mbti list

Why Each Myers-Briggs Type Likely Quit Their Job
A good job can be hard to come by, but sometimes a good career can be spoiled by unfortunate circumstances. Here is a look at why each Myers-Briggs type is likely to quit their occupation. (more…)
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What Each Myers-Briggs Type Is Like At A Party
Some people hate parties, others love them but whether you are for or against, you likely have attended a party or two sometime in your life. Here is a look at how each Myers-Briggs personality likely behaves when it's party time. INFJ The Party of five - INFJs can be so sociable that you might mistake…
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What Each Myers-Briggs Type Is Like During Childhood
Summer in the countryside by iNeedChemicalX In the Myers-Briggs type theory, the dominant function is believed to be the first function to develop in the function stack of each personality type. This supposedly occurs around the age of 6 as part of the process known as differentiation where the cognitive preferences begin taking shape. Here…
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What Every Myers-Briggs Type Wants Most From Others
We all want something from others. Be it respect, love, attention or money, here is a look at what each Myers-Briggs likely wants most from other people. INFJ INFJs desire understanding and moral support from others. INFJs can sometimes feel as though they live on a remote island of emotions that only a few trusted…
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How Each Myers-Briggs Type Uses Religion
Religion has existed for ages and continues to be a dominant force around the world for both good and evil. Religion can serve many purposes and for many people it can mean different things. It can be a tool for control or a guideline for how to live righteously. Here’s a look at how each…
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What Each Myers-Briggs Type Is Smug About
It is normal to have a little in pride in what we are good at. Each Myers-Briggs type is likely to be a bit arrogant or self-assured about the areas in which they are proficient. Here is a look at what each MBTI personality may be smug about. INFJ A sense of moral superiority and…
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What Each Myers-Briggs Type Does When No One’s Looking
How we behave publicly is often in contrast with how we behave when all by our lonesome. In the presence of others, we are slightly more inhibited and self-aware and so any impulse we experience will be immediately screened through our built-in social filters so as to avoid humiliation or ridicule. The more comfortable we…
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What Each Myers-Briggs Type Was Made To Do
The storm catcher by iNeedChemicalX Certain personality types are better suited than others for certain purposes. Here is a look at what you are made to do based on MBTI personality type. INTP Plumbing the depths of what is knowable, providing clarity and making sense of complex epistemological issues. INTPs are attracted to complicated problems…
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What Each MBTI Personality Hates
Everyone has a list of pet peeves that bug them. Here is a bucket of vexing things each Myers-Briggs type is likely to hate. What INTP Hates: Eating with other people. Rather eat alone in private peacefully. Glib, stupid questions: So how's life treating ya? When other people ignorantly assume what's good for…
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6 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together
According to psychologist David Keirsey, INFJ and ENTP are highly compatible in both a romantic relationship and friendship despite their differences function-wise. INFJ is an introvert/feeler who prefers structure, while ENTP is an extravert/thinker who prefers adaptability. It is their mutual preference for intuition (albeit of opposite attitudes) that Keirsey estimates to be the string…
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6 Signs An INTP Likes You | How INTPs show love
How INTPs Show Affection How INTPs flirt and show love may differ from that of the norm. As introverts, INTPs are a socially awkward bunch. Social skills pose a steeper learning curve for them, as their inferior Fe would suggest. Because they love spending so much time in their heads where they are most comfortable,…
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ENFJ and Astrology Signs: Zodiac and the MBTI No two ENFJs are completely alike. Everyone of us has a unique experience and that experience has a seismic impact on how our personalities develop along with the panoply of psychological issues that may arise out of them. The Myers-Briggs is a great tool for sketching out…
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The Logical Fallacy You Likely Use Based On Your Myers-Briggs Type
A logical fallacy is a form of rhetoric that is deemed invalid or provides an insufficient basis for an argument. It is often used defensively to deflect guilt or justify one’s actions and beliefs in a deceptive way. Logical fallacies can be very persuasive and the people who use them may either be genuinely convinced…
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12 Shades of ISTP | MBTI & The Zodiac
ISTP Zodiac Signs[ads_hr hr_style="hr-dots"] [dropcap]B[/dropcap]asically, ISTPs are a lot like INTPs but less interested in theories and abstract concepts and more interested in understanding tangible systems and methods that they can use and interact with. In addition to this, ISTPs are known to be rather cool under fire and their extraverted sense preference makes them…
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The Defense Mechanism Each MBTI Personality Is Likely to Use
It was famed psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud who introduced the concept of defense mechanisms, a topic his daughter Anna Freud later expanded on in her book "The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense". Freud proposed that when the ego is confronted with information or experiences that conflicts with it's self schema, it reflexively deploys psychological defense…
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