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6 Great ENFP Careers That Pay Well

enfp career matches

Being an intuitive type, ENFPs have a taste for unusual career paths that provide a healthy dose of creative challenge and freedom. They dislike repetitive tasks and jobs that force them to adhere to strict schedules. ENFPs prefer variety and careers where they can learn and grow. They desire work that they find meaningful and allows them to follow their creative instincts and spur-of-the-moment ideas.

ENFP in the Workplace

Because they are easily bored, ENFPs are not a fan of time consuming detail work. They prefer to work in bursts of energy and can act as a catalyst in getting the ball rolling on new projects. ENFPs rather focus on the creative aspects of a job and collaborations where they can bounce ideas around. They are happy to leave the details of implementation to other more assiduous types but ENFP is capable of handling that too when they need to.

They work well independently but are also great with people and therefore are often great team players. ENFPs are often ambitious and motivated to achieve something significant with their life but not necessarily from within an organization. They want to succeed on their own terms but becoming accomplished and appreciated for their contributions and abilities is important to them nonetheless.

Here is a list of some of the greatest career matches for the ENFP personality type.

1. ENFP Career: Physical Therapist
median salary: $85,400

Patients who have experienced a stroke or any type of extensive surgery may afterwards be referred to a physical therapist. The job of the physical therapist is to rehabilitate patients and facilitate the healing process. They are commonly employed by athletic organizations to help injured players and re mediate their physical issues both major and minor.

They seek to alleviate pain, and restore function, strength and mobility in their patients through the use of various exercises and techniques. Physical therapists coordinate with other health care professionals to put together the most effective recovery strategy for their patients.

ENFPs may enjoy this profession because they enjoy helping people and this job will likely cater to the ENFP’s taste for unconventionality. This job also provides a lot of flexibility and will call for a variety of treatment plans custom designed by the therapist for each patient they work with.

2. ENFP Career: Clinical Social Worker
median salary: $53,760

A Clinical Social Worker operates within the medical field but focuses on the social and psychological aspects of public health. They provide consolation to patients who are often elderly or very young in dealing with emotional and psychological stress. They can advocate for them and provide guidance with regards to coping resources and other forms of support available to them.

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As a Clinical Social Worker, ENFPs can utilize their compassionate and friendly manner to counsel patients and help them move forward and also prevent future medical complications down the road. This job entails a lot of paper work and administrative tasks which may not be too appealing for an ENFP. However, the gratification they receive from helping people may make this job rewarding and worthwhile for them.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 19% employment increase from 2016 to 2026 in this field with a projection 32,700 new to be available.


3. ENFP Career: Speech-Language Pathologist
median salary: $74,680

ENFPs are likely to find a career such as Speech-Language Pathologist to be meaningful on account of the opportunity it provides to help people. Speech-Language Pathologists work with people suffering from various speech, learning and hearing disabilities and also swallowing disorders.

They diagnose and provide treatments to help their patients overcome their speech impediments and improve communication skills. ENFPs are often verbally skilled and naturally good at communication and so this combined with their patience and compassion suggests that they are a great fit for this line of work.

This career field offers a moderate level of schedule flexibility but also comes with an above average level of stress. Job prospects look excellent for this industry as the aging baby boomer generation are expected to create increasing demand over the next decade.

4. ENFP Career: Marketing Manager
median salary: $130,180

ENFPs may find a career in Marketing appealing due to the fact that it incorporates a lot of creativity combined with applied psychology in how it operates. ENFPs are intuitive, friendly, creative and communicative – all of which are valuable strengths in the field of marketing.

As a Marketing Manager, an ENFP can satisfy their appetite for creative challenges by coming up with ideas and putting together effective and impactful campaigns with which to showcase and promote a product, cause, organization or public figure and drive sales. In addition to the creative aspects of the job, a Marketing Manager also oversees hiring, manages budgets and tracks results.

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The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 10% growth in this industry from 2016 to 2026. The opportunity for advancement and increased salary is above average. On the down side, it also displays above average stress levels and below average work schedule schedule flexibility.

5. ENFP Career: Psychiatrist
median salary: $194,740

Psychiatrists are physicians who work to diagnose and treat and also prevent disorders related to mental health. They undergo extensive training and education to become certified in the field of psychiatry. Psychiatry is a career often recommended for ENFPs in part because it requires a certain amount of sensitivity, patience  and empathy for patients.

ENFPs have a lot of intuitive insight about people as a result of an understanding of their own personal demons and emotional issues. They are likely to bring an element of warmth to this profession that is important for a scientist who studies sentient beings as opposed to inanimate subject matter such as geology and physics.

Psychiatrists run tests and scientific measures but they also perform talk therapy where they allow patients to discuss what they’re feeling while the psychiatrist takes note and listens. ENFPs are great listeners as their friends can likely attest, and so this aspect of psychiatry will likely be enjoyable to them. This job comes with an above average level of stress however, so just beware that it’s not all peaches and rainbows.

6. ENFP Career: Art Director
median salary: $89,820

Art Directors are the masterminds behind an organization’s visual design. They oversee the conceptual aspects of how imagery is used in service of an organization’s goals and interests. Art Directors work in many different industries including printed media, television, films, web development and marketing. They typically preside over a team of designers and artists to ensure that projects meet a client’s needs and objectives.

As an Art Director, ENFPs will have freedom to make interesting creative choices and can leverage their interpersonal skills and communication ability to understand what a client needs and translate it visually and conceptually through many different mediums. While the median salary for Art Directors was reported at $89,820 in 2016, a highly paid 10% of the field earned roughly $166,400. The lowest 10% made $48,660.

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This career offers excellent opportunities for advancement and promotions but also above average levels of stress. It also suffers from a lack of flexibility in scheduling that may infringe on life outside of work.

Other Great ENFP Careers:

  • Personal Trainer – median salary: $58,318
  • Pastor/Minister – median salary: $93,760
  • Child & Family Social Worker – median salary: $43,250
  • Translator – median salary: $46,120
  • High School Teacher – median salary: $58,030
  • Substance Abuse & Behavioral Disorder Counselor – median salary: $41,070
  • Graphic Designer – median salary: $46,900
  • Journalist – median salary $37,720
  • Salaried writer/author – median salary $$48,640

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