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Secret Political MBTI Statistics | Myers Briggs

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  1. The first executive rule of Trump Club is: you do not talk about hand size.
  2. The second executive rule of Trump Club is: you DO NOT talk about crowd size!
  3. Third executive rule of Trump Club: if someone yells “racist!”, “misogynist”, or enters the U.S. illegally, they will be deported.
  4. Fourth rule: any member of the Trump cabinet who defies or obstructs the Trump agenda will be promptly fired.

Like it or not, the Trump administration is here and open for business, making many leftists unhappy – very unhappy in the process. Only weeks into his term, there has already been a handful of drama and tumult surrounding Trump’s activity. From fake news reports like the one of him removing the bust of MLK from the oval office, to virulent protests and riots directly or indirectly connected to him, to Alec Baldwin’s unflattering yet surprisingly good Trump impersonation on SNL, the Donald has been a political pinata for critics to whack unabashedly.

Among those opposed to him, Meryl Streep and Madonna have joined the anti-Trump bandwagon because you know, it’s very trendy right now. Interestingly, both Madonna and Meryl Streep have been typed as ESTPs – the same as Trump. Yet, they have taken an opposing stance against him. Where’s the loyalty? And is there any significant correlation between Myers Briggs type and political affiliation?

Granted, although Trump ran and won on the Republican ticket, he is not a typical Republican. In fact, he has been reported to have switched parties 5 times. This demonstrates that at least he is not a fixed-minded person and is able to change his views when necessary. Does that make him a flip-flopping charlatan? A phony? Depends, but in my opinion The Donald simply knows what he wants and goes for it, but is not as Machiavellian as he is often purported to be. Maybe just a tad, but it’s probably a good thing.

“ESTPs are big-thinking, action-oriented entrepreneurs – bold go-getters who go for what they want with great confidence in themselves. “


I believe it is understood and accepted that even among a group of ESTPs, there will undoubtedly be an amount of psychological diversity. You cannot discount the role of personal experience and other unique variables on the formation of a group of personalities regardless of their shared cognitive preferences. It is probably more like a sliding scale than a binary on/off switch. That said, one might suspect that certain personality types would correlate more highly with the values of one political group over another by virtue of their constituent function stack. Namely, it would be reasonable to expect Sensor types to identify with conservative views and intuitives with liberal ones.

Below is a table taken from a U.S. sample of 3000 people. It was part of data collected when Consulting Psychologists’ Press revised the MBTI in 1998. Political affiliation and mbti type was among the survey questions.

Myers Briggs type and political affiliation

politics and myers briggs table

As you can see, from observing the table, there are a few things that stand out:

  • xSTJs and xNTJs identify as Republican the most.
  • Democrat affiliation is lowest among rational types.
  • Democrats are represented highest among “SF” and “NF” types.
  • ESTJs mostly identify as Republican.
  • INTPs followed by ENTPs identify mostly as Independent.

Defining Conservatism Versus Liberalism

  • CONSERVATIVES – believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.
  • LIBERALS – believe in governmental action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all, and that it is the duty of the State to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Believe that people are basically good. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve people’s problems.

The MBTI Types and Political Issues

1. Gun Control 

  • Conservatives believe that individual Americans have a right to defend themselves and their families with guns and that right cannot be taken away by any method short of a Constitutional Amendment. The Second Amendment gives the individual the right to keep and bear arms. Gun control laws do not thwart criminals. You have a right to defend yourself against criminals. More guns mean less crime.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Sensing
    likely in favor by: ISTP, ESTP, ISFP, ESFP
  • Liberals believe by taking arms away from law abiding citizens, they can prevent criminals, who aren’t going to abide by gun control laws, from using guns in the commission of crimes. The Second Amendment gives no individual the right to own a gun, but allows the state to keep a militia (National Guard). Guns kill people. Guns kill children.
    Relevant function: Introverted Intuition
    Likely in favor by: INTJ, INFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ
See also  ENTP Personality Defined: The "Debater"

2. Affirmative Action

  • Conservatives believe that we should live in a color blind society where every individual is judged on the content of his character and the merits of his/her actions. People should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability. It is unfair to use race as a factor in the selection process. Reverse discrimination is not a solution for racism. 
    Relevant function: Introverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ISFP, ENFP, INFP, ENFP
  • Liberals believe that it’s okay to discriminate based on race as long as it primarily benefits minority groups. Due to prevalent racism in the past, minorities were deprived of the same education and employment opportunities as whites. We need to make up for that. Support affirmative action based on the belief that America is still a racist society. Minorities still lag behind whites in all statistical measurements of success. Also, the presence of minorities creates diversity.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ

