mbti list

16 Thieves: What Each of the 16 personalities Will Likely Steal From You
Possessions, ideas, trust, or hearts – what's most at stake when you interact with each Myers-Briggs type? In this post, we'll delve into the different Myers-Briggs types and explore what each is most likely to "steal" from you. Bear in mind, this is a light-hearted and speculative exploration of personality types, not a guide to…
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33 Signs You Are A Highly Rational Thinker.
As any thinking person knows, it is important to be rational. Rationality allows us to see the world as it really is and make decisions based on logic and evidence. It is a cornerstone of successful businesses and personal relationships. But being a rational thinker isn't all about being logical and efficient - it also…
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18 Signs an INFP Likes You.
image credit: Ivan Kazlouskij With INFP, it can be hard to tell when they like someone. They're introverts, so they won't always show their feelings on the outside. But there are some tell-tale signs that an INFP likes you. Here are 18 of them: (more…)
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These Are the 3 Most Dangerous MBTI Types
image credit: Sebastiaan Stam It's a well-known fact that some MBTI types are more dangerous than others. When it comes to the most dangerous MBTI types, there are three that stand out above the rest. Here are the three most dangerous types, according to my completely unscientific and entirely personal opinion: (more…)
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How To Spot An INTP (Plus 15 Brutal Truths About INTPs)
The INTP is one of the rarer personality types, making up only about 3% of the population. They are often seen as brilliant yet eccentric thinkers, and they have a reputation for being difficult to understand. People of this type are notoriously difficult to spot. In fact, they're often mistaken for other personality types altogether.…
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INFJ Bad Romance: 6 Common INFJ Relationship Problems
When it comes to relationships, INFJs do not mess around. They don’t give their hearts away easily and so when they do choose to invest themselves in a relationship, it is with serious intent. They are out to find a soulmate or at least someone who fits nicely into their long term future. Although they…
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INFP Paradoxes: 5 Contradicting Quirks of the INFP Personality
The INFP personality is noted as an introvert who is receptive, sincere, imaginative and highly sensitive. These types are preoccupied with moral values, self identity, and personal fulfillment. They are also fond of romance and cherish the bonds they manage to form with people who understand and value them for who they are. One of…
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INFP vs INFJ: 5 Features That Set Them Apart
As introverted idealists, the INFP and INFJ share many similarities. They are both introverted, abstract and imaginative. They also share a stronger regard for their humanity than for technical knowledge and cold logic. Because they are both INFX types, they appear very similar but in fact share none of the same cognitive functions. Each of…
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How Bossy You Are Based on MBTI Type
Are you bossy or toady? Does telling people what to do come naturally to you or is it something you avoid? Here is a look at how bossy you are likely to be based on MBTI type.
ENFJ In a somewhat patronizing way, ENFJs tend to feel they understand what is best for…
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What Each MBTI Type is Most Hated For
No matter who you are, there’s always going to be someone who despises your existence. Either out of jealousy, negative perceptions, misconceptions or fundamental differences, some people will just not be a fan of what you’ve got going on. When it comes to the 16 MBTI personalities, there are some distinct qualities about each type…
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7 Pitfalls That INTPs Should Avoid
Self-sabotage is a counterproductive pattern of behavior where individuals undermine their own success, happiness, or well-being. It often stems from deep-rooted fears, insecurities, or negative beliefs about oneself. While it may offer temporary relief or validation of these beliefs, it ultimately hinders personal growth and fulfillment. Engaging in self-sabotage can lead to missed opportunities, damaged…
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The Spirit Animal of Each MBTI Type
Unless you live inside a Disney movie, animals can’t speak. The quirky animal sidekicks you can get in life tend to focus on eating stuff they shouldn’t, instead of making witty one-liners. But despite it all, animals have a personality. And very distinctive ones at that, too. Dogs do not act like cats or penguins.…
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The Librarian Specialty Best Suited for Each MBTI Type
Here are the Library Specialties each MBTI type is likely to be found in based on interviews taken straight out of the MBTI Manual. (more…)
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The School of Philosophy You Live By Based on MBTI type
Each of the 16 personality types have a way of life and perspective that is meaningful to them on account of their cognitive preferences. These cognitive preferences can likely be distilled into different philosophies that each MBTI type implicitly follows. Here is a look at the school of philosophy that you likely live by according…
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INFJ in Love: 6 Things To Love About INFJ.
When it comes to love and romance, INFJs have a lot to offer. They are fairy tail romantics with lofty ideals. They are emotionally complex and enigmatic. To woo them, you will have to prove yourself an interesting and layered individual in your own right. Getting to know them better can be a challenge, but…
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