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The Critical Parent Role of Each Myers Briggs Type

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In cognitive theory, the critical parent role or witch/senex represents the 6th function in a type’s cognitive stack. As part of the shadow processes the critical parent indicates the function used to spot weak points in ourselves and others and attack them with scathing criticisms and demoralizing invectives. It’s also referred to as the “demonstrative function” and represents a hidden strength present in every type.

The critical parent is a voice in your head that will cause you to criticize both yourself and others. It tells you that you are doing something wrong or doing something poorly. Whichever function falls into this position will determine the flavor of your self criticism. It will require a lot of extra energy to perform this function.

We can also feel this way when others use the process that plays this role. It is often used sporadically and emerges typically under stressful conditions when something important is on the line. To access it’s positive side of discovery, we must learn to appreciate and be open to it. Then it has an almost magical quality and can provide a profound sense of wisdom.


Ti Ne Si Fe Te Ni Se Fi

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Intuition

  • May dabble in mysticism and seek metaphysical predictions of the future.
  • Focuses on comparing their own accomplishments with that of others.
  • Critical of others for showing a lack of foresight and for having trivial priorities.
  • Hyper-critical of superficial and shallow-minded people.
  • Outspoken in their contempt for laziness and avolition.
  • Intolerant of hypocrisy and others casting judgement on them.
  • Arguments are likely won decisively due to the trump card of their big-picture point of view.
  • Obsessively scans for clues or patterns that may reveal a future plan.
  • Becomes fearful of their ambitions falling through and their dreams failing.
  • Picks up on bad vibrations and uncannily detects other’s motives and intentions
  • Can mercilessly deflate the stupid ideas and opinions of others.
  • Challenges rigid orthodoxy and is irreverent toward “authority figures”.
  • Flouts standard procedure in favor of unconventional methods they think are superior.
  • Surprises others with remarkably clever and creative insults.
  • Can foresee hidden complications and problems amid trends and external phenomena.
  • Challenges other’s ideas by envisioning better alternatives themselves.


Ni Te Fi Se Ne Ti Fe Si

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Thinking

  • Shuns irrational emotive behavior.
  • Highly critical of logical inconsistency and imprecision.
  • Condescendingly corrects other’s errors.
  • Snaps at other’s who impinge on their private time.
  • Collects evidence of other’s shortcomings and incompetence to berate and lambaste them.
  • Systematically classifies people into behavior-based categories
  • Defies social cues and gratuitous customs.
  • Obsessively tries to make sense of unresolved anomalies in their logical framework.
  • dispassionately refutes silly arguments.
  • Dismissive of subjective feeling-based reasoning.
  • Defeats others in debate using superior logic and well formed reasoning.
  • Doesn’t respect people who do not think for themselves.
  • Instantly spots flaws in other’s ideas.
  • Annoyed by superficial and arbitrary rules.
  • Will irreverently question and challenge conventions.
  • Will intellectually dissect people and expose their vulnerabilities and weaknesses.


Ne Ti Fe Si Ni Te Fi Se

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Thinking

  • Will become impatient with outside interference to their thinking process.
  • Heightened sensitivity to criticism of their ideas.
  • May become frustrated with inefficiency and disorganization.
  • Will have greater interest in organizing their surroundings for optimal efficiency.
  • May steamroll over people’s feelings without realizing it.
  • May exhibit bossy behavior and fussiness.
  • Blames others for not meeting their standards.
  • May become demanding and hard to please. Nothing seems good enough.
  • Becomes anal about consistency and precision.
  • May be insulting of other’s “bad” ideas.
  • Often spots flaws in plans and frequently revises them.
  • Will competitively try to “one-up” other’s ideas with bigger better ones.
  • Fault-finding of others if something is not working.
  • Ruthlessly does away with inessential parts and people.
  • Lashes out if others criticize their logic with emotional arguments.
  • May be overly meticulous and obsessed with improvement.


Te Ni Se Fi Ti Ne Si Fe

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Intuition

  • Sees through people’s false facades and call them out on it.
  • Can put a damper on other’s plans by pointing out negative possible outcomes.
  • May be critical of others less creative than they are.
  • May be more clever and colorful in how they criticize people.
  • Frustration due to unexpected occurrences they should have seen coming.
  • May be overconfident in their predictive ability.
  • May criticize others for not noticing what they notice.
  • May put down others for their lack of vision.
  • Criticizes others for being old fashioned small-minded.
  • Will feel persecuted and held back by sensor types.
  • May insult people for things they never thought of.
  • May be judgemental of people with pessimistic and short-sighted views.
  • Has the ability to target and expose people weaknesses and insecurities.
See also  The Leadership Style of Each MBTI Type