3. Social Welfare

  • Conservatives oppose long-term welfare. We need to provide opportunities to make it possible for poor and low-income workers to become self-reliant. It is far more compassionate and effective to encourage a person to become self-reliant, rather than keeping them dependent on the government for money.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, INTJ
  • Liberals think that the solution to every problem is another government program. Even when those new programs create new problems, often worse than the ones that were being fixed in the first place, the solution is always….you guessed it, another government program. They support social welfare. They want welfare to provide for the poor. To liberals, conservatives oppose welfare because they are not compassionate toward the poor. We have welfare to bring fairness to American economic life. Without welfare, life below the poverty line would be intolerable.
    Relevant function: Introverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ISFP, ENFP, INFP, ENFP

4. Economy

  • Conservatives are capitalists and believe that entrepreneurs who amass great wealth through their own efforts are good for the country and shouldn’t be punished for being successful. The free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise afford the widest opportunity and the highest standard of living for all. Free markets produce more economic growth, more jobs and higher standards of living than those systems burdened by excessive government regulation.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Intuition, Extroverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ENTP, ENFP, ENTJ, ESTJ


  • Liberals are socialists who view successful business owners as people who cheated the system somehow or got lucky. That’s why they don’t respect high achievers and see them as little more than piggy banks for their programs. Favor a market system in which government regulates the economy. We need government to protect us against big businesses. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest. We need government regulation to level the playing field.
    Relevant function: Introverted Feeling, Introverted Sensing
    Likely in favor by: ISFP, INFP, ISTJ, ISFJ

5. Abortion

  • Conservatives believe that abortion ends the life of an innocent child and since we believe that infanticide is wrong, we oppose abortion. Human life begins at conception. Abortion is the murder of a human being. Nobody has the right to murder a human being. Support legislation to prohibit partial birth abortions, called the “Partial Birth Abortion Ban” (partial birth abortion – the killing of an unborn baby of at least 20 weeks by pulling it out of the birth canal with forceps, but leaving the head inside. An incision is made in the back of the baby’s neck and the brain tissue is suctioned out. The head is then removed from the uterus.)
    Relevant function: Introverted Sensing
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ
  • Liberals, largely believe that abortion ends the life of an innocent child, but they prefer killing the baby to inconveniencing the mother. A fetus is not a human life. The decision to have an abortion is a personal choice of a woman regarding her own body and the government should stay out of it. Women should be guaranteed the right to a safe and legal abortion, including partial birth abortion. Relevant function: Introverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ISTP, ENTP, INTP, ESTP
See also  6 High Paying Careers For ENTJ

6. Government

  • Conservatives, but not necessarily Republicans (which is unfortunate), believe it’s vitally important to the future of the country to reduce the size of government, keep taxes low, balance the budget, and get this country out of debt. Conservatives believe that government, by its very nature, tends to be inefficient, incompetent, wasteful, and power hungry. That’s why we believe that the government that governs least, governs best.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, INTJ
  • Liberals, and Democrats for that matter, believe in big government, high taxes, and they have never met a new spending program they didn’t like, whether we will have to go into debt to pay for it or not.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ

7. Religion

  • Conservatives believe the phrase “separation of church and state” is not in the Constitution. The First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This prevents the government from establishing a national church. However, it does not prevent God from being acknowledged in schools and government buildings. Oppose the removal of symbols of Christian heritage from public and government spaces. Government should not interfere with religion and religious freedom.
    Relevant function: Introverted Sensing
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ
  • Liberals, most of them anyway, are hostile to Christianity. That’s why, whether you’re talking about a school play at Christmas time, a judge putting the Ten Commandments on the wall of his court, or a store employee saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays,” liberals are dedicated to driving reminders of Christianity from polite society. They support the separation of church and state. Religious expression has no place in government. Support the removal of all references to God in public and government spaces.
    Relevant function: Introverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ISFP, ENFP, INFP, ENFP 

8. Death Penalty

  • Conservatives believe the death penalty is a punishment that fits the crime; it is neither ‘cruel’ nor ‘unusual’. Executing a murderer is the appropriate punishment for taking an innocent life.
    Relevant function: Introverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ISTP, ENTP, INTP, ESTP

  • Liberals believe we should abolish the death penalty. The death penalty is inhumane and is ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. It does not deter crime. Imprisonment is the appropriate punishment. Every execution risks killing an innocent person.
    Relevant function: Introverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ISFP, ENFP, INFP, ENFP 

9. Education

  • Conservatives advocate for school vouchers to give all parents the right to choose good schools for their children, not just those who can afford private schools. Parents (who pay the taxes that fund the schools) should decide how and where to educate their child.
    Relevant function: Introverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ISFP, ENFP, INFP, ENFP
  • Liberals believe School vouchers are untested experiments. We need to focus on more funding for existing public schools -to raise teacher salaries and reduce class size.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ

