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The Lot of Fortune and Other Fictional Points in Astrology

arabic parts

The Arabic parts or Lots are a collection of fictional points calculated to pinpoint special events such as marriage, death or fame. They were commonly employed by the Greeks but their origins are believed to date even earlier to the Babylonians. Most points are computed by adding the ascendant degree to the distance between two given planetary degrees.

The part of fortune and the lot of spirit are the most popular lots used, however, some of the other parts such as the part of death or part of catastrophe, are avoided due to the upsetting neuroticism they may cause. The lots are useful in electional astrology and in identifying auspicious windows of opportunity for various events.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, much of the ideas practiced by the Greeks were translated and utilized by the Abbasid Arabs. There are more than 55 lots and it’s not certain how many are from the antiquities and how many are contributions by the Arabs. It seems that the Arabs took an enthusiastic interest in the lots and may have expanded on them substantially.

What I notice though, is that there are multiple lots for essentially the same thing. For instance there is a lot for death, tragedy, assassination, suicide, catastrophe,  and destruction. It seems that having multiple versions serves to increase the odds of finding a lot point that lines up with a given event such as someone’s death in case the most relevant lot doesn’t match up. I found that Bruce Lee’s lot of death matched up perfectly with his actual death date. in Brandon Lee’s chart, it was not accurate at all. I didn’t try any of the alternatives like the lot of assassination or lot of tragedy but I bet one of them would hit the mark.

I like using the lots but I like playing devil’s advocate as well. I know astrology is a dubious pseudoscience but sometimes it’s uncannily accurate too. I’m going to collect more data on the lots so I can personally assess their rate of accuracy and any other interesting statistics I might find. The outcome of my findings may definitively validate or damage their credibility.

See also  Leo Sun Scorpio Moon Personality


Here is a list of Lots and their formulas for reference. You can also plug in your data and calculate them here.

