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How Each Myers Briggs Type Sabotages Themselves


“The Long Road” by caitlin-may



The anxiety, awkwardness and rejection they’ve  experienced socially can drive the INTP/ISTP away from people causing them to miss out on opportunities to form meaningful connections with others. Their past embarrassments and moments of ineptitude may burrow deep into their psyche and lead the INTP/ISTP to capitulate and simply embrace their interpersonal inadequacy as part of the hand of cards they’ve been dealt. Unfortunately, when the INTP/ISTP eventually meets people who truly appreciate them for who they are they may have difficulty relinquishing the safety of their emotional isolationism. They may fear opening themselves up to a great relationship because they have wired themselves to anticipate disappointment.


Not Being in the Moment

INTJs and INFJs are often so preoccupied with their personal goals and agenda that they tend to forget to stop and smell the roses and appreciate the moment. INTJ/INFJs are very future oriented often due to their malcontent with their current circumstances. They can spend a vast amount of time inside their heads pondering and planning the next project or experiment and focused on taking the next step in the progression of some larger scheme. As a result, the beauty of the fleeting present moments often go unnoticed or ignored while in pursuit of their goals. Down the road, the INTJ/INFJ may look back and wish they enjoyed the journey a little more.


 Reinventing the wheel

ENTPs and ENFPs are wantonly irreverent of tradition and stodgy customs. They may dismiss established modalities and systems for the sake of finding their own way of doing things. This may cause them to needlessly reinvent something that’s already existing or readily available even if is “old”. It is advantageous to learn from and embrace the useful bits from the past. Rather than disregard long standing traditions in wholesale as part of an obsolescent monolith, ENTP/ENFPs ought to examine their value and utilize them when it makes sense.

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ENTJs and ESTJs prize personal strength, independence and self reliance. They do not actively seek help from others because they believe in themselves and also they want to feel empowered and in control as much as possible. As a leader of a a team, they have no problem delegating and appropriating resources in the form of people to accomplish a group task. However in their personal lives, ENTJ/ESTJs prefer not to receive outside assistance with areas in which they may be struggling. They may not even acknowledge that they have a problem and may resist intervention by others who care about them.



When it comes to self-sabotage, procrastination is king. Why? Because procrastination is the gap between intention and action, and it is in this gap that the self operates. The undermining behavior lies in not closing the gap. INFP/ISFPs make an intention to act, but when the time comes, get lost in their own deliberation, making excuses to justify an unnecessary and potentially harmful delay.  They want to be organized and efficient, but are totally disorganized. INFP/ISFPs hate schedules and trying to keep to them wears them out. They can see that things are not working but don’t know how to fix them and get angry at themselves for being so disorganized.



ENFJ/ESFJs have difficulty in being objective and developing a consistent standard unhampered by petty social allegiances. Their lack of internal self knowledge and self awareness opens them up to behaviors such as jealousy, possessiveness, emotional manipulation, neediness, violence and so forth.  They want to objectively understand other people, but discussing them in impersonal terms makes ENFJ/ESFJs feel uneasy and cold. They hate using impersonal logic or leverage against others. They want to ensure that they do things “right,” and must learn to step back from other people and situations and analyze them freely, without feeling like a traitor.

See also  INFP Strengths: 7 Areas Where INFPs Shine.


Reluctance to Try New Things

ISFJ/ISTJs don’t like discussing things that have nothing to do with reality. They want to know that the conversation is going to accomplish something before they engage in it or they will become frustrated. Sometimes, they get a sense of what is going on between other people and are later proven right, but they are not always sure at the time that what they are picking up on is the truth. It can be difficult for ISFJ/ISTJs to make decisions that will impact the future, because they’re not sure what that future looks like … any of sixteen things might happen. They shy away from long-term commitments unless they feel absolutely safe; otherwise, they’re inclined to worry about what might happen. They can be impulsive once in awhile and others at times comment on how naive some of their belief systems are.


Not Planning Ahead

ESFP/ESTPs thrive on action and getting immediate results. They are confident in their ability to adapt and respond to whatever life throws at them and as a result, they do not often concern themselves with long term planning. Their lack of patience seeks instant gratification and they are excellent improvisers but they may become suddenly discomfited by obstacles that they failed to anticipate or prepare for. They kind of hate introspecting, it seems a dangerous enterprise.  They prefer things that are symbolic or archetypal… and they come up with some crackpot theories at times with a tendency to be a little superstitious.

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