10. The Environment

  • Conservatives desire clean water, clean air and a clean planet, just like everyone else. However, extreme environmental policies destroy jobs and damage the economy. Changes in global temperatures are natural over long periods of time. So far, science has not shown that humans can affect permanent change to the earth’s temperature. 
    Relevant function: Extroverted Sensing
    likely in favor by: ISTP, ESTP, ISFP, ESFP
  • Liberals believe Conservatives don’t care about protecting the environment. Industrial growth harms the environment. Global warming is caused by an increased production of carbon dioxide. The U.S. is a major contributor to global warming because it produces 25% of the world’s carbon dioxide. The U.S. should enact laws to significantly reduce that amount. 
    Relevant function: Extroverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, INTJ 

11. Healthcare

  • Conservatives believe that free healthcare provided by the government (socialized medicine) means that everyone will get the same poor-quality healthcare. The rich will continue to pay for superior healthcare, while all others will receive poor-quality free healthcare from the government. Health care should remain privatized. Support Healthcare Spending Accounts. 
    Relevant function: Extroverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, INTJ
  • Liberals support universal government-supervised health care. There are millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance. They are being deprived of a basic right to healthcare.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ
See also  The Mischief Each Myers Briggs Type Gets Themselves Into

12. Immigration

  • Conservatives support legal immigration at current numbers, but do not support illegal immigration. Government should enforce immigration laws. Oppose President Bush’s amnesty plan for illegal immigrants. Those who break the law by entering the U.S. illegally should not have the same rights as those who obey the law by entering legally. If there were a decrease in cheap, illegal immigrant labor, employers would have to substitute higher priced domestic employees, legal immigrants, or perhaps increase mechanization.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Sensing
    likely in favor by: ISTP, ESTP, ISFP, ESFP
  • Liberals support legal immigration and increasing the number of legal immigrants permitted to enter the U.S. each year. Support blanket amnesty for current illegal immigrants. Believe that regardless of how they came to the U.S., illegal immigrants deserve: – U.S. government financial aid for college tuition. – visas for spouse/children to come to the U.S. Families shouldn’t be separated. Illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans do not want to do. 
    Relevant function: Extroverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ

13. Same-Sex Marriage

  • Conservatives insist that marriage is between one man and one woman. Opinions differ on support for the creation of a constitutional amendment establishing marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Believe that requiring citizens to sanction same-sex relationships violates moral and religious beliefs of millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims and others who believe marriage is the union of a man and a woman.
    Relevant function: Introverted Sensing
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ
  • Liberals believe marriage should be legal for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples to ensure equal rights for all. All individuals, regardless of their sex, have the right to marry. Believe that prohibiting same-sex citizens from marrying denies them of their civil rights. Opinions differ on whether this issue is equal to civil rights for African Americans. 
    Relevant function: Extroverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ

14. Social Security

  • Conservatives believe the current Social Security system is in serious financial trouble. Changes are necessary because the U.S. will be unable to maintain the current system it in the future. Support proposal to allow a portion of Social Security dollars withheld to be put into an account chosen by the individual, not the government. 
    Relevant function: Introverted Intuition
    Likely in favor by: INTJ, INFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ


  • Liberals generally oppose change to the current Social Security system. Opinions vary on whether the current system is in financial trouble. Changing the current system will cause people to lose their Social Security benefits. Support a cap on Social Security payments to the wealthy. 
    Relevant function: Introverted Feeling
    Likely in favor by: ISFP, ENFP, INFP, ENFP 

15. Taxation

  • Conservatives support lower taxes and a smaller government. Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it.
    Relevant function: Introverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ISTP, ENTP, INTP, ESTP
  • Liberals support higher taxes and a larger government. High taxes enable the government to do good and create jobs. We need high taxes for social welfare programs, to provide for the poor. We can’t afford to cut taxes.
    Relevant function: Extroverted Thinking
    Likely in favor by: ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, INTJ





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Jetta Moon
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3 thoughts on “Secret Political MBTI Statistics | Myers Briggs

  1. Many of descriptions of the differences between Conservatives and Liberals on issues are biased and inaccurately portray the views and ideologies of Liberalism. “Liberals, and Democrats for that matter, believe in big government, high taxes, and they have never met a new spending program they didn’t like, whether we will have to go into debt to pay for it or not.” “Liberals are socialists who view successful business owners as people who cheated the system somehow or got lucky. That’s why they don’t respect high achievers and see them as little more than piggy banks for their programs.” Come on, seriously? These, amongst others, sound as if they were written by a conservative with a chip on their shoulder.

  2. I’m an ISTJ, and on thebconservative side of every issue. How this article claims that ISTJ’s favor liberal postitiond on certain issues is beyond me. Maybe it’s time to check the numbers again.

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