Fortune = ASC + Moon – Sun (AM) :: ASC + Sun – Moon (PM)
Ability = ASC + Mars – Ruler of ASC
Abundance = ASC + Sun – Moon
Accident = ASC + Saturn – Mars
Accomplishment = ASC + Sun – Jupiter
Action/Reasoning = ASC + Mars – Mercury
Addiction = ASC + S. Node – Neptune
Administrators = ASC + Mars – Mercury
Agriculture = ASC + Saturn – Venus
Allegiance = ASC + Saturn – Sun
Ancestors/Relations = ASC + Mars – Saturn (AM) :: ASC + Saturn – Mars (PM)
Ancestral Heritage = ASC + Moon – Cusp 8th
Armies = ASC + Saturn – Mars
Art = ASC + Venus – Mercury
Assassination (1) = ASC + Ruler 12th – Neptune
Assassination (2) = Mars + Nepture – Uranus
Assurance = ASC + Jupiter – Mercury’
Astrology = ASC + Uranus – Mercury
Bad Luck = ASC + PO Fortune – PO Spirit
Bankruptcy (1) = Jupiter + Neptune – Uranus
Bankruptcy (2) = Jupiter + Jupiter – Uranus
Beauty = ASC + Venus – Sun
Benific Change = ASC + Pluto – Jupiter
Benevolence = ASC + Jupiter – Pluto
Business Partnerships = ASC + Cusp 7th – Ruler 10th
Cancer = ASC + Neptune – Jupiter
Catastrophe (1) = ASC + Uranus – Sun
Catastrophe (2) = ASC + Uranus – Saturn
Caution = ASC + Neptune – Saturn
Children = ASC + Saturn – Jupiter (AM) :: ASC + Jupiter – Saturn (PM)
Commerce (1) = ASC + Mercury – Sun
Commerce (2) = ASC + Mars – Sun
Controversy = ASC + Jupiter – Mars
Corruptness = ASC + Nepture – Venus
Curiosity = ASC + Moon – Mercury
Damage = ASC + Nepture – Venus
Daughters = ASC + Venus – Moon
Death = ASC + Cusp 8th – Moon
Death (Parents) = ASC + Jupiter – Saturn (AM) :: ASC + Saturn – Jupiter (PM)
Debt = ASC + Mercury – Saturn (AM) :: ASC + Saturn – Mercury (PM)
Desire, Sexual Attraction = ASC + Cusp 5th + Ruler 5th
Destiny = MC + Sun – Moon (AM) :: MC + Mooon – Sun (PM)
Destruction = ASC + Mars – Sun
Disease = ASC + Mars – Mercury
Divorce (1) = ASC + Venus – Cusp 7th
Divorce (2) = ASC = Cusp 7th – Saturn
Eccentricity = ASC + Mercury – Uranus
Energy, Sex Drive = ASC + Pluto – Venus
Expected Birth (1) = ASC + Ruler Moon’s house – Moon
Expected Birth (2) = ASC + Venus – Moon
Fame = ASC + Jupiter – Sun (AM) :: ASC + Sun – Jupiter
Famous Friends = ASC + PO Fortune – Sun
Fascination = ASC + Venus – Uranus
Fate (Karma) = ASC + Saturn – Sun
Father = ASC + Sun – Saturn (AM) :: ASC + Saturn – Sun (PM)
Fraud = ASC + Neptune – Sun
Friends (1) = ASC + Moon – Venus
Genius = ASC + Sun – Neptune
Grandparents (1) ASC + Jupiter – Cusp 2nd (AM) :: ASC + Cusp 2nd – Jupiter (PM)
Guidance = ASC + Neptune – Uranus
Happiness = ASC + Uranus – Jupiter
Homosexuality = ASC + Mars – Uranus
Horsemanship = ASC + Moon – Saturn
Identity = ASC + Saturn – Moon
Imprisonment = ASC + Sun – Neptune
Increase = ASC + Jupiter – Sun
Inheritance (1) ASC + Moon – Saturn
Inheritance (2) ASC + Jupiter – Venus
Journeys (Air) ASC + Uranus – Cusp 9th
Journeys (Land) = ASC + Cusp 9th – Ruler 9th
Kings, Rulers = ASC + Moon – Mercury
Knowledge = ASC + Moon – Mercury (AM) :: ASC + Mercury – Moon (PM)
Love = ASC + Venus – Sun
Lovers = Mars + Venus – Cusp 5th
Luck = ASC + Moon – Jupiter
Marriage = ASC + Cusp 7th – Venus
Marriage of Woman (1) = ASC + Saturn – Venus
Marriage of Woman (2) = ASC + Mars – Moon
Marriage of Man (1) = ASC + Venus – Saturn
Marriage of Man (2) ASC + Venus – Sun
Mother = ASC + Moon – Saturn
Partners = ASC + Cusp 7th – Venus
Peril = ASC + Cusp 8th – Saturn (AM) :: ASC + Saturn – Cusp 8th (PM)
Possessions = ASC + Cusp 2nd – Ruler 2nd
Real Estate (Land) = ASC + Moon – Saturn (AM) :: ASC + Saturn – Moon (PM)
Secret Enemies = ASC + Moon – Saturn
Short Journeys = ASC + Cusp 3rd – Ruler 3rd
Siblings = ASC + Saturn – Jupiter
Sickness = ASC + Mars – Saturn
Son-in-Laws = ASC + Venus – Saturn (AM) :: ASC + Saturn – Venus (PM)
Sons = Cusp 4th + Moon – Sun
Spirit = ASC + Sun – Moon (AM) :: ASC + Moon – Sun (PM)
Success = ASC + Jupiter – PO Fortune (AM) :: ASC + PO Fortune – Jupiter (PM)
Success (Investment) = ASC + Venus – Saturn
Suicide(1) = ASC + Cusp 8th – Neptune
Suicide(2) = ASC + Jupiter – Neptune
Surgery = ASC + Saturn – Mars (AM) :: ASC + Mars – Saturn (PM)
Tragedy = ASC + Saturn – Sun
Unusual Events = ASC + Uranus – Moon
Victory = ASC + Jupiter – PO Spirit (AM) :: ASC + PO Spirit – Jupiter (PM)
Weddings, Legal Contracts = Cusp 9th + Cusp 3rd – Venus
Widowhood = ASC + 08LI50 – Neptune


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Jetta Moon
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One thought on “The Lot of Fortune and Other Fictional Points in Astrology

  1. How do we use parts of Divorce? If it conj to someone would it mean they might be the reason for our divorce if we are already married to someone else?

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