Fi Ne Si Te Fe Ni Se Fi

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Intuition

  • May become passive aggressive and sarcastic when annoyed or frustrated.
  • Critical of people who lack creativity and vision.
  • May gloat about how creative and brilliant they are.
  • May over-estimate their insight and the accuracy of their perceptions.
  • May insult others in clever ways.
  • May advise caution due to premonitions.
  • Suspicious of people who give them “bad vibes”.
  • Critical of cliche thinking and unoriginal ideas.
  • May get stressed and paranoid about possible unfavorable outcomes.
  • May form prejudiced assumptions based on intuition.
  • Unsatisfied with their creative work.
  • Concerned with the quality and novelty of their ideas.
  • Stress due to feeling misunderstood and underappreciated.


Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Feeling

  • Critical of inauthentic and glib people.
  • Judges others who violate their personal values.
  • May be moralizing and sanctimonious.
  • May be critical of other’s ethics and values.
  • Questions the soundness of their own judgment.
  • Expects others to live up to their personal standards.
  • Questions the integrity of others.
  • Clashes with people who try to push them to do things they don’t believe in.
  • Unwilling to sell out and judges those who do.
  • Becomes vocal and outspoken against social injustice. May be a SJW.
  • May stress themselves with feelings of guilt over the moral correctness of their actions.
  • Has a distaste for those lacking a moral compass.
  • Has a distaste for those who follow the herd instead of being true to who they are.


Ne Fi Te Si Ni Fe Ti Se

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Feeling

  • Takes issue with people who behave aloof and anti-socially.
  • Worries about their social standing and popularity.
  • Disapproves of people who do not help others.
  • Takes issue with people who do not appreciate them or share their enthusiasm.
  • Does not like insensitive or cold people.
  • Worries about how they are perceived by others.
  • Distaste for inconsiderate and unthoughtful people.
  • Expects others to show the same support they show them.
  • May insult people they perceive as unpopular.
  • May insult others based on social status.
  • May criticize others for being selfish or self centered.
  • Tries to be more inclusive when possible.
  • Sometimes takes the unhappiness of others too personally.
  • Is hard on themselves when things go badly.


Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Intuition

  • Despises phoniness.
  • Despises glibness.
  • Can envision the potential problems in a plan before they occur.
  • May be critical of others less creative than they are.
  • May be more clever and colorful in how they criticize people.
  • Frustration due to unexpected occurrences they should have seen coming.
  • May be overconfident in their predictive ability.
  • May criticize others for not noticing the connections they notice.
  • May put down others for their lack of vision.
  • Criticizes others for being old fashioned.
  • Will feel persecuted and held back by sensor types.
  • May insult people over unusual things that most people would never even consider.
  • May believe they have special powers of insight that no one else has.
  • May be judgmental of people with pessimistic and short-sighted views.
  • Has the ability to target and expose people weaknesses and insecurities.


Si Te Fi Ne Se Ti Fe Ni

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Thinking

  • Dismissive of emotional-based arguments.
  • Highly critical of logical inconsistency and hypocrisy.
  • Will correct people for semantic and grammatical errors.
  • Irritated by petty, emotional behavior.
  • Speaks condescendingly towards pompous idiots.
  • Snaps when other’s impinge on their sacred private space.
  • Collects evidence of other’s shortcomings and incompetence to berate and lambaste them.
  • Systematically classifies people into behavior-based categories
  • Defies social cues and gratuitous customs.
  • Obsessively tries to make sense of unresolved anomalies in their logical framework.
  • dispassionately refutes silly arguments.
  • Points out the flaws in other’s reasoning.
  • Willingly debates crappy logic and incompetent authority figures..
  • Doesn’t respect people who do not think for themselves.
  • constantly modify it to make room for improvements.
  • Will irreverently question and challenge conventions.
  • Will intellectually dissect people and expose their vulnerabilities and weaknesses.


Si Fe Ti Ne Se Fi Te Ni

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Feeling

  • Critical of inauthenticity and glib pretenses.
  • Questions the ethics and values of others.
  • May appear self-righteous and sanctimonious.
  • May rebel and lash out against group pressure.
  • Questions the integrity of their own beliefs.
  • Expects others to live up to their personal standards.
  • May become suspicious of others.
  • Clashes with people who try to push them to do things they don’t believe in.
  • Unwilling to sell out and judges those who do.
  • Becomes vocal and outspoken against social injustice. May be a SJW.
  • May stress themselves with feelings of guilt over the moral correctness of their actions.
  • Has a distaste for those lacking a moral compass.
  • Has a distaste for those who follow the herd instead of being true to who they are.
  • May demonize others who rely too heavily on cold logic and lack empathy.



