Scorpio sun Gemini moon

Scorpio Sun Gemini Moon Personality

The Scorpio sun Gemini moon combination suggests a personality that is both intense and exciting. They can swing from one extreme to the next and probably have a tendency to bore easily. They need a certain amount of variety to keep them satisfied and they enjoy being with people and having interesting people with whom they can talk about their myriad of interests.

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The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign

The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign

One of the great tragedies of 21st century astrology writing is that so much of it is feel-good writing, as if astrology is some sort of convoluted, perpetual compliment to humans simply because they were born. Okay, it’s not all that bad, but we often look to astrology for validation, forgetting that where there is light, there is shadow, and in that shadow, the worst hides in the dark. Thus, every sign has a dark side, because no trait always manifests in positive ways. Here’s a taste of each sign’s dark side:

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1212 angel number

The Angel Number 1212 – An Angelic Reminder of Divine Support

You glance at the clock exactly at 12:12. This happens not only once but repeatedly. And while reading the newspaper you encounter the same number again. A few days later, while driving your car, you see the number on a licence plate. Is this a coincidence? Number 1212 is one of the sacred, angelic numbers, and carries many beautiful meanings, which will be discussed further in this article. The Angel Numbers can appear in your life in many different forms and ways, and you may encounter them in strange places. Always pay attention to these numbers, as they carry important messages. When you repeatedly see the number 12 or 1212 in your environment, it is definitely not a coincidence. Constantly encountering any sacred number is a sign of the divine trying to tell you something. The angels have a message for you, so pay attention to it.

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pisces and taurus compatibility

Pisces and Taurus Compatibility: Love and Friendship

Pisces and Taurus compatibility Do Pisces and Taurus go together? Taurus and Pisces are sextile, or two signs apart. While this isn’t necessarily an effortless combination, it’s a rewarding one, because Taurus and Pisces give each other something the other one lacks. Taurus is earthy, solid, staid, patient, and sensual. Pisces is dreamy, imaginative, humble,…
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