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ESTJ Personality Type: the “Executive”

estj personality

Decisive, orderly and dependable, the ESTJ is a pragmatic extrovert with an interest in logistics and technical systems. They are type A personalities who believe in doing things by the book and toeing the line. They seek to be seen as respectable and tough but morally sound. Male ESTJs tend to come across as macho and masculine. The female ESTJs may sometimes feel pressure to try and downplay their assertive qualities but are generally secure with their femininity.

It is estimated that roughly 10% of the population are this type. People of this type tend to be pillars of their community and can be found in many leadership roles such as school administrators, teachers and managers. Even from an early age, they show themselves to be “take-charge” types. They challenge authority only to test how reliable it is.

They prize long term security and structure and these are features they seek in an ideal job. Surveys rank the ESTJ among the top 4 types in college GPA scores. They are also ranked 3rd highest in reporting emotional exhaustion and burnout. These individuals are concerned with the facts and concrete details of reality. They tend to think and communicate in literal terms rather than symbolically.

ESTJ women in particular have been found to rank among the lowest on measures of creativity. Abstract hypotheticals and theories tend to be treated with pessimism and skepticism. Their thinking tends to fall along black and white lines of logic.

Roses are red, violets are blue and that’s that. ESTJs rely on external objective standards to provide the essential order and structure they feel is necessary in the world. They are compelled to create rules and guidelines and are serious about their enforcement. They are procedural and systematic in how they go about the performance of their duties.

Duty of course, is an important word to this personality type. Much like the ISTJ, ESTJs take seriously whatever responsibilities they are entrusted with. They tend to be reliable and show a lot of initiative; spearheading projects and carrying out important tasks.

They think pragmatically, and are persuaded by evidence and logic. Emotional appeals have less impact on them but that is not to say that they are without compassion. These persons are often motivated by achievement and care a great deal about reputation and their standing amongst peers and colleagues.

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They aspire to be someone important and desire to be in a position where they can exercise their strategic powers and organizational skills. For ESTJ, there is no substitute for hard work although they will seek to employ the most efficient means possible to accomplish their ends.

They do what works for them and they are not interested in disrupting the working order of an established system unless they are convinced it will work better. However, they are typically not the ones to propose such changes. When problems arise, they tend to look to the past as a model or point of reference for how best to solve them. Although they are capable of employing creativity in their problem solving process, they by and large, choose the most practical option.

This extends to the people they rely on. ESTJs put their trust in systems and procedures and they don’t trust people who cut corners or try to beat the system in the name of ingenuity. As an extrovert who enjoys spending much of their time presiding over external systems or playing a part in their facilitation,

They are often very busy and industrious and are always looking for ways to improve themselves and their circumstances. This can lead them to even enroll in seminars and night classes or listen to instructional tapes. They may continue their education well into their advanced years.

The more intelligent ones can over time work their way up the ranks into prominent positions. They are concerned with building and sustaining foundations and institutions. They are also concerned with the social order and moral codes. ESTJs seek to uphold time honored traditions and standards of quality.

They are inclined to become active members of various organizations they think are important to their community. They are vocal about their concerns and seek to occupy positions in which they can affect and enforce policies. In leadership positions, they are comfortable making decisions and giving directives to others. They believe that the powers of authority are both an obligation and a privilege.

In positions of authority, ESTJs believe they are obligated to lead honorably and responsibly but they also expect their subordinates to comply and obey almost without question. They are straightforward and easy to understand because they don’t care to put on a charade or be shy about who they are and how they think.

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People will generally always know where ESTJ stands on a matter. This type can have a penchant for rushing to judgment however, and are often not apt to patiently listen to those who disagree with them. They will typically feel obliged to participate in formal ceremonies and events and may often do so in an orchestral capacity. Socially, they are humorous and opinionated and are known for having a lot to say on virtually any subject.

ESTJ Strengths:

  • Natural Leaders: ESTJs are often natural leaders, taking charge and organizing others efficiently.
  • Responsible: They take their duties seriously and are committed to meeting their obligations.
  • Organized: ESTJs excel in organizing tasks, schedules, and environments to ensure efficiency.
  • Detail-Oriented: They pay close attention to details, making them effective in quality control.
  • Practical Thinkers: ESTJs approach problems with a practical and logical mindset, focusing on solutions.
  • Decisive: They are quick decision-makers, unafraid to make tough choices in pursuit of their goals.
  • Efficient Planners: ESTJs are skilled at planning and organizing, ensuring that tasks are completed systematically.
  • Clear Communicators: They express their thoughts clearly and assertively, ensuring effective communication.
  • Loyal and Dependable: ESTJs are loyal to their friends, family, and organizations, often becoming dependable pillars.
  • Adaptable: Despite their structured nature, ESTJs can adapt to changing circumstances effectively.

ESTJ Weaknesses:

  • Inflexibility: ESTJs may resist change and be perceived as inflexible, preferring established routines.
  • Bluntness: They may prioritize efficiency over sensitivity, potentially appearing blunt or critical.
  • Impatience: ESTJs may become frustrated with inefficiency or when others fail to meet their expectations.
  • Difficulty with Ambiguity: They may struggle in situations with ambiguity and prefer clear guidelines.
  • Intolerance for Inefficiency: ESTJs may become frustrated with those they perceive as inefficient or unproductive.
  • Resistance to New Ideas: They may be resistant to unconventional ideas, preferring established methods.
  • Tendency to Overwork: ESTJs may prioritize work to the extent of neglecting personal well-being or work-life balance.
  • Difficulty Delegating: Due to their desire for control, they may find it challenging to delegate tasks to others.
  • Insensitivity to Feelings: They may prioritize logic over empathy, potentially overlooking the emotional aspects of a situation.
  • Difficulty with Relaxation: ESTJs may struggle to relax, constantly seeking productivity and achievement.
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Famous ESTJ People:

  • Frank Sinatra – Singer and Actor
  • John D. Rockefeller – Industrialist and Philanthropist
  • Judge Judy (Judith Sheindlin) – TV Personality and Former Judge
  • Harrison Ford – Actor
  • Julius Caesar – Roman General and Statesman
  • Lyndon B. Johnson – 36th President of the United States
  • Jackie Joyner-Kersee – Olympic Athlete
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower – 34th President of the United States
  • Cristiano Ronaldo – Footballer

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Jetta Moon
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