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The Quirks of Each Myers-Briggs Type

Funny girl dressed in a silly outfit.

We all have our share of quirks. Abnormality is sort of the norm but people tend to try and conceal them so as to appear normal by conventional standards. Here is a look at some of the quirks you might have based on your MBTI personality type.


Among the INFJ quirks is their contradictory nature. INFJs are full of dualities such as their ability to seem both extraverted and introverted. They are interested in inclusivity and tolerance of others but are very exclusive with regards to who they allow into their innermost circle. They desire authentic connection with people but often wear a mask that conceals their true selves. They have a capacity to be chameleon-like to fit in with groups but also have a penchant for rebelling against the status quo and going their own way.


One of the most interesting quirks about INFPs is their penchant for personifying inanimate objects. There are INFPs who have confessed to imbuing their plants with personalities and caring for them with the type of love and tenderness normally reserved for babies. INFPs may also personify things as a learning technique to make abstruse concepts seem more palatable and easier to understand. INFPs have very active imaginations so it is not unusual for them to hold a conversation with things that cannot speak.


One of the biggest quirks of INTJs is their rampant obliviousness of their surroundings. Many INTJs could probably impress you with the volume and depth of knowledge and insight they’ve developed but if you asked them to tell you the color of the chair they’re sitting in without looking at it, chances are, you will have stumped them. INTJs are always focused on their thoughts and so much of what occurs around them goes largely unnoticed. They tend not to pay attention to details unless they are in some way shape or form relevant to them.


A quirk of the INTP personality type could be OCD-like behaviors. Purported INTPs have claimed to have some weird habits like the persistent avoidance of stepping on cracks, or purchasing everything in pairs. INTPs may also be guilty of wearing the same clothes or same style of clothing everyday like some sort of self-imposed uniform. This is probably because they like to keep their wardrobe simple and economical sticking with what they know works for them so they don’t have to worry about looking like too much of a fashion-impaired dope.


An ENFJ quirk may be their excessive concern with perfection. They may be overly conscious of the quality of anything they author or produce and how that might reflect back on them. They want to maintain a certain standard or image they hold of themselves and may actively avoid associating themselves with or addressing things that don’t serve this idea or possibly sully it somehow. Furthermore, the ENFJ may find have a tendency to read and reread what they write many times over constantly adding and modifying to “perfection”. They may spend (or waste) a copious amount of time on things that most people would never notice or care about anyway.

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The ENFP person is quirky by nature. Whether intended or unintended, they will say and do things that are weird and unorthodox because they are creative and clever. Among their quirks may be their penchant for being silly or funny at inappropriate times. ENFPs may have trouble switching off comedy mode and getting serious. They are empathetic but sometimes they just don’t know how to respond except by trying to lighten things up rather than commiserate. They are idealists after all and may tend to look at even negative things as mostly a matter of perspective.


One of the ENTJ quirks may be that they rarely seem to live in the present. ENTJs are said to be restless and have a preoccupation with future planning such that they almost never stop to smell the roses or savor the moment. Furthermore, the ENTJ has been described as having a slightly “vague” look in their eyes as though they are focusing on something far away no else can see. This likely is because ENTJs are almost always looking ahead and thinking about the next step or next stage of progression. They like to keep things moving because they have so much they want to accomplish on their agenda.


Among the quirks ENTPs are likely to possess may be their capacity to feel emotional and fuzzy while watching movies but in real life avoid dealing with that sappy stuff. They can indulge in the experience of emotional vulnerability vicariously through a fictional character but practicing that in the real world feels weirdly uncomfortable. ENTPs can troubleshoot and offer helpful solutions to others who are bereft and distressed but don’t expect a whole lot in the way of emotional support because ENTPs see little point in going there.


An ISTJ quirk may be their propensity for asking probing questions as part of their conversation technique. On romantic dates, their attempts at getting to know a person may resemble an FBI interrogation session. ISTJs can seem a little rigid or stiff because of their discomfort with spontaneous and organic intimacy. Their need to plan out so many things and busy themselves with “work” may leave the people in their lives feel like an afterthought.


One of the ISFJ quirks is that their self confidence is closely tied to their capacity to be useful and helpful to others. Without other people to do things for, ISFJs is prone to feel lost and without purpose or meaning. ISFJs are much less driven by vainglorious ambitions of self enrichment and power. They crave validation from others and the satisfaction they derive from knowing they are doing a great service to others. It might seem perplexing to other more independent and ego-driven types like the INTJ and ESTP how much the ISFJ enjoys serving others.

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One of the ESTJ’s personality quirks may be their black and white way of thinking. They have a low tolerance for vague or ambiguous theories. They need to take a definitive position choosing one side or the other and will stick with that until proven otherwise. ESTJs can be very hard to convince or persuaded to change their minds once it’s been made up. They only consider other possibilities once their tried and true approach no longer yields the results they expect and at that point they can become surprisingly open minded as their deep-seated conceptions undergo reconstruction.


One of the quirks of ESFJs is that they may seem very glib due to the fact that a lot of what they say and do is fashioned by a socially acceptable persona they want to project. They want to be liked and charming and to make people happy and impressed by them. ESFJs can seem fake since they can seem too agreeable and rarely take a hard stance against other people’s ideas on the basis of real logic. They tend to echo politically correct attitudes and views that seem to treat all perspectives as valid or deserving of consideration so as not to alienate or exclude anyone.


A quirk of the ISFP personality type may be their proclivity for having multiple things going on at once. According to some ISFPs, they have stated that they like to multitask and do things like draw pictures in between commercials while watching television. They also claim to love sitting on the floor especially with their legs crossed and also speaking in funny accents. Many hipster-types are probably ISFP.


One of the quirks of the ISTP personality type is their dichotomy of slowness and quickness. ISTPs can be slow to make decisions as they think carefully and are deeply ponderous individuals. But suddenly in the midst of a crisis, they can be roused to action and act decisively so. ISTPs are normally reposed and easy going but have the capacity to think quickly in response to emergent problems. Additionally, ISTPs can surprise others with the amount of details they pick up and how quickly they can master new skills.

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With their extraverted sensing, ESTPs may have a penchant for getting hooked on certain things not the least of which being alcohol. Anything that gives them a thrill or rush of pleasure can potentially become a well to which the ESTP will come back to time and time again. The ESTP is someone who enjoys things to excess and often times seek to outdo themselves with each outing. They for instance may develop an obsession with roller coasters that inspires them to embark on a quest to ride more coasters where each one is progressively bigger and scarier than the last.


ESFPs can become stimulus junkies like the ESTP and this may be channeled in similar ways. However, ESFP’s desire to insaturate themselves with experiences may be emotionally driven. They develop a strange appetite for weird foods and are likely to be adventurous in their eating habits. ESFPs also like surprises and testing out things that haven’t been done before. Their enthusiasm and courage also seems to get amplify when they know it will get a  fun reaction out of people.

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