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How Psychotic Each Zodiac Sign Is (Ranked From Least to Most)

Scary figure wearing a hockey mask.

People suffering from psychosis can usually fault their own life circumstances. However, there’s no denying the zodiac creates certain personality traits that lend to more extreme behavior. All of the signs have a dark side. The difference lies in the way each one reacts. Some are more prone to psychotic behavior than others. Some are absolutely terrifying to be around during times of crisis. To see where your sign falls on the scale, read on:

1. Libra

Ruled by graceful Venus, it goes without saying Libras are the most balanced sign of the zodiac. They’re the least likely to stray from their usual behavior, preferring to wander somewhere in the middle of the road. When a crisis hits, they have the ability to stay level-headed and calm. Problems arise only when the scales are tipped too far in any direction. When they’re overloaded, whether it’s by work, family matters, or relationships, you just might glimpse a rare side of them. They will obsessively struggle to restore balance to their life, losing their poised, Venusian sense of cool in the process. This is when the ugly crying starts—until everything settles, it’s best to keep out of their way.

2. Gemini

Geminis are charming and witty, making them appear the least suspicious of psychotic behavior. You’ll have to pay attention, or you won’t even know it’s happening. The Mercury-ruled twins are highly skilled at verbal espionage. They can figure out what makes you tick through careful observation, twist your words around, and effortlessly tell lies. Often, just for funsies. If they’re laying the compliments on thick, you can bet they’re up to something devious. You’d better watch your back.

3. Leo

The lions of the zodiac have a mighty roar, but their bark is often worse than their bite. Gifted at creating drama, Leos know how to appear unstable, but it’s usually all for show or to receive recognition. They can make scenes like no other, and you can bet their crazed rampage will be loud and attention-grabbing. But when the limelight fades, Leos are no longer interested in behavior that doesn’t ultimately benefit them.

4. Virgo

Virgos have an eye for detail. Much like Gemini, these Mercury-ruled folks are keen observers. They notice every flaw. They pay attention when you make mistakes. They figure out how to push your buttons. And they do this all for their own advantage. When you don’t live up to their expectations, be prepared to be taken down. Their idea of perfection is much too high for you to ever reach, and they’re already doubting your abilities. Chances are, they’re storing away a giant vessel of ammo to use against you when they’re ready to attack.

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5. Sagittarius

Ruled by optimistic Jupiter, Sagittarians usually like to do most things for the thrill of it. Too much of a good thing is always a good thing. So when they venture off the deep end, you can count on them doing it in a BIG way. Their break-down won’t be as grandiose as a Leo’s, but they will go overboard. The archers are risk-takers, the kind that go skydiving, run with the bulls, and shoot their self in the leg just to see what it feels like to take a bullet. They’ll gamble away thousands without blinking an eye, and then move onto the next activity. Eventually, these thrill-seekers run out of steam. When that happens, you don’t want to be anywhere near them. Their lows are as dramatic as their highs.

6. Aquarius

Aquarians aren’t usually ones to display psychotic episodes. Ruled by zany Uranus, they pretty much march to the beat of their own drum, uncaring of what others think. However, when their strive to be unique is done for uniqueness’s sake, their behavior begins to border the edge of madness. Nothing makes sense anymore. Black is white. Up is down. The sky is purple. Suddenly their lives begin to resemble something out of a Wonderland. If you dare to get caught up in it, you’re going to get pushed down the rabbit hole. They don’t care what happens to you either. Aquarians are an air sign, and internalizing emotions aren’t their strong suit. It’s much safer to keep your distance.

7. Pisces

These free-spirited hippies may appear to enjoy peace and happiness. That is, until the delusions start taking over. Ruled by the murky waters of Neptune, these fishes can’t always distinguish reality from fantasy. This pushes them into the frightening territory of true psychosis. Their lives often mirror that of a dreamland. They keep one foot on earthly planes and one in the spiritual realms. Their psychic nature can often become a double-edged sword, connecting the fish to bad energies and spirits alike. When their waking reality starts to resemble a nightmare, they’re forced to lash out.

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8. Aries

Aries are the breed of psychos you don’t want to be around when things go south. Ruled by passionate Mars, they are driven more by action and less by logic. Rational thought doesn’t even occur to a crazed Ram, which means they don’t react out of fear of consequences. They live purely in the moment—so if they feel like throwing a porcelain lamp at your head, you had better duck.

9. Scorpio

It goes without saying that Scorpio would rank high on this list. The general rule of thumb is to never cross a Scorpio or you’ll end up regretting it for life. These are the revenge-seekers of the zodiac. Betrayal stings them to their very core. Their need for control and dominance outweighs rational logic. Their obsessive nature is much like a focused laser—you don’t want to be their intended target. Because once they decide to pull the trigger, they never miss.

10. Capricorn

You will never witness a Capricorn’s psychotic side, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Instead, you will experience their version of crazy through well-laid plans. Much like Scorpio, the goats know how to plot and scheme. However, they take it to the next level, making Scorpios look like amateurs by default. These clever goats are skilled at putting their emotions aside and turning their plans of revenge into a goal. By the time you catch on, it will be too late. They are skilled, dedicated, and they take their goals seriously. Don’t ever get on a Capricorn’s bad side. They’re the serial killers who never get caught.

11. Taurus

The Taurus’s psychotic side doesn’t show itself until the eleventh hour. It takes a lot to trigger a bull as they tend to bottle their emotions. On the outside, it may appear they have all the calm of Buddhist monks, but on the inside, a storm is quietly brewing. All of those emotions fester until they can’t take it anymore. At that point, even the smallest of slights will set them off. Then it’s like flashing a red scarf to a deranged bull—you’d better get out of their way. No one throws a temper tantrum quite like a Taurus. Their transition from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde will leave you scratching your head, wondering if they’re experiencing a case of the body snatchers.

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12. Cancer

Here we have it, folks. The sweet, affectionate Cancers are also guilty of having the most mental instability. It isn’t so hard to understand why. Ruled by the moon, Cancers are highly charged by their emotions. These lunarian types react based on the way they feel. Emotions don’t always abide by the laws of logic and reasoning. Cancers are known to be jealous and suspicious, especially when it comes to their closest relationships, such as lovers and family members. Disloyalty will absolutely push them over the edge. Never betray them, or else you may end up the victim of a crime of passion.

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