Myers Briggs Type
Within the Myers Briggs personality circus, certain types such as the INFPs and INTPs, are readily branded as being the weirdest or strangest mbti type. Whenever MBTI afficianados are asked to think of a weirdo personality type, these two (along with ENTPs) are the ones most likely to spring to mind. This notion is affirmed…
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33 Struggles of Being An Introvert
In recent times it's become more fashionable to be an introvert. A spate of pro-introvert books including Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, probably had a large role in catalyzing this cultural shift in attitude. That still doesn't change the fact that the world is dominated by and mostly catered…
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99 Struggles Intuitive Types Will Understand
"beyond life and death" by TheSameLie Being an intuitive type isn't always a rosy chalice of cherry wine cooler. Comprising roughly 25% of the population, intuitives are a minority in a world dominated by sensors. And yet, intuitives account for the majority of the world's most brilliant and influential trailblazers and visionaries. Einstein (INTP), Newton (INTJ), Zuckerberg…
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33 Strong Signs You’re a True INFP
Who doesn’t love an INFP? They’re sincere, loyal and their heads are filled with love and magic. If there is any doubt as to whether you are one, here is a checklist of 33 signs to consider.

The Worst Fears of Each Myers Briggs Type
The only to thing to fear is fear itself... or so they say. Whether it's creepy clowns or haunted houses everybody gets freaked out by something. Depending on the type of person you are, you may find some things scarier than others might. Here are some of the worst fears likely to terrify each Myers…
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33 Things Only Thinkers Will Relate To
"Soothing moments" by adrianismyname I Think Therefore I am... a "thinker"? Every conscious man and woman thinks, but true thinkers are cerebral to a fault. Logic is favored over sentiment; rationality over feeling. For those uncertain over what side of the fence they fall on, here are 33 things only thinkers will relate to. You've…
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The Mischief Each Myers Briggs Type Gets Themselves Into
Sooner or later, everyone lands themselves in a bit of hot water in one form or another. In many cases, we are each to blame for our own misfortunes. The types of trouble we get into will vary from person to person but will likely correlate positively with Myers Briggs typology. Here are some of…
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MBTI Stress | The 16 Types When Overwhelmed With Stress
MBTI Stress Mounting stress and pressure can lead to a complete and epic unraveling of our psychological fabric that gives way to a side of ourselves that others despise. How we respond to that stress and the types of stress we are sensitive to will vary from person to person. In the Myers Briggs type…
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How Each Myers Briggs Type Reacts To Conflict
While each of the MBTI preferences influences how people approach and respond to conflict, research has shown that the preferences represented by the last two letters in the four-letter MBTI type code have the greatest impact on one’s conflict style. These letters are called the conflict pairs, and they represent the combination of one’s decision-making…
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Little things that make each Myer Briggs type happy | Tumblr
Sometimes it’s the small things that bring the most joy. Here is a list of the simple pleasures that each MBTI type is likely to appreciate .

that entj bitch — The Worst Nightmare of Each Type | Tumblr
The Worst Nightmare of Each Type INFJ - Realizing that the cause they have been supporting is run by treacherous and immoral people. Any good they’ve ever done in the world is instantly erased and turned into something harmful. Everyone they care for believes they are cruel and heartless. ENFJ - Everything they do continuously…
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The Learning Style of Each MBTI Personality
Learning styles, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or read/write preferences, are typically more influenced by individual cognitive and sensory processing preferences, educational experiences, and environmental factors. Individuals with certain MBTI preferences might gravitate towards certain learning environments or teaching methods that align with their preferences. (more…)
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Love Defined By Each Myers Briggs Type
INTJ: Love is being comfortable with someone and being secure in the knowledge that your lives are planned in a similar direction. INTP: Love should be perfect, and nothing less. I won’t settle. I want someone to truly show me they love me. ENTJ: Love is letting two lives spontaneously collide and letting life happen…
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