all zodiac signs

The Most Horrible People in History of Each Zodiac Sign

What Each Zodiac Sign is Like as a Boss

What Each Zodiac Sign is Most Sensitive About

The Fatal Weakness of Each Zodiac Sign

The Wealthiest People In the World Of Each Zodiac Sign

How Psychotic Each Zodiac Sign Is (Ranked From Least to Most)

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Best Leader?

Which Zodiac Sign Has The Worst Temper?

Why You’re Single Based on Zodiac Sign
One of the most amazing things about being single is that if you want love, it feels like you’ll be forever alone. If you’re with someone, you may have forgotten what it’s like to be without your special someone (but chances are that you’ve fantasized about it at least once). Each sign is unique in how they manage to keep from entering into a long-term relationship.

The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign
One of the great tragedies of 21st century astrology writing is that so much of it is feel-good writing, as if astrology is some sort of convoluted, perpetual compliment to humans simply because they were born. Okay, it’s not all that bad, but we often look to astrology for validation, forgetting that where there is light, there is shadow, and in that shadow, the worst hides in the dark. Thus, every sign has a dark side, because no trait always manifests in positive ways. Here’s a taste of each sign’s dark side:

How Each Zodiac Sign Shows They Care
While we may look to Hallmark or love languages to tell us how people express their care, there’s actually more variety to love and nurturing than meets the eye. All of us have our own unique way of expressing love that is a mix our personalities and our own needs. In fact, each sign of the zodiac expresses care in a unique way.

The Trouble Each Zodiac Sign Gets Themselves Into
Every sun sign has traits that are particularly blessings to the sign, but there are no saints in the zodiac. Every sun sign has traits and expressions that simply attract trouble. Here’s a guide to how each sign gets itself into trouble from time to time (or, more often than that.):

Why Each Zodiac Sign Cheats
Love hurts. In a romantic relationship, commitment is everything and when one lover proves unfaithful, the damage it causes may be irreparable. Some relationships can survive the infidelity and move past it while others may even allow for it under certain conditions. Here is a breakdown of what likely causes each zodiac sign to cheat on their main squeeze.

Here Is Your 2018 Career Outlook Based On Zodiac Sign
For the most part 2018 is actually a great work year, as Saturn comes home to Capricorn. Mars, Saturn, and Pluto conjuncting Saturn in the first part of the year either frustrated or consolidates efforts to get ahead. Narrowing focus and being patient and picky about what you do is how you win.

What Each Zodiac Sign Craves In A Relationship
It may be easy to tell what each astrological sign finds attractive. You can use that to your advantage if you only want to hold someone’s attention for a little while. If you really want to seduce, you have to understand what someone craves.