
The Neuroscience Behind Breakups
The end of a relationship is one of the toughest, most difficult emotional experiences most people will face in life. Breakups can be just as devastating as the formation of a new relationship is euphoric. The roller coaster of emotion and uncharacteristic irrational behavior that often follows a breakup has been an object of study…
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Erotic Dreams and their Meaning | DreamsCloud
Sexual dreams are a natural part of our lives and can serve as an indication of sexual vitality and health. The dreams we experience often provide insight and clues into our subconscious selves and with sexual dreams it is no different. (more…)
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7 Reasons Why You Might Not Identify With Your Zodiac Sign
It seems that most people, even those with meager interest in astrology know about their sun sign. While many of us embrace and identify with the characteristics attributed to our sun sign, others may not feel the same way. Undoubtedly, there are plenty who believe that their astrology sign misrepresents them. You might be one of those…
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6 Reasons Why I Think ESFJ Types Make Terrible Leaders
Not every person is suited for positions of leadership. Leadership qualities can be taught to some extent but certain types like ENTJs are just born with it. (more…)
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6 Ways People Try To Predict The Future
photographer: Monster Ménon: Artist Link Like Donald Trump, the future tends to be unpredictable. Oftentimes, the most important and life-changing events in the world occur without warning. For instance, who could of guessed that Bruce Jenner would become a woman? Or that Ben Affleck would make such a great Batman? There are however, a select…
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The Lot of Fortune and Other Fictional Points in Astrology
The Arabic parts or Lots are a collection of fictional points calculated to pinpoint special events such as marriage, death or fame. They were commonly employed by the Greeks but their origins are believed to date even earlier to the Babylonians. Most points are computed by adding the ascendant degree to the distance between two given planetary…
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Abraham Lincoln Natal Chart
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th POTUS, and was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky on February 12 1809. As president, he won the Civil War and successfully preserved the union while abolishing slavery in the process. On April 14, 1865 Lincoln was assassinated at the hands of an actor and confederate sympathizer named John Wilkes Booth. His tragic…
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Albert Einstein’s Birth Chart
Albert Einstein was a Jewish, German-born, nobel prize-winning theoretical physicist best known for his famous theory of relativity which opened the path to many things including the atomic bomb. In the 1930s he fled Nazi Germany and immigrated to the US where he remained until his death on April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey.…
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Steve Jobs Natal Chart
Steve Jobs was an American businessman best known as the magnetic co-founder of Apple Inc. In 1985 he was ousted as CEO and over the next 10 years he started another company called NeXT and also purchased an animation company from George Lucas that would later become Pixar. In 1996, NeXT was purchased by Apple…
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Kanye West’s Astrology Chart
Kanye West is the controversial and outspoken grammy winning artist known for various albums like College Dropout, 808's and Heartbreak, Yeezus, and most recently, The Life of Pablo. His highly publicized life, opinionated views, and unpredictable antics have earned him massive popularity and a prominent place in popular culture. (more…)
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Donald Trump Astrology Chart
As the 2016 presidential race heated up, the media machines went into full swing, churning out a steady feed of the usual political drama and controversy that accompanies election campaigns. Among the field of incumbents however, one stands out. He eclipses the other candidates with bombastic swagger and an unorthodox, unpolitician-like mien.