Te Si Ne Fi Ti Se Ni Fe

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Sensing

  • Has distaste for unrealistic or fanciful ideas.
  • Critical of people who lack “common sense”.
  • Critical of sudden changes in appearance such as a new hairstyle.
  • Critical of any changes made to their environment.
  • May be prejudiced based on appearances.
  • May be critical of superficial details.
  • Has discriminating taste and is a keen judge of quality.
  • Stresses the importance of being “in the moment”.
  • May be skilled at picking out details in other’s appearance to make fun of.
  • May be critical of other’s habits.
  • May criticize others for being boring.
  • Intolerant of unpleasant experiences (ie. bad food, cheap materials, extreme temperatures).
  • Intolerant of unexciting activities.



Fi Se Ni Te Fe Si Ne Ti

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Sensing

  • Critical of repeating past mistakes.
  • Critical of new changes and deviations from tradition.
  • Compares new people and things to past precedents.
  • Is generally not open to innovation or revolution.
  • Critical of people who don’t respect or follow established rules and methods.
  • Narrow minded and intolerant of foolish theorizing.
  • Tries to live up to or match a standard or record established in the past.
  • Perpetuates customs taught to them and tries to pass them on to others.
  • Shames people by comparing them to others with greater accomplishments, features, or abilities.
  • Points out factual errors and typos.
  • May be critical of others who are impractical or too abstract.
  • Cares little for novelty and originality.


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Se Ti Fe Ni Si Te Fi Ne

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Thinking

  • Will become impatient with outside interference to their thinking process.
  • Heightened sensitivity to criticism of their ideas.
  • May become frustrated with inefficiency and disorganization.
  • Will have greater interest in organizing their surroundings for optimal efficiency.
  • May steamroll over people’s feelings without realizing it.
  • May exhibit bossy behavior and fussiness.
  • Blames others for not meeting their standards.
  • May become demanding and hard to please. Nothing seems good enough.
  • Becomes anal about consistency and precision.
  • May be insulting of other’s “bad” ideas.
  • Often spots flaws in plans and frequently revises them.
  • Will competitively try to “one-up” other’s ideas with bigger better ones.
  • Fault-finding of others if something is not working.
  • Ruthlessly does away with inessential parts and people.
  • Lashes out if others criticize their logic with emotional arguments.
  • May be overly meticulous and obsessed with improvement.


Ti Se Ni Fe Te Si Ne Fi

Critical Parent Role:
Introverted Sensing

  • Critical of repeating past mistakes.
  • Critical of new changes and deviations from tradition.
  • Compares new people and things to past precedents.
  • Is generally not open to innovation or revolution.
  • Critical of people who don’t respect or follow established rules and methods.
  • Narrow minded and intolerant of foolish theorizing.
  • Tries to live up to or match a standard or record established in the past.
  • Perpetuates customs taught to them and tries to pass them on to others.
  • Shames people by comparing them to others with greater accomplishments, features, or abilities.
  • Points out factual errors and typos.
  • May be critical of others who are impractical or too abstract.
  • Cares little for novelty and originality.


Se Fi Te Ni Si Fe Ti Ne

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Feeling

  • Takes issue with people who behave aloof and anti-socially.
  • Dislikes conflict and confrontation with others.
  • Tries to shame others by ignoring them or excluding them from their activities.
  • Worries about their social standing and popularity.
  • Disapproves of people who do not help others.
  • Takes issue with people who do not appreciate them or share their enthusiasm.
  • Does not like insensitive or cold people.
  • Worries about how they are perceived by others.
  • Distaste for inconsiderate and unthoughtful people.
  • Expects others to show the same support they show them.
  • May insult people they perceive as unpopular.
  • May insult others based on social status.
  • May criticize others for being selfish or self centered.
  • Tries to be more inclusive when possible.
  • Sometimes takes the unhappiness of others too personally.
  • Is hard on themselves when things go badly.


Fe Si Ne Ti Fi Se Ni Te

Critical Parent Role:
Extroverted Sensing

  • Has distaste for unrealistic or fanciful ideas.
  • Critical of people who lack “common sense”.
  • Critical of sudden changes in appearance such as a new hairstyle.
  • Critical of any changes made to their environment.
  • May be prejudiced based on appearances.
  • May be critical of superficial details.
  • Has discriminating taste and is a keen judge of quality.
  • Stresses the importance of being “in the moment”.
  • May be skilled at picking out details in other’s appearance to make fun of.
  • May be critical of other’s habits.
  • May criticize others for being boring.
  • Intolerant of unpleasant experiences (ie. bad food, cheap materials, extreme temperatures).
  • Intolerant of unexciting activities.

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