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Aquarius Sun Capricorn Moon

aquarius sun capricorn moon personality

Sun in Aquarius Moon in Capricorn

– Defiant and Dignified –

The Aquarius sun Capricorn Moon combination suggests a personality that is both pragmatic and quixotic. This personality focuses on the larger picture and takes practical steps towards the fulfillment of goals. The temperament is more reserved and sometimes cold although, they possess great compassion and generosity of spirit.They can be very private individuals and creatures of habit. They work hard to build up a stable and secure living as well as gain some prestige and standing in the world.

Aquarius sun imbues an idealistic and humanitarian disposition that is ever-trying to shape the world around them. They are individualistic and desire independence and freedom to do what they desire. Capricorn moon adds some more tenacity and ambition to the mix and this aids them in the accomplishment of great things in their life. They have the vision and persistence to see their agenda to completion although their path forward may be fraught with conflict and adversity.

Aquarius sun – Capricorn moon is a person with simple needs. They exercise moderation in most aspects of their lives but have an excess of imagination. The demeanor tends to be calm and controlled and contemplative. At times, they may even appear sad, although that is not necessarily how they actually feel. Their sensitivities are mostly concealed by a wall of stoicism protecting them. Close friends are handpicked and carefully chosen for their natural affinities with Capricorn moon’s predilections. The external world is often disturbing. Therefore, they create an enclosed environment where their fragile sensitivity can freely blossom.

With Aquarius sun Capricorn moon, anything of the human order is of concern to you and this may extend to the world of politics. Your humanitarian mind sensitizes you to societal projects and to other people’s torments. You are sociable in spite of your intransigence and you offer your compassion to the human race. Your views are liberal and original with a preference for new ideas and daring innovations. Aquarius lives for the future and you are never completely demoralized, as you know that each enterprise is constantly evolving and each project is perfectible. You dream of a better world and work to facilitate it’s actualization.

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Resolutely innovative, you show your worth when things are not yet fixed, when everything is potentially open. You may be intransigent although you are human in most circumstances, and you cultivate the taste for unprecedented situations. Your strength is that of all idealists: faith can move mountains of uncertainties, pessimism and inertia. Yesterday’s sullenness is swept clean Everything remains to be reinvented and nothing is forever totally closed or stiff. A lack of pragmatism may prod you to take up lost causes. Your triumphs in these areas may win you hero status and admiration.

Famous Aquarius Sun Capricorn Moon People:

  • Abraham Lincoln – Born: February 12, 1809
  • Christina Ricci – Born: February 12, 1980
  • Emma Roberts – Born: February 10, 1991
  • Charles Darwin – Born: February 12, 1809
  • Rosa Parks – Born: February 4, 1913
  • Kid Cudi – Born: January 30, 1984
  • Mia Farrow – Born: February 9, 1945
  • Raymond Domenech – Born: January 24, 1952
  • Peter Gabriel – Born: February 13, 1950
  • Mike Patton – Born: January 27, 1968
  • Rosamund Pike – Born: January 27, 1979
  • Ayn Rand – Born: February 2, 1905
  • Stacey Dash – Born: January 20, 1966
  • Jeb Bush – Born: February 11, 1953
  • Sarah McLachlan – Born: January 28, 1968
  • Neil Diamond – Born: January 24, 1941
  • Enzo Ferrari – Born: February 18, 1898
  • Rutger Hauer – Born: January 23, 1944
  • Gucci Mane – Born: February 12, 1980
  • Gérard Lenorman – Born: February 9, 1945
  • Rick Ross (rapper) – Born: January 28, 1976
  • Muriel Moreno – Born: January 24, 1963
  • Michael T. Weiss – Born: February 2, 1962
  • Cesare Maldini – Born: February 5, 1932
  • Kenya Moore – Born: January 24, 1971
  • Jillian Michaels – Born: February 18, 1974
  • Quentin Mosimann – Born: February 14, 1988
  • August Strindberg – Born: January 22, 1849
  • Norman Rockwell – Born: February 3, 1894
  • Jerry O’Connell – Born: February 17, 1974
  • Dane DeHaan – Born: February 6, 1986
  • Rachida Brakni – Born: February 15, 1977
  • Gabrielle Anwar – Born: February 4, 1970
  • Nicolas Fouquet – Born: January 27, 1615
  • René Guy Cadou – Born: February 15, 1920
  • Francis Picabia – Born: January 22, 1879
  • Blaise Compaoré – Born: February 3, 1951
  • Rainn Wilson – Born: January 20, 1966
  • Thomas Paine – Born: January 29, 1737
  • Warwick Davis – Born: February 3, 1970
  • Lorraine Warren – Born: January 31, 1927
  • Jeff Koons – Born: January 21, 1955
  • Rémi Gaillard – Born: February 7, 1975
  • R. Giger – Born: February 5, 1940
  • Miss Cheyenne (dominatrix) – Born: February 14, 1980
  • Glenn Beck – Born: February 10, 1964
  • Kelly Slater – Born: February 11, 1972
  • Juan Carlos Ferrero – Born: February 12, 1980
  • Hadrian – Born: January 24, 76 (Julian cal.)
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