mbti list

6 High Paying Careers For INTJs
The INTJ is among the types most likely to achieve great success in their careers. According to a national sample survey of the most preferred work environment characteristics for each MBTI type, INTJs rated "variety of tasks" as the most important followed by "clear structure", "independence and achievement", "teamwork", and "people of different backgrounds". (more…)
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How Each Myers-Briggs Type Behaves When Upset
Everyone gets down in the dumps from time to time, but coping mechanisms may differ from person to person. Here is a look at how each MBTI personality type may deal with their emotional distress. (more…)
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The Quirks of Each Myers-Briggs Type
We all have our share of quirks. Abnormality is sort of the norm but people tend to try and conceal them so as to appear normal by conventional standards. Here is a look at some of the quirks you might have based on your MBTI personality type. (more…)
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The MBTI Types When They’re 100% Done With You
That’s it, I’m done with you. Not 50% done, not 75% done, I’m 100% done. Here’s a look at each Myers-Briggs type when they reach the limit of their patience and tolerance and become completely fed up with someone.

How To Recognize Each Myers-Briggs Type In Real Life
Typing other people can be a challenge, especially if you do not know them personally. If you cannot ask someone about their personality, the best you can do is collect clues and make an educated guess. Here is a brief look highlighting some of the characteristics to help you spot or recognize a person's Myers-Briggs…
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Which Myers-Briggs Type is Sam Harris?
Sam Harris (born April 9, 1967) is a neuroscientist, philosopher, blogger and best-selling author of several books including, Waking Up (2014), The End of Faith (2004), and The Moral Landscape (2010). He hosts the Waking Up podcast where he deep dives into many of today's most pressing and polarizing issues surrounding science, ethics and religion. He…
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What Each MBTI Type Does When They Have A Crush
With Valentine’s day just around the corner, now may be a great time to confess your undying love for someone you’re with or want to be with. Valentine’s Day is an especially opportune occasion for people who want to confront their crush. Here is a look at what each Myers-Briggs type is likely to do…
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How Each Myers-Briggs Type Dresses
Fashion. Some people put a lot of thought into the clothes they wear while others could hardly care. Here is a look at the style of dress and fashion sense each of the 16 MBTI personality types is likely to display.

How Each Myers-Briggs Type Would Become Famous
"Kim december 2012 03" by DopeStars There are many paths to fame and fortune be it through freak accidents and experiences, or extraordinary abilities and accomplishments. Here is what each of the 16 Myers-Briggs types would likely become famous (or infamous) for. INFJ As the face or spokesperson for a noble cause - INFJs are full…
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The Worst Insults For Each Myers-Briggs Type
What's the most insulting thing someone could say to you? Is it something about your physical appearance? Your habits? Maybe your abilities or intellect? The answer might be predictable based on your MBTI type. Here is a look at what each of the 16 personality types might find most offensive when it comes to insults.…
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How Each Myers-Briggs Type Is Dangerous
In a dangerous world, you must fight to survive. The streets are full of snakes waiting to do you in as soon as you let down your guard. Even the most innocuous person can be a wolf in disguise so don’t underestimate them. Here is why each of the 16 MBTI personalities can be a…
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What Each MBTI Type would Do With An Apple
An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay. Here's what the 16 MBTI personalities are apt do with an apple. INFJ INFJ eats the apple because it is good for their health and then plants the seeds for the benefit of future generations. (more…)
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How Each Myers-Briggs Type Reacts To Authority
When it comes to authority, people seek to either comply, defy or obtain it. When authoritative power is exercised properly it's beneficial but when abused, it becomes oppressive. And regardless of how you feel about authority, nobody likes having it shoved down their throat. Here is a look at how you likely react to authority…
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What Each Myers-Briggs Type Would Do With A Million Dollars
What would you do if you suddenly struck it rich? How about a million dollars? Many of us could rattle off a number of things we would do with that kind of fortune like buy a bentley and a helicopter, but these days, a million doesn’t go as far as it used to. Here is…
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How To Get Each Myers-Briggs Type To Love You
What does it take to woo an introvert or an extrovert? Like most introverts, if you give INTP enough space, they might let you into their world. Extroverts like ESFP on the other hand may want engagement and lots of affection. Here are brief tips for how to get each Myers-Briggs (MBTI) type to love…
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